Japan has a declining birth rates in the past 10 years, and Otaku(s) is one of the reason. Most of their people refuse to have a child since it will be make their life more complicated. This series…
Apr 19, 2019 • Subscribe
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Usagi Drop
Title: Usagi DropGenre: Slice of LifeRating: 8.5/10 Summary: When Diakichi returns home from his grandfathers funeral, he finds in his garden a girl named Rin, who turns out to be his grandfather’s…

Usagi Drop
A mature, heavy, and heartwarmingly human piece focusing on fatherhood and family. Complete with a beautiful and tender soundtrack that gets the feels rolling.

Usagi Drop
Plot: Going home from his grandfather’s funeral, thirty-year-old Daikichi is floored to discover that the old man had an illegitimate child with a younger lover. The rest of…

Usagi Drop Anime Review
Animation: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Story/Plot: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Theme song/s and animation: ★★★★★★★★☆☆

Usagi Drop// Perspective.
My world is a dark one, filled with the smells of sweat and oil and the deafening noise of machinery. Dexterous fingers prick and prod away. One boy’s…
Usagi Drop – 03
I couldn’t help but take a screenshot of this shot when Daikichi and Rin left for Tokyo again. The big hearted smile of the grandparents is just heartwarming…

Episode 154 - Usagi Drop/Bunny Drop
This week, Shaun knows that Remington has been a bit drained as of late due to school and decides to give him a nice light show as a…

OtakuGeneration (Show #336) Usagi Drop
Shownotes :: (show 336) :: () :: () :: () :: () With more Usagi Drop, recorded live November 13th, 2011. This week we chatted about the anime series…
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, Love Hina, One Piece, Bunny Drop, Fairy Tail
12 Days of Christmas Anime, Day 8: Usagi Drop
Season’s Greetings everybody! Your Cajun Samurai Josh here bringing the Christmas cheer once again with another contribution to the 12 Days of Christmas festivities. This time around, I’ll…

Simple Yet Sexy (Episode 7) – I Lied
Ryouhei Hachiya’s boss believed that he was having a workplace relationship with Rei Sekiguchi and confronted them about it, telling them to keep it under control or he…

Simple Yet Sexy (Episode 2) – I Was Drunk
Ryouhei Hachiya was having a party to celebrate a deal he landed and to everyone’s surprise, Rena Yukuhashi attended. However, Hachiya got quite drunk and needed some help…

Simple Yet Sexy (Episode 8) – It Was Serious
After their meeting with the boss, Rei Sekiguchi asked Ryouhei Hachiya on a date. They could discuss what happened, and since they are both single… However, Hachiya is…

Simple Yet Sexy (Episode 2) – I Was Drunk
Ryouhei Hachiya was having a party to celebrate a deal he landed and to everyone’s surprise, Rena Yukuhashi attended. However, Hachiya got quite drunk and needed some help…

Simple Yet Sexy (Episode 5) – The Massage Was Good
Ryouhei Hachiya and Rena Yukuhashi are starting to behave like a real couple. On a day off, Hachiya invited Yukuhashi to go indoor climbing which she really enjoyed.…

Simple Yet Sexy (Episode 4) – My Heart Was Shaken
Rena Yukuhashi overheard a conversation between Ryouhei Hachiya and his boss where Hachiya denied that he was interested in Yukuhashi, saying instead that Rie Sekiguchi was more his…

Simple Yet Sexy (Episode 1) – She Was Unexpectedly Cute
Ryouhei Hachiya’s boss challenged him to find out if the office plain Jane was a virgin. If he didn’t, his boss would report him to the higher-ups for…

Simple Yet Sexy (Episode 6) – It Was Intense at Work
Rena Yukuhashi sees Rie Sekiguchi having lunch with Ryouhei Hachiya and gets jealous. How can she compare to Sekiguchi who wears pretty clothes and knows how to apply…

Simple Yet Sexy (Episode 3) – My Swimsuit Was Surprisingly Wet
While Ryouhei Hachiya was trying to avoid Rena Yukuhashi he fell down the stairs and had to sit out of the office trip to the beach. Yukuhashi, concerned…

Usagi Drop Episodes 10 and 11 – An End Has A Start
As winter comes, there are a lot more sniffles around the office where I work. I’ve had a sore throat the last few days, the lady in the…

Simple Yet Sexy (Season One) – Jimihen!! Jimiko wo Kaechau Jun Isei Kouyuu!!
It started as a challenge from his boss, but before he knew it, Ryouhei Hachiya had fallen for the office plain-Jane, Rena Yukuhashi. However, a workplace romance comes…

Strangest Anime Yet
I'm pretty sure this is the only time any human being has ever discussed this anime in the history of mankind. Some may say discussing an anime with…

Simple Taste
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Learn Simple Japanese Words Using Anime
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Amagi Brilliant Park
Episodes: 13 + OVA Summary: When new transfer student Isuzu asks Seiya Kanie out on a date at gunpoint, he knows something odd is going on. Especially since…

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
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Story Drop!
It’s been a long time between story drops for this boy, and this will be the last for a while. Yeah, yeah, COVID blah blah. Those of you…

Story Drop
Man, I like writing these. I mean, you know what I do here is write about anime and manga from my perspective as a writer, right? Well, lemme…

Story Drop
Okay, this time I’m plugging another of my stories. They paid me! Yay!! No, it wasn’t a lot. I will not be quitting my day job this week/month/year.…
Bunny Drop
Bunny Drop is a 2011 Slice of Life Drama anime series from the Japanese animation studio, Production I.G., which created many anime series. While this studio has made…

Story Drop!
Yay! It happened again! I sold a story! Shh … this is an ugly secret, but I knew this months ago. They’ve even already paid me. Anywho, here’s…

Story Drop!
Man, it’s been a while! Damn COVID … ANYWAY, here’s the flash fiction anthology 99 Fleeting Fantasies. It includes my piece Nidus of Alms. It’s available starting today…
Amagi Brilliant Park: Maybe Brilliant, Maybe Not…(TBR/W Post)
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Inari Kon Kon, Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist, Outbreak Company, Amagi Brilliant Park, Chihayafuru
Isekai Ojisan is brilliant
Looks like it's going to be a full day.
Yet another year of Anime Valentines!
Yes, I’m back again this year with more cheesy puns for your Valentine needs. Save & print any card individually , or you can print them a...
Sailor Moon S, The Big O, Black Jack, Cowboy Bebop, My Neighbor Totoro

'Simple, Clear and Appealing'
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Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Bloom | Anime Review
I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this with every review I’ve done with the Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Series. It isn’t for everyone. Not everyone is going to enjoy the…

JFF16 - Bunny Drop
うさぎドロップ Sabu (Hiroyuki Tanaka), 2011 As I wrote before, this year’s Japanese Film Festival program boasted an abundance of tear-j...

Drop 300 Slimed
It might seem silly to drop a show with just three episodes until the finish line, but I had mostly checked out last week anyway. Suffice it to…
Another Story Drop!
‘Tis the season to get your loved ones new presents, or yourself for that matter. And books are the best kind of present: relatively inexpensive, mind-expanding, and even…
Character Analysis: Usagi Tsukino
Yeah, it’s taken me a long time to get to Sailor Moon. There are a couple reasons for that. I’m overage … I don’t have time enough left…

Happy Birthday Usagi & Chibiusa
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Happy Birthday Usagi & Chibiusa
Happy Birthday Usagi and Chibiusa for June 30! Wouldn't it be great if they made an official announcement for Sailor Moon Crystal season 5?

My most obscure (yet beloved) anime merchandise
For today I wanted to spotlight some of the more bizarre anime merchandise that have found their way into my collection over the years.

Yet Another Top 10 Guilty Pleasure Anime
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Proplica: Moonstick – Brilliant Color Edition
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Amagi Brilliant Park Episode Guide
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Drop Dead Fred (Review)
Director: Ate de Jong Company: Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Working Title Films, New Line Cinema Year: 1991 Country: United States, ...

Analog Drop – Manga Review
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Wistoria #11 — Title Drop
Not sure I got it the first four times you said it. Better do another six more. Impressions: Where to begin with this mess of an episode?…

r#124 – bunny drop
Hi there! It’s been a while but finally, here’s another review of mine! I don’t want to make this intro any longer so let’s just jump right in!…