In the final episode of the season, Kota of the Against Japanism podcast brings his extensive knowledge of Japanese politics and the Japanese left-wing to bear in this discussion of Nagisa Oshima&#…
Sep 10, 2021 • Subscribe
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Japan Stories それぞれの日本
A beautifully written patchwork of stories of contemporary Japan each of which focuses on and mainly revolves around one person with associated minor characters who, though obviously less…

最近の作成AIコンテンツや物語性を含まない居心地の良いコンテンツ作りを見ていて憂慮するすることは色々ある。 ネットでただで享受できるコンテンツが爆発的に増えただけならいざ知らず、それらを配布するプラットフォームが一点集中し、興行的成功の落差が激しくなっている。これに加えて作成AIを用いることで一見精度の高そうに見える創作物を大量の生み出され、いわばダンピングが行われてしまい、人の手で創る創作…

Episode #51 – Big Man Japan (大日本人)
Author Patrick Moody makes his JOF debut to discuss Hitoshi Matsumoto’s kaiju mockumentary film, Big Man Japan.

Wolves of the Night (夜の狼, Yoichi Ushihara, 1958)
A heartless yakuza becomes conflicted on being confronted with the consequences of his actions in Yoichi Ushihara’s slice of Nikkatsu Noir.

MADE IN JAPAN 日本製造 メイド・イン・ジャパン (2019) Dir: Yusaku Matsumoto
A brutal murder leads one delinquent to milk news sites for money in this critique of how the media works. SAKKA will make Yusaku Matsumoto’s MADE IN JAPAN…

Darkness in the Light (日本の黒い夏ー冤罪, Kei Kumai, 2001)
Idealistic teen reporters have some questions to ask of mass media and the police in Kei Kumai’s true life drama.

Willful Murder (日本の熱い日々 謀殺・下山事件, Kei Kumai, 1981)
A dogged reporter comes to the conclusion an industrialist was murdered but cannot say by whom in Kei Kumai’s searing exploration of the occupation and the economic miracle.
Asakusa no yoru / 浅草の夜 (‘Asakusa at Night’, 1954)
Obscure Japanese Film #156 Ayako Wakao and Machiko Kyo Setsuko (Machiko Kyo) is a dancer at a theatre in Asakusa, where she’s been havin...
Remembering Every Night/全ての夜を思い出す
In 2017, director Kiyohara Yui released her first feature film, Our House (私たちの家), and established herself as a talent to watch. Though that film at times felt a…
Oni to Yoake Yuzikiyo (鬼と夜明け 夕月夜)
While shopping in random bookstores in Japan at the end of last year I kept seeing book,s with girls in school uniforms wielding swords. I did that thing…

Japan Organized Crime Boss (日本暴力団 組長, Kinji Fukasaku, 1969)
A recently released yakuza emerges into a changed Japan in Kinji Fukasaku’s proto-jitsuroku gangster picture.

Uyanotsuki, Volume 1 ( 雨夜の月)
Saki loves piano. Or does she? She loves taking lessons with her teacher, she’s sure of that. But her teacher is leaving… In Uyanotsuki, Volume 1 ( 雨夜の月),…

The Blossom and the Sword (日本侠花伝, Tai Kato, 1973)
A young woman defies the expectations of a patriarchal society in resisting the rising militarism of the Taisho society in Tai Kato’s historical epic.

It Walks By Night / 夜歩く
It Walks By Night is an awful book that no one should read. This isn’t going to be a roast, because it’s not that kind of awful,…

Day Off (本日公休, Fu Tien-Yu, 2023)
The wholesome small-town values of an ageing hairdresser place her increasingly at odds with her cynical consumerist kids in Fu Tien-Yu’s poignant tale of changing times.

Tomorrow There Will Be Fine Weather (明日は日本晴れ, Hiroshi Shimizu, 1948)
A bus breaking down on a mountain pass signals a roadblock on the way to a new Japan in Hiroshi Shimizu’s lighthearted yet melancholy drama.

Remembering Every Night (すべての夜を思いだす, Yui Kiyohara, 2022)
A series of women wander around Tama New Town each searching for something in Yui Kiyohara’s wistful drama.

―あの日の君に会いに行く。ー デビュー作が第13回小学館ライトノベル大賞において「ガガガ賞」と「審査員特別賞」をW受賞した八目迷による小説『夏へのトンネル、さよならの出口』(小学館「ガガガ文庫」刊)が劇場アニメーションとして2022年9月9日(金)公開決定。 劇場アニメーション『夏へのトンネル、さよならの出口』は、監督を映像表現に定評のあるアニメーション監督・田口智久(『デジモンアドベンチャー LAST EVOLUTION 絆』(20)、『アクダマドライブ』)、キャラクター原案・原作イラストを精緻でドラマティックなイラストレーションで知られるくっか(『D_CIDE TRAUMEREI』キャラクター原案)、制作を『映画大好きポンポさん』(21)などを手がける新進気鋭の制作会社CLAPが担当。 ウラシマトンネル――そのトンネルに入ったら、欲しいものがなんでも手に入る。ただし、それと引き換えに…… 掴みどころがない性格のように見えて過去の事故を心の傷として抱える塔野カオルと、芯の通った態度の裏で自身の持つ理想像との違いに悩む花城あんず。ふたりは不思議なトンネルを調査し欲しいものを手に入れるために協力関係を結ぶ。 これは、とある片田舎で起こる郷愁と疾走の、忘れられないひと夏の物語。 ■作品概要 <出演> 塔野カオル:鈴鹿央士 花城あんず :飯豊まりえ 加賀翔平:畠中祐 川崎小春:小宮有紗 浜本先生:照井春佳 カオルの父:小山力也 塔野カレン:小林星蘭 <原作> 原作:八目迷「夏へのトンネル、さよならの出口」(小学館「ガガガ文庫」刊) キャラクター原案・原作イラスト:くっか <スタッフ> 監督・脚本:田口智久 キャラクターデザイン・総作画監督:矢吹智美 作画監督:立川聖治 矢吹智美 長谷川亨雄 加藤やすひさ プロップデザイン:稲留和美 演出:三宅寛治 色彩設計:合田沙織 美術設定:綱頭瑛子(草薙) 美術ボード:栗林大貴(草薙) 美術監督:畠山佑貴(草薙) 撮影監督:星名工 CG監督 :さいとうつかさ(チップチューン) 編集:三嶋章紀 音楽:富貴晴美 音響監督:飯田里樹 音響制作:スタジオマウス 音響制作担当:鵜澤加奈 設定制作:西川真剛 制作:金澤明之介 田口慶次郎 豆田真起子 制作プロデューサー:松尾亮一郎 アニメーション制作:CLAP エグゼクティブプロデューサー:伊藤裕史 企画・プロデュース:小山直紀 プロデュース協力:ARCH 主題歌・挿入歌:「フィナーレ。」「プレロマンス」/eill 配給:ポニーキャニオン 製作:映画『夏へのトンネル、さよならの出口』製作委員会 ■公式サイト ■公式 twitter #夏トン #田口智久 #CLAP #鈴鹿央士 #飯豊まりえ
The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes, Pompo: The Cinéphile, Akudama Drive, Digimon: Digital Monsters, Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
のです and Economic Conditions for Writers in Japan
The podcast is online! This month I wrote about のです (no desu) through an examination of some of Kakuta Mitsuyo’s writing that nicely captures two ideas that I…

Rub Out the Past (日本暗黒街, Masaharu Segawa, 1966)
A restaurateur’s attempts to shake off his violent past are frustrated by the nature of his transgressions in Masaharu Segawa’s noirish drama.

Amayo no Tsuki, Volume 2 ( 雨夜の月)
In Volume 1, we met Saki, a high school student who plays piano, and her classmate (and piano teacher’s daughter), Kanon, who is hard of hearing. Kanon is…
Amayo no Tsuki, Volume 4 ( 雨夜の月)
Well, wow. A whole lot of story happened in this volume. First, Saki finds Kanon’s former best friend – the one Kanon feel betrayed her – and learns…
Amayo no Tsuki, Volume 8 (雨夜の月)
Volume 7 of Kuzushiro’s school life drama, finished up the school festival arc and, while it had its fair share of maid costumes and cat-eared girls, it also…
Amayo no Tsuki, Volume 3 ( 雨夜の月)
2022 has been an absolute celebration of amazing Yuri manga licenses and releases. Almost everything I wanted to have been licensed has been. Of the two remaining that…
Amayo no Tsuki, Volume 6 (雨夜の月)
Do you remember Morinaga Milk’s series Girl Friends? It was an incredibly popular and influential Yuri manga in the early 2010s, so more than a decade ago. The…
Amayo no Tsuki, Volume 7 (雨夜の月)
Amayo no Tsuki, Volume 7 (雨夜の月) is absolute perfection. It was so good, that the moment I finished it, I started from the beginning and read it again.…
Amayo no Tsuki, Volume 5 (雨夜の月)
In my fevered anticipation for The Moon on a Rainy Night, Volume 1 coming from Kodansha next week, I was thrilled to have the newest volume of the…
Comic Update: 金曜日の天使
Original Post Was surprised that so many people liked the last comic. Well sorry guys! I’M GONNA RUN THIS SHIT INTO THE GROUND. (Don’t worry, there’s only one…

Kyou mo Hitotsu Yane no Shita, Volume 1 (今日もひとつ屋根の下)
Starting in 2020, Yuri manga artist Inui Ayu began an autobiographical comic essay column in the pages of Monthly Comic Yuri Hime. For almost two years, she had…
Oishinbo Episode 54
Episode 54: Tokyoite Soup Fun fact, this episode was never re-aired because it made claims about chemicals in food causing anemia. Email | ...

Episode 54 – Superpants
We got a new episode of the podcast out. We bring to you the next entry to our Countdown series. On this episode, we talk about our Top…

Sumikkogurashi: Good To Be In The Corner (映画 すみっコぐらし とびだす絵本とひみつのコ, Mankyu, 2019)
The adorably neurotic San-X characters head off on a series of fairytale adventures to help a lost duckling figure out where they belong in a charming animated feature

Tanabata: The Most Romantic Night In Japan
Tanabata tells the story of Japan's best-known lovers and this year again, we celebrate romance—on this one very night when love prevails.

Author & Artist: マミタ (Mamita)Released April 2020 by Tokuma Shoten Publishing’s Chara ComicsGenre: Romance, Drama
The Ladder of Success / 夜の素顔 / Yoru no sagao (‘The True Face of the Night’, 1958)
Obscure Japanese Film #170 Machiko Kyo in the moonlight scene 1944. Akemi (Machiko Kyo) is a traditional dancer entertaining the troops at...

Aプロダクションの昔話 – 本多敏行インタビュー
The post Aプロダクションの昔話 – 本多敏行インタビュー appeared first on

Drive Into Night (夜を走る, Dai Sako, 2022)
Small-town futility leads to tragedy when two frustrated scrapyard workers attempt to cover up a crime in Dai Sako’s dark psychological drama.

Love and Murder of Sheep and Wolf 羊とオオカミの恋と殺人 (2020) Director: Kayoko Asakura
Love and Murder of Sheep and Wolf has a great concept about dating a hitwoman but a dull final result in its execution. Love and Murder of Sheep…

Thousand and One Nights (千夜、一夜, Nao Kubota, 2022)
Two women are united by the search for answers in the disappearances of their husbands but take very different paths in Nao Kubota’s melancholy tale of unanswerable longing.

Pokemon Horizons Episode 31 Review – The Ploy In The Fog
Does this Lapras and its pirate crew know where the One Piece is?

Seeking fansubber help | 日本語のネイティブスピーカーを探しています | Mencari fansubbers | 寻找翻译帮助
We’re seeking help for a subbing project (an 80s dorama). Looking for people who are either native Japanese speakers, or proficient in the language. Most of the initial…

With「本心」, Keiichiro Hirano (平野 啓一郎) has written a big, old-fashioned novel of ideas. It is set in the 2040s in a Japan in which a tenuous daily life…

With「本心」, Keiichiro Hirano (平野 啓一郎) has written a big, old-fashioned novel of ideas. It is set in the 2040s in a Japan in which a tenuous daily life…

Episode 54/Chapter 192
On our sixth episode, we cover anime episode 54 'Shiketsu High Lurking' and manga chapter 192 - 'The Todoroki Family'. Anime recap starts at 1:00 and the manga…

Episode 54: Rayearth OVA
In this episode, Lucy and Robin discuss the Rayearth OVA. It was definitely not what we were expecting!
Junpaku no yoru / 純白の夜/ (‘Pure White Nights’, 1951)
Obscure Japanese Film #161 Michiyo Kogure Ikuko (Michiyo Kogure) is a young woman happily married to Tsunehiko (Seizaburo Kawazu), a banke...

Drive into Night 夜を走る (2022) Director: Dai Sako
Drive into Night 夜を走る, from director Dai Sako, is a solid crime film that offers some social realism and solid characterisation for most of its runtime. When it adds…

My Anniversaries (オレの記念日, Kim Sungwoong, 2022)
Documentarian Kim Sungwoong follows the relentlessly cheerful Shoji Sakurai who spent 29 years behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit.

The Vancouver Asahi (バンクーバーの朝日, Yuya Ishii, 2014)
Second generation Japanese-Canadians stake their hopes on baseball in Yuya Ishii’s historical drama.