Thirteenth episode review It took a while, but finally, we’re on the last episode of the first half of the second season. Last we checked the heroes were getting completely screwed over by th…
Kvasir 369's Anime, Manga, and Game Blog
Sep 18, 2022 • Subscribe
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Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 2 [Review]
Second Episode Review is finally done. Well, this took longer than it should have but I’ve been quite busy elsewhere. Anyway, we’ll be doing a Recap & Review…
Tiger & Bunny 2 Episodes 1-13
If you were worried about Tiger & Bunny's return, Caitlin Moore is here to reassure you that this new season's first half should please long-time fans.
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 19 [Review]
Barnaby has to face the fear that he has been betrayed once more by someone he cared about as the villains move. After another slight break, we’re moving…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 15 [Review]
The visuals on the new ending credits are amazing. Now we’re onto the fifteenth episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II. The return of Kotetsu & Barnaby to the hero…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 11 [Review]
Eleventh episode review And now we’re on the 11th episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II: Every cloud has a silver lining. It is here that we get a…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 12 [Review]
Twelfth episode review And now we’re on the 12th episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II: Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. With Barnaby awake, will the odds turn in…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 24 [Review]
The dream team that I never knew I wanted until this episode. Finally made it to the twenty-fourth episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II. Lunatic is under the control…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 22 [Review]
Kotetsu is giving it his all even with his powers on the decline because at his heart he is a hero. Now we arrive at the twenty-second episode…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 14 [Review]
Back in action! Okay, it’s finally the start of the second half of Tiger & Bunny Season II. Last time the heroes managed to get out of the issue of…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 21 [Review]
Barnaby has to come to terms with this potentially being his last outing as a hero Back to the twenty-first episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II. The heroes have…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 20 [Review]
Kotetsu has to face a lot of hard facts in this episode. But he’ll stick with his convictions. Back to the twentieth episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II. Kotetsu…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 9 [Review]
Ninth episode review And now we’re covering the 9th episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II: Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain. Barnaby is…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 6 [Review]
Sixth episode review And onto the 6th episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II: Youth Should Be Regarded With Respect. This episode follows the relationship between Dragon Kid and…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 4 [Review]
The fourth episode Review is up. We’re onto the fourth episode of the second season of Tiger & Bunny, known as “Never put off till tomorrow what you…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 17 [Review]
The heroes have been cast out of their roles, making this feel poignant. Now we’re onto the seventeenth episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II. The outbreak of X incidents…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 8 [Review]
Eighth episode review And onto the 8th episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II: You can’t judge a book by its cover. This episode gives us backstory on Thomas,…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 5 [Review]
Fifth episode review Well, getting back to this since few of the Summer Anime have caught my eyes, and I have some time to keep reviewing stuff, we’ll…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 7 [Review]
Seventh episode review And now the 7th episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II: Out of the mouths of babes oft times come gems. This episode has the return…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 10 [Review]
Tenth episode review And now we’re on the 10th episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II: Pride comes before a fall. The heroes are being targeted and we don’t…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 18 [Review]
The heroes have never felt more powerless than they have now. And that makes them all the more human. After a slight break, we’re moving to the eighteenth…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 16 [Review]
I wonder if the end credits are foreshadowing something. Now we’re onto the sixteenth episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II. More and more NEXT are going out of control…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 23 [Review]
Perhaps the most dangerous NEXT there is has fallen right into Gregory’s hands. Onto the twenty-third episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II. The heroes have intercepted the escapin…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 1 [Review]
I didn’t snip anything from the episode so enjoy this stock image of best boys. Well, Netflix just decided to drop the entirety of Season 2 on their…
Tiger & Bunny 2 – 12-13 (Season Finale)
I guess that's what it is? Read more
Tiger & Bunny 2: Episode 25 [Season Review]
And so it ends as it began with the Legendary Buddy Duo. We’re finally here! The twenty-fifth and final episode of Tiger & Bunny Season II. With Kotetsu being driven…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Precious Eve Second PV [Tiger & Bunny]
Another Tiger & Bunny 2 PV dropped, though since I can’t read Japanese I can’t tell much about the trailer other than it looks like a lot of…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Precious Eve Official Trailer [Tiger & Bunny]
The Tiger & Bunny 2 Official Trailer dropped since the series is coming back in less than a month. All the old favorites are back in action, along…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Precious Eve Announcement PV [Tiger & Bunny]
Years ago, I watched a show called Tiger & Bunny. I loved it as it took a look at commercialized superheroes akin to Ratman (the manga) and that…
Tiger and Bunny Season 2 Review
No post summary was provided.
[Review] Tiger & Bunny 2, Part 1
It’s nothing short of amazing to me that I’ll be posting back-to-back reviews about anime sequels a decade past their original series, first Thermae Romae, and now Tiger…
Tiger & Bunny 2 – 05
This is not a sequel that seems to be going for a major update of the premise (or even a refresh). Read more
Tiger & Bunny
Tiger & Bunny (2011) Ah, superheroes who have problems beyond saving the world. This is an ‘old’ series now, (first airing back in 2011) featuring a lot of…
Tiger & Bunny 2 – 08-09
There's lots of name-dropping here that's either new info or evidence that ten years is a long time where my memory is concerned. Read more
First Look: Tiger & Bunny 2
Kotetsu T. Kaburagi and Barnaby Brooks Jr. are back at it as the dynamic superhero duo Tiger and Bunny, fighting crime on the hit reality TV series, “HERO…
Tiger & Bunny 2 – 10-11
It's impossible to ignore the thematic overlap between Tiger & Bunny and Boku no Hero Academia these days. Read more
Tiger & Bunny 2 – 06-07
It's always interesting to see Tiger in dad mode. Read more
Tiger & Bunny 2 – 03-04
Four episodes into Tiger & Bunny 2, I think what strikes me more than anything is how alike to the first season it is. Read more
Tiger & Bunny 2 14-25
The last set of episodes for the much anticipated Tiger & Bunny sequel will bring you closure, but it fails to connect its shiny new characters with its…
Tiger & Bunny 2: Part 2 Trailer
The trailer for Tiger & Bunny 2: Part 2 has come out and it looks like after sitting on his butt for the last twelve episodes we’ll get…
Tiger & Bunny 3: Episode 3 [Review]
Third Episode Review is up. Time for the Recap & Review of the third episode of the second season of Tiger & Bunny: “Suspicion will raise bogies.” Recap The…
Tiger & Bunny S2
Oh well. Here is another old anime that has been dug up to be given a sequel. However I am not sure if they waited this long to…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!
First (and Second) Impressions – Tiger & Bunny 2
There's an interesting feeling when you reconnect with a series after this long - almost like time travel. Read more
A (not really) First Impression: Tiger & Bunny 2 – Episode 1
First of all, I just want to extend my coldest regards to Netflix for basically killing any chance of hype for Tiger & Bunny 2 – an anime…
TIGER & BUNNY S2 Episode 1 [First Impression]
Eva's First Impression After an eternity, Tiger & Bunny is finally back with a second season! They had quite a chilling start, with shit going south for Barnaby…
Tiger & Bunny – Nostalgia and Responsability
Have you watched Tiger & Bunny? I have and I think you should too. Let me tell you why in a lot of detail. There's also pictures!
Tiger & Bunny 16 – Livin’ the Dream
Give me a couple of years Kotetsu, I’ll be finding myself in a dumpster too. While I’m still deciding which shows I should blog this season, the shows…
Tiger & Bunny Episodes 1-13: And Now, A Word From Our Sponsors!
During my wilderness years away from the anime fandom, there were not many shows I watched. In fact I can probably count on one half of one hand…
The Newtypes Episode 27: Tiger & Bunny and Blazblue Chronophantasma
Welcome to Episode 27 of The Newtypes podcast, where after a year of not recording (and 6 months of not uploading), 3 opinionated saber rattlers begin bickering about…
Tiger & Bunny 17 – Speculations on Kaede’s Role
No dad. “Hey, hey! Remember when you were feeling really bad about last week’s episode? Well, there’s always hope you know? Things might turn out for the better.…
This Week in Anime - Your Tiger & Bunny Primer
Want to know what all the hubbub is about the superhero series Tiger & Bunny but haven't seen the original season? Fear not, citizens! Jean-Karlo and Nicky are…