Tokyo 24-ku Short Synopsis: Three former classmates receive superhuman abilities after receiving a call from a supposedly dead friend. Wooper: Tokyo 24-ku is one of just three original anime premiering this season, and of those three it’s the only one that’s not about sports (though its protagonist is a parkour enthusiast). I’m sure there will … Continue reading Winter 2022 Impressions: Tokyo 24-ku, Slow Loop, Dolls’ Frontline
Jan 9, 2022 • Subscribe
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Winter 2022 First Impressions – Slow Loop
Streaming: Funimation Episodes: 12 Source: Manga Episode Summary: When she’s stressed out Hiyori spends her days near the ocean, fly fishing like she learned from her late father.…

Tokyo 24-ku (02)
Episode Synopsis: The three members of RGB ponder whether Asumi was the real source of the call they received, and what that implies for the powers they received.…

Tokyo 24-ku (03)
Episode Synopsis: After scrambling to acquire a specific variety of sweet cabbage for Mari’s Gourfest entry which Mon Jungle’s goons had bought out, R, G, and B attend…

Tokyo 24-ku (10)
Episode Synopsis: Tensions between the residents of Shantytown and the government rise as provocateurs push those protesting the ward’s surveillance towards violent confrontation. Ran and his…

Tokyo 24-ku (05)
Episode Synopsis (spoilers): Ran recognizes the terrorist from the vision as Kunai, the hooded figure who led Kozue through shantytown. Flashbacks show that Ran and Kunai were childhood…

Tokyo 24-ku (08)
Episode Synopsis: The identity of Carneades is revealed! A new trolley problem has arrived, which reunites RGB. Will they choose to save Tsuzurugawa from her death by lightning…

Tokyo 24-ku (09)
Episode Synopsis:(spoilers? pretty much everything that we didn’t already know about happens in the first couple of minutes) In 1999, an accident involving a prototypical self-driving car alt…

Tokyo 24-ku (12)
Tokyo24-ku ends is with a garbage budget Sailor Moon and a heaping dose of “nothing makes sense”. Read Su’s reaction to Episode 12 here.
Tokyo 24-ku – 01
"RGB" Even if you don’t intend to say something beyond the elements of your fiction, you need an underlying thread that speaks beyond the characters and story. Intentional or…

Tokyo 24-ku (01)
Episode Synopsis: In an alternate present-day Japan, an artificially constructed island is on track to become Tokyo’s 24th ward. Three childhood friends (Shuta, Ran, and Koki) were unable…

Tokyo 24-ku (07)
Episode Synopsis: Ran and DoRed, who have been spreading graffiti opposing cPhones and the new KANAE system, find themselves in a Graffiti War with someone overwriting their work…

Tokyo 24-ku (11)
Episode Synopsis: The street battles intensify. Koki, Ran, and Shu have all realized that some version of Asumi’s consciousness is inside the KANAE system, and is suffering greatly.…

Tokyo 24-ku (06)
Episode Synopsis Hunted by SARG, Ran grieves Kunai’s death and works to understand what caused his friend’s tragic downfall. Shu tries unsuccessfully to help his friends reconcile, whil…

Tokyo 24-ku (04)
Episode Synopsis: The boys grieve after the loss of Shirakaba and Shu is particular questions why RGB was chosen to take on these trolley problems. Later, he and…

Winter 2022 First Impressions – Girls’ Frontline
Streaming: Funimation Episodes: 12 Source: Game Episode Summary: After the horrors of World War III, Earth civilization is on the brink of collapse. Due to low population and…
Dolls’ Frontline – 01
「THE SEED (タネ)」 (Tane) "The Seed" My M4 SOPMOD II brings all the boys to the yard.

Dolls’ Frontline (TV)
Oh. I see they decided to make a proper TV series out of Dolls’ Frontline. Because after the funny and light-hearted chibified ONA episodes, it is time to…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Slow Loop | First Impressions: WHOLESOME.
When Hiyori—a young girl whose deceased father taught her the joys of fishing—headed out to sea for some alone time, she never thought that she would encounter another…

Slow Loop | First Impressions: WHOLESOME.
When Hiyori—a young girl whose deceased father taught her the joys of fishing—headed out to sea for some alone time, she never thought that she would encounter another…

Slow Loop
Uhm another cute girls doing cute fishing anime?! Well, because Houkago Teibou Nisshi didn’t get a second season, we all have to be content with Slow Loop instead.…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Slow Loop
Slow Loop is currently streaming on Funimation....

First Impressions Digest – Tokyo 24-ku, Orient, Hakozume: Koban Joshi no Gyakushuu
Another season, another year. Read more

Winter 2022 First Impressions – Tokyo 24th Ward
Streaming: Funimation and Crunchyroll Episodes: 12 Source: Original Episode Summary: Note: episode 1 is double-length. Tokyo’s Far Eastern Special Administrative Region, also known as ward 24…
Dolls’ Frontline #02 — Circular Firing Squad
You're lucky that I know a dinergate is a kind of ant, show. Impressions: I was correct in my assessment last week that my amusement with this…

458th G-View: Girls’/Dolls’ Frontline
Girls’ Frontline, or Dolls’ Frontline in the West, had everything in its favor to present another enjoyable “Girls With Guns” show. It is a military drama series about…

Slow Loop Episode #01
Well everyone, here’s another slice-of-life anime show based on a Manga Time Kirara title where you have a cute girl fishing at the ocean. Anyways, this is Hiyori…

First Impression: Slow Loop
While fly-fishing and reminiscing about her father, who died three years ago, Hiyori sees a girl nearly jump into the cold March ocean. The girl, Koharu, who had…

Slow Loop (Episode 02)
In this episode we get to meet Koi, who is Hiyori’s childhood friend. She often helps her family with their fishing gear store. She knows a lot about…

Slow Loop Episode #06
Well look what we have here, Ryouta Yoshinaga wants to give a special fishing rod to Hiyori Minagi, one belonging to Shinya Yamakawa. Man, I thought Ryouta-san is…

Slow Loop (Episode 07)
Expressing our own feelings or desires can be quite difficult sometimes. I guess you can say it’s a lot like fishing, it takes a lot of practice to…

Slow Loop Episode #03
Let’s start this episode with a picture of Koharu’s late brother Natsuki and her mother where they died in a car accident years ago. It’s really sad that…

Slow Loop (Episode 04)
What a cute episode this was! And even though it started with an “argument” between Hiyori and Koharu, it wasn’t anything serious. Their first sisterly “fight” was ma…

Slow Loop (Episode 11)
In this episode, the girls are going camping once again! But this time, it’s a little different! Hiyori, Koi and Koharu have planned a special all-girls-fishing trip! And…

SLOW LOOP – Episode 1
There’s nothing wrong with Slow Loop (except some potential yellow flags in the dynamic between these soon-to-be stepsisters, which I'll get to in a second) but it just…

Slow Loop Episode #10
Well everyone, looks like Hiyori Minagi is being recruited by her classmates as they want her as a waitress for the upcoming school festival. Time sure flies, huh?

Slow Loop Episode #02
On this episode, looks like the step-sisters went to a fly-fishing specialty shop which is owned by the Yoshinaga family. Well, looks like Koharu is very interested in…

Slow Loop Episode #07
“I hope you like it! It’s homemade cookies!” OMG Koharu-chan, you’re mostly fluent in English! Of course, I feel that Koharu Minagi is emitting the same energy as…

Slow Loop Episode #04
On this episode, Koharu Minagi decides to pay a visit to Koi Yoshinaga’s specialty shop where she wants to buy a pair of waterproof boots… …only for Koharu…

Slow Loop (Episode 06)
New episode, new fishing trip! Summer is here and the weather is extremely hot. So what’s the best way to relax and cool off? Well going on a…

Slow Loop (Episode 10)
No slice of life anime is complete without a school festival episode! The girls are brainstorming ideas on how to incorporate their love for fishing into their school…

Slow Loop (Episode 09)
What a relaxing episode filled with heartwarming moments and beautiful landscapes! The 3 girls went on a camping (and fishing) trip on their own! And it wasn’t easy…

Slow Loop Episode #12
Let’s start the final episode where Koharu Minagi shows her photo album to Hiyori-chan. While it contains her childhood pictures… …the second half of the album doesn’t have…

Slow Loop (Episode 03)
I adore this anime’s mature, yet also innocent approach when it comes to serious topics! Dealing with the loss of a parent is extremely hard to express into…

Slow Loop (Episode 05)
After watching today’s episode, I wanted to give Futaba a hug like this, too! Poor thing! She stopped fishing and playing outdoor games with other kids because of…

First Look: Slow Loop
Two girls go fishing. That’s it. That’s the show.

Slow Loop (Episode 01)
If you’re looking for a heartwarming, slice of life anime this chilly Winter, then “Slow Loop” is perfect for you! One episode was enough for me to fall…

Slow Loop Episode #09
On this episode, looks like Hiyori and Koharu Minagi went to the Yoshinaga residence to stay for one night. And the reason why they went to Koi’s place…

Slow Loop Episode #05
This is quite surprising as Futaba Fukumoto decided to go fishing rather than staying indoors. Man, I thought Futaba hated fishing ’cause it’s really embarrassing for a girl…

Slow Loop Episode #08
Let’s begin with Koharu Minagi where she caught a cicada, although Hiyori Minagi is scared of bugs as expected. Speaking of bugs, cicadas are good as bait but…

Slow Loop (Episode 08)
Hiyori’s visit to her grandparents’ house was very nostalgic, especially for her mother! We learned about their family’s dynamics and discovered more about Hiyori’s grandpar…