A beautiful, raw, rattling ride focusing on human trauma in a non-pandering way. For about 70% of the way, then has a disappointing finish.
Jun 24, 2022 • Subscribe
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Wonder Egg Priority
A beautifully sad parade of personalities.
Wonder Egg Priority – 10
「告白」 (Kokuhaku) "Confession" Panic, nooooo!
Wonder Egg Priority – 06
「パンチドランク・デー」 (Panchi Doranku Dee) "Punch Drunk Day" I feel like we can't trust the adult men in this show - be it mannequins or guidance counselors.
Wonder Egg Priority – 09
「誰も知らない物語」 (Dare mo Shiranai Monogatari) "A Story No One Knows" I think we all need a moment to digest what happened in that episode.
Wonder Egg Priority – 04
「カラフル・ガールズ」 (Karafuru Gaaruzu) "Colorful Girls" I didn't think Wonder Egg Priority could get any better. Yet here we are.
Colorful ~ The Motion Picture, Colorful, WONDER EGG PRIORITY
Wonder Egg Priority – 11
「おとなのこども」 (Otona no Kodomo) "An Adult Child" Well, the plot certainly didn’t move in a direction that I expected.
Wonder Egg Priority – 02
「友達の条件」 (Tomodachi no Jouken) "The Terms of Friendship" Some of the novelty might have worn off since the first episode. But Wonder Egg Priority remains every bit as intriguing.

Wonder Egg Priority (Repost)
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Wonder Egg Priority – 01
「子供の領分」 (Kodomo no Ryoubun) "The Domain of Children" "Break the egg and change the world".
Wonder Egg Priority – 05
「笛を吹く少女」 (Fue o Fuku Shoujo) "The Girl Flautist" Something tells me those mannequins aren't engaging with the girls in good faith.
Wonder Egg Priority – 03
「裸のナイフ」 (Hadaka no Naifu) "A Bare Knife" Wow. I can't even begin to imagine living with that kind of crushing guilt.
Wonder Egg Priority – 12
「負けざる戦士」 (Makezaru Senshi) "An Unvanquished Warrior" I don't think we can call that a real ending. But Wonder Egg Priority has still been an incredible journey.
Wonder Egg Priority – 07
「14才の放課後」 (Juuyon-sai no Houkago) "After School at 14" It impresses me how Wonder Egg Priority doesn't shy away from exploring heavy concepts like self-harm and suicide, by handling these subjects…

Wonder Egg Priority – Episode 6
It would seem that Wonder Egg Priority’s shell is on the verge of cracking. After two episodes that held close to a traditional “monster of the week” model,…

Episode 142 - Wonder Egg Priority
This week, after the brutality that was last week, Shaun decides to give Remington a little break by letting him choose an anime that’s actually decent from this…

Wonder Egg Priority – Episode 9
At last, the curtain has been pulled back, and the man behind it is a face we’ve seen before. Wonder Egg Priority has finally put its fantasy chips…

Wonder Egg Priority – Episode 3
Hello all, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we are absolutely continuing our journey through Wonder Egg Priority, as this show kicks all the kinds of…

Wonder Egg is fabulism meets horror/suspense meets character drama. It is fantastical and grounded in equal turns, with a raw emotionality that pulls no punches but also doesn’t…

Wonder Egg Priority – 9-12
Wooper: When it comes to original works, Wonder Egg Priority is the most inventive and audacious anime that the winter season had to offer. Whether it be girl-driven…

Wonder Egg Priority – Episode 7
[CW: Discussions of self-harm. Big Rika episode ahead!] What did Ai mean by her flight out of home, and her announcement that she’d be going back to school?…

Wonder Egg Priority – Episode 1
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’ll once again be embarking on an unusually timely journey, and exploring the first episode of the now-airing…

First Impressions – Wonder Egg Priority
All the things that intrigue me about Wonder Egg Priority are double-edged swords which also give me pause. Read more

Wonder Egg Priority – Episode 10
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’d like to return to a story I’ve left hanging for far too long, as we continue our…

Wonder Egg Priority – Episode 2
Hello everyone, and welcome back. Today we’re exploring the second episode of Wonder Egg Priority, 2021’s most intriguing production so far, as Ai Ohto works to save her…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode #10
Let’s start this episode where Rika Kawai is finally reunited with Chiemi after saving girls from See No Evil. But much like Momoe Sawaki, Rika can’t touch Chiemi…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode 10
Momoe rescues the trans boy Kaoru, and in doing so thinks she’s saved enough people to resurrect Haruka. But something terrible is lying in wait instead…

Wonder Egg Priority – Episode 12
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we dive into the last chapter of a tangled and frequently devastating drama, with the final plus-sized episode…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode #06
Well everyone, it appears that the See No Evil has evolved into Haters where they attack Ai Ohto and her friends now that they become heroes of the…

Wonder Egg Priority – 08 – Leftovers
Whelp. A week after calling WEP the best thing on television right now, it airs…a recap, narrated by Acca and Ura-Acca, as a kind of advertisement for joining the…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode #04
Well everyone, we got a new character introduced named Momoe Sawaki where despite looking like a dude, Momoe is actually a girl as she’s saving various girls who…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode #02
Well then, looks like we have a new character who aims to save someone. This is Neiru Aonuma where she told Ai Ohto not to interfere with her…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode 7
It’s Rika’s birthday, and the girls get together to celebrate. But after a heated exchange on the topic of her anonymous father, Rika begins to wonder if the…

Wonder Egg Priority – 05 – Scrambled
We hadn’t been privy to Aonuma Neiru’s Egg missions until this week; only the interludes between recovering from battles and purchasing new Eggs to protect. Her dream-battlefield is…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode #09
Looks like both Rika Kawai and Ai Ohto are really mad towards Acca and Ura-Acca as they want to know why they’re in cahoots with Misaki Tanabe. Turns…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode #03
Oh boy, looks like Ai Ohto met another girl as she’s about to die from her wounds. This is Rika Kawai and much like Ai-chan and Neiru Aonuma,…

First Impressions: Wonder Egg Priority
Apparently I was sleeping on anime of the year?! Discussing “Wonder Egg Priority.”

Wonder Egg Priority – 11 – Deviled
Rika helps enough egg girls to free Chiaki, only for her to pass through her hands and vanish right after resurrecting. Rika then meets Dot, who like Hyphen…
Wonder Egg Priority – 13 (END)
You know what. Let's pretend that final episode never happened.

Wonder Egg Priority Episode 9
Neiru unexpectedly invites the other girls over to her house, where they learn the peculiar circumstances of her birth, and also the tragic fate of one of her…

Wonder Egg Priority v.s. Omori
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Wonder Egg Priority Episode 6
Acca and Ur-Acca present the girls with animal companions to help them combat a new enemy form, while Ai has a difficult situation to deal with at home.

Wonder Egg Priority (First Impression)
“The story begins when the protagonist, a 14-year-old girl named Ai Ooto, hears a mysterious voice while walking around town late at night. It gives her an egg…

Wonder Egg Priority – 10 – Fried
The cold open is so idyllic and beautiful that’s it’s obvious it’s only Momoe’s dream, but it’s an instructive one, for it shows us Momoe as she sees…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode #08
On this episode, Misaki Tanabe shows off her team’s latest creation in which they can show girls’ dreams on screen. Even Ai Ohto and the rest are surprised…

Wonder Egg Priority – Episode 4
Hello all, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to dive back into Wonder Egg Priority, and at last catch up on the ongoing discussions.…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode 5
The four girls hang out in the real world and begin to question their mission, while Neiru remembers some of the girls she’s met on her journeys into…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode #12
Well there she is as Ai Ohto finally found Koito Nagase, the girl in which Ai-chan considered her as a friend.

Wonder Egg Priority – Episode 5
Hello everyone, and happy to have you here at Wrong Every Time. Today we’re returning to Wonder Egg Priority, as the veil begins to lift on the true…

Wonder Egg Priority – Episode 8
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m frankly a little hesitant to return to Wonder Egg Priority, as the show’s last episode came pretty…

Wonder Egg Priority Episode #01
This is Ai Ohto where this girl with mismatched eyes received a mysterious egg and I don’t know how she got it. And by the way, this is…