Manga and light novel reviews including The Way of the Househusband, Vol. 6, Her Royal Highness Seems to be Angry, Vol. 3, Star Wars: Rebels, Vol. 1, Maison Ikkoku Collector’s Edition, Vol. 5, and e Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 1
Sep 14, 2021 • Subscribe
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Her Royal Highness Seems to be Angry, Vol. 1
By Kou Yatsuhashi and Mito Nagashiro. Released in Japan as “Ojou Denka wa Ookari no You desu” by Overlap Bunko. Released in North America by Tokyopop. Translated by…

Her Royal Highness Seems to Be Angry GN 1 & 2
Although Her Royal Highness Seems to Be Angry does borrow from a lot of other stories, or at least to share distinct similarities with them, it manages to…

Review: Her Royal Highness Seems to Be Angry, Vol. 1
How do you make the concept of an OP isekai protagonist fresh again? How about by removing the modern element entirely, building up an impressive fantasy setting, and…

Reader’s Corner: An Angry Royal Highness, Babysitting Yakuza, and Mysterious Maid
Gacha Girls Corps, Vol. 1 Gacha Girl Corps imagines that a gacha addict—in this case, series protagonist Heihachi—is isekai’d into his mobile game and discovers that his rolls…

My daughter left the nest and became an S-Rank Adventurer: a small adventure to have
Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta is a small fantasy adventure that is really enjoyable

My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer Audiobook 1
Strong writing and a unique hook help put My Daughter Left the Nest ahead of the rest in a crowded light novel space.
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 10
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…

Anime Like My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer
After losing his leg, Belgrieve retired from being an adventurer and returned to his hometown in the country. One day while collecting herbs in the mountains,
Kakushigoto, My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch, Bunny Drop
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 3
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 6
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…

My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer – Episode 1
Fall 2023 is starting capably and comfortably enough: gifting us some over-competent girls with swords and some Nice Anime Dads with gardening skills.
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 7
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 4
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 5
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 11
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Charlotte
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 9
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…
First Affect: My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer
Retired adventurer Bel is now a teacher, gardener, manager, and caretaker, but he was once a warrior of renown. An incident left him without the lower half of
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 1
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 8
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…

First Impression: My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer
Retired adventurer Bel is now a teacher, gardener, manager, and caretaker, but he was once a warrior of renown. An incident left him without the lower half of…
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer, Vol. 2
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer: Short Story Collection
By MOJIKAKIYA and toi8. Released in Japan as “Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta” by Earth Star Novels. Released in North America…

Reader’s Corner: Zom 100, Medalist, and the Way of the Househusband, Vol. 5
The Way of the Househusband, Vol. 5 Tatsu’s former life as the “Immortal Dragon,” a legendary yakuza enforcer, has prepared him well to be a househusband, but is…
Otaku Reader’s Corner: Love Me Love Me, Kuma Kuma, and Way of the Househusband
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear (Vol. 1) (light novel) When a shut-in girl gets isekai’d to the world of her favorite MMORPG, she’s given a set of bear pajamas…

My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer: How to Set Up a Fantasy Cast and Make Me Love Them
Let me first start off this review by stating that this single-cours was obviously written with a possible sequel in mind given that the overarching sense of foreboding…

Reader’s Corner: Soichi, My Special One (Vol. 3), and The Way of the Househusband (Vol. 10)
Intro The Boxer (Vol. 3) • The Devil is a Part-Timer! Official Comic Anthology • Heart Gear (Vol. 1) • Honey Lemon Soda (Vol. 3) • I Kept…
Beast Tamer, The Devil is a Part-Timer!, The Way of the Househusband
S-Rank Daughter #01 — “Did You Hear She’s S-Rank?”
Let the monsters win already. Impressions: What pained me the most about this one was the dialogue that seemed to be mining for new levels of insipidness.…

My daughter left the nest and became an S-class Adventurer: First Impression
My daughter left the nest and became an S-class adventurer is a love letter to the 80’s-90’s fantasy anime

Reader’s Corner: Transformers, Big Hero 6: The Series, and The Executioner and Her Way of Life
Big Hero 6: The Series, Vol. 1 Attention BH6 fans: This new manga series is not a reissue or repackaging of the original Marvel. It’s brand new material…

Reader’s Corner: Lovesick Ellie, The Way of the Househusband, and the Final Volume of Love Me Love Me Not
Maison Ikkoku Collector’s Edition, Vol. 6 When a writer or mangaka adds new major characters to a long-running manga or show, it’s often smacks of desperation, an attempt…

Reader’s Corner: Sunbeams in the Sky (Vol. 2), Issak (Vol. 1), and The Way of the Househusband: The Gangster’s Guide to Housekeeping
Romance and violence are sometimes bedfellows, but we’ve separated them for this reviews—we’ve got shoujo, school romance, and the like with the most recent volume of Sunbeams in…

The Way of the Househusband – What Makes an Anime?
I tend to have issues remembering when Netflix releases their anime. I’m so used to the quarterly seasonal framework and the week-by-week single episode release schedule that most…

The Way of the Househusband
Type: This man is living my dream! Synopsis: I love to cook, I love to clean, and I LOVE to do the dishes. I can balance a check…
The Way of the Househusband
A manga about a wholesome relationship and far too many white powder jokes. 2:46 - The Way of the House Husband 17:40 - My Hero Academia 323 36:02 - Undead Unluck…
One Piece, The Way of the Househusband, Black Clover, My Hero Academia
The Way of the HouseHusband
A comedy manga about a former infamous yakuza who now lives as a househusband. Continue reading →

Review: Way of the Househusband
Sorry for being late with this and missing my Tuesday post. I have lost all since of time during the COVID-19 pandemic and I can barely remember what…

Reader’s Corner: Zom 100 (Vol. 13), The Way of the Househusband (Vol. 11), and Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End (Vol. 10)
Mages and androids, househusbands and detectives, rakugo and alternate dimensions: This week’s offerings run the gamut and cross over boundaries, like high school romance x horror, coming of…

The Executioner and Her Way of Life (Episode 10) – The Daughter of a Lost One
Akari tries to get some answers out of Manon but ends up with more questions. Luckily, Menou arrives to save her before returning to fight. However, Manon is…

The Way of the Househusband (Gokushufudō)
The Way of the Househusband (Gokushufudō) 2021 By now, I think folks seem to have moved past some of the general disappointment surrounding this adaptation of Kousuke Oono’s…

The Way of the Househusband (2)
Author & Artist Kousuke OonoReleased January 2020 by Viz Media imprint VIZ SignatureTranslation: Sheldon DrzkaEditor(s): Jennifer LeBlancGenre: Comedy
Way of the Househusband Vols 3 and 4
Way of the Househusband Volumes 3 and 4 by Kousuke Oono One of my favorite things about Way of the Househusband is how ordinary household chores get infused…
The Way of the Househusband and Interesting Production Choices
Production I’m sure that most people don’t really take much notice to who produced an anime but in blogging circles it was a bit of a deal that…
Boy Meets Maria and The Way of the Househusband
MLB is in a lockout because the billionaire owners don’t want to give any inch to players...
Boy Meets Maria and The Way of the Househusband
MLB is in a lockout because the billionaire owners don’t want to give any inch to players...

Reader’s Corner: Unwanted Undead Adventurer, Love Me Love Me Not, and the Return of Bleach
Bleach: Special One-Shot Bleach is a polarizing show for many fans, whether bys the way the anime ended in filler episodes or because of the shounen tropes in…

First Impression: The Way of the Househusband
In the Tokyo underworld, there was an enforcer known as “The Immortal Dragon,” a yukaza known for his immense strength and tenacity, for brutalizing rival crime syndicate members…
The Way of The Househusband – Manga Hype!
I know I don’t usually (ever) do manga reviews. However I recently got a batch in (Bungo Stray Dogs, Noragami and the latest Natsume!) so I wanted to…

What is ‘The Way’ of the Househusband”?
© J.C. Staff & Netflix The Way of the Househusband By: Kousuke Oono Studio: J.C. Staff Kousuke Oono’s The Way of the Househusband is one of the most…