Editor: Matt LeoneBook Design: Rachel DaltonPublication Year: 2018Press: Read-Only MemoryPages: 240 500 Years Later: An Oral History of Final Fantasy VII is a book-length collection of interviews w…
Contemporary Japanese Literature
Jan 24, 2022 • Subscribe
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RPG Review: Final Fantasy VII
There ain’t no gettin’ offa this train! All right everyone, let’s mosey!

RPG Review: Final Fantasy VII ~Rebirth~
Cloud is about to have the ultimate yaoi battle…inside his head. ::extremely one-winged angel voice:: YAOI VIBES ⚠️ This Post Contains Spoilers for FF7 Rebirth ⚠️
The Ending of Final Fantasy VII: Remake Explained
The ending of Final Fantasy VII: Remake is obtuse--purposely so. So let’s break it down.

Final Fantasy VII Remake: The Shocking Truth
The recently landed Final Fantasy VII Remake is bold in its lack of scope. Rather than reimagining the whole of the original Final Fantasy ...
OSMcast! Show #161: Final Fantasy VII Remake
Ever think that maybe the world would be a better place if you just blew some daggum Mako Reactors? Well, Barret Wallace did and maybe he was on…
OSMcast! Anime, Games, Interviews, & More!
City Hunter, Legend of the Crystals: Final Fantasy, Listeners, Ranma ½, Somali and the Forest Spirit

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Video Game Review
I cannot imagine how Square Enix could top themselves after this.
#75 - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Review
If you haven't heard by now, Final Fantasy VII's long awaited Remake is coming out next March! We got a ton of new information about it at this…
Legend of the Crystals: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

r#33 – final fantasy vii: advent children
Haro! What is up, guys. Nesha here again, and welcome to the anime review number 33 on the blog. So right now we will be talking about Final…

Final Fantasy VII Remake: Traces of Two Pasts Review
Well-written and full of details, Traces of Two Pasts is time well spent for Final Fantasy VII fans, especially for Tifa and Aerith lovers.
Star’s thoughts on The Final Fantasy VII Remake
I don’t know if you know my history with Square Enix and especially the Final Fantasy Franchise. But I’m going to shorten the story and say I have…

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review ft Artur @TheLibraryofOhara
Join Artur and I as we discuss our overall thoughts on my new favorite game of all time. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Artur's channel - https://www.youtube.com/@UChbPNYQcJKpSERQZWA9BOqA 0:00 - Spoiler…

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Spoilercast with AJ @Aleczandxr
It's finally here! Our official FF7 Rebirth Spoilercast. The good brother AJ and I go through each individual chapter and discuss what stood out to us. Especially the…

Why The Localization of Final Fantasy VII Remake Is Amazing
The localization of Final Fantasy VII Remake was no small undertaking, taking 5 years with several million Japanese characters to translate.

The Problems and Possibilities of Final Fantasy VII Remake’s Ending
Discussing how Final Fantasy VII’s strength and downfall is how it adapts its characters.

This Week in Anime - Previously On Final Fantasy VII
Before you boot up Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, let's remember Squaresoft's foray into feature films, including Spirits Within and the divisive Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Legend of the Crystals: Final Fantasy

Revisiting Slam Dunk Final Chapter 25 Years Later…
I never talk about the Slam Dunk manga in depth on his blog. Despite the manga being one of my favorite manga of all time, along with Takehiko…

Twenty Years Later
Twenty Years Later is the story of João Pedro Teixeira, a leader of Brazil’s rural Peasant Leagues who achieved some notoriety in the early 1960s. Teixeira was vying…
9 years later…
Today is Mainichi Anime Yume’s 9-year anniversary. And, ironically, despite the fact that I haven’t been blogging much lately, this is the first time in years that I…

Two years later
I started my Anime blog in 2010 for a couple reasons. I had run a few blogs over the last couple years but I wanted to focus on…

Two years later
I started my Anime blog in 2010 for a couple reasons. I had run a few blogs over the last couple years but I wanted to focus on…

Reflecting on Aerith's Death on the Eve of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's Release
“Did you hear that there is actually way to save Aerith from getting killed by Sephiroth?”

Translation Chat Podcast 04 – Liz Bushouse chats about Final Fantasy VII Remake
Liz Bushouse chats about the English localization of Final Fantasy VII Remake, about how the English felt natural while adding to the world.

My Journal, Page 33, 5 January 2023 – Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion
We play as Zack Fair, a young member of the SOLDIER group, who is sent to a place called Wutai by his employer, Shinra, to aid his colleagues…

Recon and AJ @Aleczandxr Discuss Naruto, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth hype, Haikyu & More!
Part three of the Recon and AJ show! Timestamps: Intro - 0:00 Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - 2:05 Metal Gear Solid - 11:53 Yakuza - 26:52 Monogatari Series - 41:13 Haikyu…
Episode 75, "Twelve Years Later"
On this episode of the One Piece Podcast we discuss Manga Chapter 574. It’s as simple as that. Zach and Ed are joined by Steve and EGX as…
Kyoto Animation – Two Years Later
It's been a few years but we now have a new season of anime from Kyoto Animation. And I am so thrilled I just have to write about…
Episode 75, "Twelve Years Later"
On this episode of the One Piece Podcast we discuss Manga Chapter 574. It’s as simple as that. Zach and Ed are joined by Steve and EGX as…

Dragon Age 12 years later
I’m taking a rest from Final Fantasy games to replay all of the Dragon Age games. There is a chance Dragon Age: Dreadwolf could maybe release late 2023.…

Revisiting D.N.Angel 20 Years Later
2023 marks 20 years since D.N.Angel originally aired in Japan. Kennedy revisits the series to see if it's aged like a fine wine, poorly-refrigerated milk, or maybe something…

Il mio Journal, Pagina 33, 5 Gennaio 2023 – Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion
In Crisis Core giochiamo come Zack Fair, un giovane membro del gruppo SOLDIER, che viene inviato dal suo datore di lavoro, la Shinra, in un luogo chiamato Wutai…

Final Fantasy II vs Final Fantasy XIV – Firion
I purchased Final Fantasy II on the Steam Sale. I had to chuckle at the pixel version compared to my FFXIV version compared to the original concept art…

Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV is a game developed under pretty complicated circumstances. It was revealed as Final Fantasy Versus XIII in 2006 exclusively for Playstation 3 as part of…

Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy V Author: Chris Kohler Publisher: Boss Fight Books Publication Year: 2017 Pages: 165 Final Fantasy V is a book about the experience of growing up in…

BLEACH Volume 1, 20 Years Later
“We fear that which we cannot see.” - Strawberry and the Soul Reapers It’s somewhat hard to believe that a series that began in 2001 and ended in 2016…

Totally Spies Interview – 20 Years Later
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Ten years later, throwing memories away
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Exploring Aoi House, Fifteen Years Later
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Exploring Digimon Tamers, 20 Years Later
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Crystal Project: An Unexpected Marriage of Hollow Knight and Final Fantasy V
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The Art of Do It Yourself!! : Two Years Later
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Recreating a Video Game Classic with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's Naoki Hamaguchi, Yoshinori Kitase, & Teruki Endo
In ANN's exclusive interview, the team behind Final Fantasy VII Rebirth reveals the wildest fan theories, streamlining its technical aspects, and what they think of the mixed reactions…
An Illustrated History of Anime Penguins
Here is a video of the panel I ran at Ayacon this year based on these posts from this very website. Eventually there will be a third post…

Perfect Blue: Finding Identity 25 Years Later
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15 Years Later, Ouran's Ending Still Sucks
An anime and manga blog, devoted to all kinds of amazing things from Japan. Reviews, articles, lists and more!

Perfect Blue: Finding Identity 25 Years Later
Celebrate the 25th anniversary of Satoshi Kon's iconic film 'Perfect Blue.' and discover why this psychological thriller is still captivating.
AKB0048 – A First Watch Twelve Years Later
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500 Word Game Reviews: Might and Magic VII – For Blood and Honor
It’s been a few months since my last game review, but I haven’t abandoned them! I’ve decided to focus on RPGs specifically for 2022 – I’ve always loved…

The Ambience of Haruhi Suzumiya’s “Endless Eight” 15 years later
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The Heart-B't of Monthly Shonen Ace, 25 Years Later
No post summary was provided.

Final Fantasy XIV: Chronicles of Light Review
Chronicles of Light is a series of vignettes that are categorized by being set around the time of one of four major events. The book is “written” by…