[Rubs hands together excitedly] Alright, now we’re gettin’ down to bid’ness. The tryhard OP is expunged so we can get the bandying of words between Clayman and Rimuru out of the w…
Sep 8, 2021 • Subscribe
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Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - Episode 46 - Milim Ready to Fight
Milim quietly and dully followed Clayman's orders. The other demon lords didn't react to her changed demeanor. Tensura - Episode 46.

Mirumo 46
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TenSura – 41 – Walpurgis Bound
If you expected last week to be the fourth and blessedly final episode of mostly standing or sitting around talking…I’ve got bad news. There’s still a lot of…

TenSura – 26 – Smooth Sailing
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TenSura – 38 – In Conference
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Oishinbo Episode 46
Episode 46: The Hong Kong Taste Contest (Part 2) Email | Discord Download it on Nyaa !

Attacker You! 46
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r#46 – barakamon
This anime is one of the rare examples where comedy, excitement, and all interesting aspects actually don’t require alien and magic factors to work its best. Barakamon is…

Raccoon Rascal 46
“Dad’s Sad Face” Ep 46: Nyaa.si* | Anidex.info* *Is this post more than 1 month old? Get up-to-date links from the Projects page! BTIH: af726bca595f1b4e7c8cd00ba3fd83bd25bb73e7 MD…

Episode 46 - Nichijou
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TenSura – 27 – Bonds Through Brandy
While we initially see the king in his standard position on the throne in full armor, Rimuru’s meeting with him is a far more casual affair, the two…

TenSura – 44 – Game Recognize Game
This episode focused on three battles between Rimuru’s various subordinates and those of Clayman and/or Milim. It also doesn’t have a single moment of Rimuru blabbering in it,…

TenSura – 42 – The Gods Stir
Rimuru starts to head to Walpurgis (though with his teleportation magic one would think there’d be no further need to “head out” anywhere; he can go wherever he…

TenSura – 39 – The Slime’s Gambit
Amen, Gobta. Gobta is me right now, after enduring another interminable episode packed with people standing or sitting around talking about everything they’re going to do instead of actually …

TenSura – 31 – Bad News First
I never want to hear the good news first. The positive effects of hearing it would be nullified by the bad news, and who wants that? So here…

Hugtto! Precure – Episode 46
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today’s one of those days where I’m feeling all the pressures of life bearing down on me, the kind…

TenSura – 29 – Falling For Her Deceit
Youm wakes up in Mjurran’s lap after getting his ass handed to him in training session. He says he can get used to such a thing, and while…

Tensura Nikki - Episode 8 - Souka Crouches
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Tensura Nikki: The Slime Diaries – 01
The timing of The Slime Diaries couldn’t be worse. First of all, the first half of the second season just wrapped. I’m eager for the second part of that…

TenSura – 45 – Demon Lords “R” Us
From the battles of Benimaru, Gobta, Gabiru, Geld, and the Beastketeers we rewind a bit back to Rimuru’s palace, where he sees Shuna off before heading through the…

Tensura Nikki - Episode 7 - Millim Diaries
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TenSura – 37 – Fellowship of the Slime
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TenSura – 32 – A Seed of Hope
Rimuru learns that Mjurran’s heart was stolen by Demon Lord Clayman, which ensured she’d have to obey him to live. As part of his ongoing quest to make…

TenSura – 34 – The Turn of the Tide
No more talking or planning…it’s time for action! As I’d hoped, Tensura delivers with a crowd-pleasing sequence of pulse-pounding duels and battles that all pack a punch in differ…

TenSura – 48 (S2 Fin) – Complacent No More
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Shion Bunny (Tensura) By FREEing [Figure Review]
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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, The Seven Deadly Sins

Tensura Nikki - Episode 5 - Shion Loosens Up
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Tensura Nikki - Episode 4 - Rimuru Beach Trip
Tensura Nikki - Episode 4. Rimuru took powerful lieutenants with him to survey a lake, but it was just an excuse to have the beach episode early.

TenSura – 35 – The Conditions Have Been Met
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TenSura – 28 – A War Full of Holes
From Dwargo Rimuru returns to Ingrassia where he announces his five students have passed the exams and will move on to the next grade…but Tiss-sensei will be their…

TenSura – 40 – Here We Don’t Go Again
One third of TenSura’s second season’s second cour has now been one long glorified infodump, featuring nothing but people standing and sitting around discussing things. There’s ev…

TenSura – 30 – The Shizu Hits the Fan
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Digimon Adventure: (2020) Episode 46
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Torrent / Mega As we are reaching the end, I have started replacing the files with the V2 versions. The scripts have been given one more revision and…

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Dick Fight Island
Warrior representatives from Pulau Yong'unda's eight islands battle in a sexual endurance tournament to decide the next king of the islands. Continue reading →
Dick Fight Island!!
Thoughts The manga starts off with introductions to the characters, and I really love how we get a panel showcasing all of them by their weapons. So as…
Dick Fight Island
A cursed episode about... well... the title really says it all. 5:32 - Dick Fight Island 13:51 - My Hero Academia 363 24:23 - Undead Unluck 123 32:05 - Boruto: Naruto Next…
One Piece, Black Clover, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Dororo, Dororo

TenSura – 25 (S2 E01) – Brandy in the Bath
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TenSura – 33 – A Different Kind of Demon Lord
After a string of absolute bangers that just screamed SHIT GOT REAL, this episode brings all that built-up the momentum to a screeching halt. It starts by repeating, verbatim, Eren’s story…

Tensura Nikki - Episode 9 - Milim Slaps Rimuru Slime
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Tensura Nikki - Episode 6 - Rimuru Enjoys Tatami Mats
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Tensura Nikki - Episode 11 - Santa Milim Crashes Door
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TenSura – 49 (S3 01) – Allies of Us All
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