More interesting and with greater political intrigue than previous seasons. Still has some issues with direction and an abundance of seemingly unnecessary details.
Nov 26, 2022 • Subscribe
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Overlord IV
Welcome back to the story of a man completely out of his depth that is very much the living embodiment of ‘fake it till you make it’. Though…

Overlord IV
FINALLY! The pipe dream has come true! I’m talking about Overlord IV! Yeah! I suppose 4 years feels like a really long time to wait for another sequel…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Overlord IV
Overlord IV is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....

Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 4
My review of Overlord IV episode 4 is up over on Anime News Network. Click here to read it!
Overlord IV – 02
「リ・エスティーゼ王国」 (Ri Esutiize Oukoku) "Re-Estize Kingdom" It's a party to die for.
Overlord IV – 12
「王都侵攻」 (Outo Shinkou) "Invasion of the Royal Capital" I think we all know how this story ends.
Overlord IV – 11
「張り巡らされた罠」 (Harimegurasaseta Wana) "Well-prepared Traps" Actor meets dragon.
Overlord IV – 03
「バハルス帝国」 (Baharusu Teikoku) "Baharuth Empire" Jircniv might want to start praying harder.
Overlord IV – 09
「滅亡への始まり」 (Metsubou e no Hajimari) "Countdown to Extinction" That's one way to make an entrance.
Overlord IV – 05
「ドワーフの国を求めて」 (Dowaafu no Kuni o Motomete) "In Pursuit of the Land of Dwarves" Neurotic vampires and dwarves mixing with the undead: there's a Warhammer joke in here somewhere.
Overlord IV – 08
「計算外の一手」 (Keisangai no Itte) "An Unexpected Move" Stupidity knows no bounds.
Overlord IV – 04
「謀略の統治者」 (Bouryaku no Touchisha) "The Ruler of Conspiracy" Well that escalated quickly.
Overlord IV – 01
「アインズ・ウール・ゴウン魔導国」 (Ainzu Uuru Goun Madou Kuni) "Sorcerous Nation of Ainz Ooal Gown" Kingdom building one lap cuddle at a time.
Overlord IV – 06
「迫りくる危機」 (Semarikuru Kiki) "The Impending Crisis" Wait, there's dwarves which don't like alcohol?
Overlord IV – 10
「最後の王」 (Saigo no Ou) "The Last King" Heavy is the head which wears the crown.
Overlord IV – 07
「霜の竜王」 (Shimo no Ryuuou) "Frost Dragon Lord" Dragon harem get!

Overlord IV Episode 4 Review – Best In Show
Overlord IV Episode 4: Ainz Ooal Gown is on a mission. He wants to recruit adventurers. How will Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix react?
Overlord IV – 13 (END)
「滅国の魔女」 (Mekkoku no Majo) "The Witch of the Falling Kingdom" Climb might soon regret thinking with the wrong head.

Overlord IV Review — B-
Our favorite evil undead overlord is back.

Overlord IV Episode Guide
Overlord IV Episode Guide: Ains tries nation-building. Then a stupid nobleman in the Re-Estize Kingdom defied him. How ill Ains react?
![Featured image for Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 13 [Season Finale]](
![Background image for Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 13 [Season Finale]](
Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 13 [Season Finale]
My review of Overlord IV episode 13 is up over on Anime News Network.

Overlord IV – 11 – Knocked Back
After a solemn scene of King Ramposa mourning Zanac’s sure demise and excusing the palace staff in hopes some might get away under cover of night, Ampetif Cocco…

Overlord IV: Jesus Christ Renner…
If you’ve read my blog, then you know that my time with Overlord has been a love-hate sort of relationship. I tried it, didn’t like it, tried it…

Overlord IV – 05 – Field Trip
I love it when Ainz isn’t around and the Floor Guardians just shoot the breeze. When Demiurge arrives to find Ainz is away, Albedo asks him why it’s…

Overlord IV – 04 – Away Game
As soon as Albedo departs from E-Rantel for her special envoy mission, Ainz takes a trip of his own, using Gate to slip into the Imperial capital of…

Overlord IV – 03 – Muddy Waters
I’m glad the show rewound a bit to show us Albedo setting off on her envoy mission, because it shows us how much Momonga cares about her, fussing…

Ainz MOUNTS Cocytus! | Overlord Season 4
Ainz mounts Cocytus in Overlord season 4 episode 5, is this becoming simplord? First was Phillip and now Cocytus, lord have mercy for these men. If you enjoyed the…

Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 5
My review of Overlord IV episode 4 is up over on Anime News Network. Click here to read it!

Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 11
My review of Overlord IV episode 11 is up over on Anime News Network.

Overlord IV – 08 – The Dumbest Noble
The Dwarven arc is…done, I guess? Moving on, we return to the Re-Estize Kingdom, where royal siblings Zanac and Renner discuss what to do about the Sorcerer Kingdom.…

Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 9
My review of Overlord IV episode 9 is up over on Anime News Network.

Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 12
My review of Overlord IV episode 12 is up over on Anime News Network.

Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 6
My review of Overlord IV episode is up over on Anime News Network. Click here to read it!

Overlord IV – 06 – Runes for Revival
Feo Jera is about to be besieged by the Quagoa, and the Drawves’ scant military contingent prepares for the fight of their lives, but their general is suddenly…

Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 8
My review of Overlord IV episode 8 is up over on Anime News Network. Click here to read it!

Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 7
My review of Overlord IV episode 7 is up over on Anime News Network. Click here to read it!

Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 10
My review of Overlord IV episode 10 is up over on Anime News Network.

Overlord Season 4: NPCs are in Charge
NPCs run Nazarick, not Ainz.
Overlord IV - Episode 1 - Albedo Waggles Wings
Albedo couldn't contain her excitement at the idea of sitting on Ainz's lap. It's a dream come true! Overlord IV - Episode 1.

Weekly Review — Overlord IV Episode 1-3
My review of Overlord IV episode 1 is up over on Anime News Network. Click here to read it!

Overlord IV – 09 – Baking a Softer Biscuit
After chastising a courtier for interrupting her, Albedo cuts to the chase: The Sorcerer Kingdom is declaring war on the Re-Estize Kingdom, but they won’t deploy their forces…
Overlord IV - Episode 3 - Albedo Puckers Lips
Albedo claimed that a kiss from Ainz would protect her from colds and other infections. Pucker up, My Lord! Overlord IV - Episode 3.
Overlord IV - Episode 2 - Albedo Grinds Teeth
Albedo could barely stand a rude human touching her bare skin. Her body is meant for only one overpowered, undead being! Overlord IV - Episode 2.

Overlord IV – 13 (Fin) – Princess Front-Renner
We open on Mare, perched on a rooftop, surveying the Royal Capital, and suddenly he starts to weep. Is the meekest, gentlest Floor Guardian lamenting having to kill…

Overlord IV – 10 – The Pursuit of Happiness
When the Floor Guardians note how easily the man in the red powered suit defeated two Death Knights, Ainz breaks out his patented “Just as expected”, awing his underlings…
Overlord IV - Episode 11 - Albedo Flaps Wings
Albedo checked the strength of the attacks against her, but she was not impressed. It did not even harm one feather. Overlord IV - Episode 11
Overlord IV - Episode 10 - Shalltear Waves Arms
Oh, oh! Shalltear knows the answer! Shalltear knows why a top-level adventurer appeared. Pick her! Pick her! Overlord IV - Episode 10

Overlord Season 4: Ainz Ooal Gown World Perception
Ainz Ooal Gown is acting like he is in a game, while slaughtering nations.

Overlord (Season One)
Momonga was still logged in when the Yggdrasil servers were shut down. However, the game continued. Well, it looked like the game except all of the NPCs were…
Overlord IV - Episode 9 - Lilynette Makes a Request
The adventurer Lilynette asked a besieged king for a surprising reward. She asked to be the concubine of one of his sons. Overlord IV - Episode 9