Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’d like to dig back into Horimiya, which has so far proven to be a compelling but lopsided production, with some clear strengths and wea…
May 10, 2021 • Subscribe
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Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 3
This is Moya and my review of Horimiya and things started of great. You may need to enjoy pretty anime characters to enjoy this one. But who doesn't?

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 3
Check out Ep. 3 of my Horimiya collab with Irina, where we continue to fangirl over a genre neither of us used to care about, celebrate wholesome friendships,…

Horimiya Episode 3 Discussion & Gallery
Thoughts about Horimiya episode 3, as well as some neat pictures that you can use as wallpapers or add to your Pinterest or website.

Horimiya | Episode 2 and 3 Review
Episode Two Thoughts “Iro Kousui (色香水)” by You Kamiyama, is honestly so smooth. The OP is not hard on the ears and isn’t as energetic as most OPs…

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Ep. 3
I’m surprised this wasn’t in the original series.
Horimiya Episodes 2 and 3 Reactions
Miso and Sho-chan discuss their thoughts on the latest Horimiya episodes. Enjoy their in depth analysis and manga comparisons as they struggle to find something they actually liked,…

Horimiya – Episode 5
Hello all, and welcome back to the show. Today I am eager to get back to Horimiya, which appears to have reached a critical juncture courtesy of last…

Horimiya – Episode 6
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’ll be diving back into the delightful drama of Horimiya, where our leads just recently Did The Thing,…

Episode 158 - Horimiya
This week, Shaun continues his streak of showing Remington more modern shows with 5 episodes of 2021’s hit rom-com Hori-san to Miyamura-kun / Horimiya Meanwhile Remington makes Shaun reconsider…

Horimiya – Episode 1
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m planning on breaking the mold a bit, and writing up a show that’s actually airing right now.…

Horimiya – Episode 4
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am eager to dive back into Horimiya, as it seems like we’re rapidly approaching a turning point…

Horimiya – Episode 2
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’re returning to one of the year’s most compelling productions so far, as we check out the second…

Horimiya – Episode 1
A teenage love comedy that's got a few problematic beats to an otherwise solid premiere.

Horimiya | Episode 1 Review
Episode 1 Thoughts The first episode was an interesting one. For starters, I’d like to say that I enjoyed the OP “”Iro Kousui (色香水)” by You Kamiyama”” it…
Horimiya Episode 1 Reactions
Miso, Nikki, and Sho-chan share their thoughts on the first episode of the shounen (seriously? Its a shoujo) anime, Horimiya, and then discuss other currently airing anime, even…

Horimiya Episode One Reaction
Does the brand new romance phenomena “Horimiya” live up to the hype?

Horimiya is for the most part a pretty typical anime about high school romance between a mismatched couple. The main differentiating highlight is the main couple, Hori and…

A refreshingly mature high school romcom with some solid substance and intricate characters.

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – Episodes 1 to 3
There are many anime rom-coms set in school. Most of them are lively romps, but a few are calming and peaceful while still having funny parts. Horimiya is…

Horimiya Episode 5 Discussion & Gallery
Thoughts about Horimiya episode 5, as well as some neat pictures that you can use as wallpapers or add to your Pinterest or website.

Horimiya with IriMoya: Episode 8
Another great episode of Horimiya, but first, the obvious question: Irina, what would you do the day before the world ends? I know I sure agree with Remi…

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 5
It took all the way to episode 7 for Hirmiya to show a kink. At least for me. But there was still a lot to love about this…

Horimiya Episode 6 Discussion & Gallery
Thoughts about Horimiya episode 6, as well as some neat pictures that you can use as wallpapers or add to your Pinterest or website.

Horimiya with IriMoya: Episode 4
Back for another episode of Horimiya with Irina. How are you doing, Irina? I’m doing great! Thanks for asking! I hope you and the readers are doing just…

Horimiya Episode 11 Discussion & Gallery
Thoughts about Horimiya episode 11, as well as some neat pictures that you can use as wallpapers or add to your Pinterest or website.

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 5
I actually tweeted right after this episode that Horimiya is in fact a traditional romance but only the cute parts. Apparently, that’s what I like! But before we…

Horimiya Episode 9 Discussion & Gallery
Thoughts about Horimiya episode 9, as well as some neat pictures that you can use as wallpapers or add to your Pinterest or website.

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 9
It took all the way to episode 7 for Hirmiya to show a kink. At least for me. But there was still a lot to love about this…

Horimiya with IriMoya: Episode 10
It’s more Yuki, as we had hoped for! But first, happy Pi Day, and happy daylight savings switch. I don’t know if most people really celebrate either, especially…

Horimiya Episode 7 Discussion & Gallery
Thoughts about Horimiya episode 7, as well as some neat pictures that you can use as wallpapers or add to your Pinterest or website.

Horimiya Episode 2 Discussion & Gallery
Thoughts about Horimiya episode 2, as well as some neat pictures that you can use as wallpapers or add to your Pinterest or website.

Horimiya Episode 12 Discussion & Gallery
Thoughts about Horimiya episode 12, as well as some neat pictures that you can use as wallpapers or add to your Pinterest or website.

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 11
Who is Shu again? Oh huh, he’s got a sister? Cute “filler” episode for the beloved and lesser known side characters to shine. Well, this is going to…

Horimiya Episode 1 Discussion & Gallery
Thoughts about Horimiya episode 1, as well as some neat pictures that you can use as wallpapers or add to your Pinterest or website.

Horimiya with Moya – episode 1
This is Moya and my first review of Horimiya and things started of great. You may need to enjoy pretty anime characters to enjoy this one. But who…

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 11
It took all the way to episode 7 for Hirmiya to show a kink. At least for me. But there was still a lot to love about this…

Horimiya with IriMoya: Episode 6
Watching an episode called “This Summer’s Going to be a Hot One” in the middle of a (finally) snowy winter is interesting. And happy Valentine’s, by the way!…

Horimiya Episode 8 Discussion & Gallery
Thoughts about Horimiya episode 8, as well as some neat pictures that you can use as wallpapers or add to your Pinterest or website.

Horimiya with IriMoya: Episode 12
It’s a Christmas episode! I genuinely thought this was going to be the last episode in the series until Irina pointed out otherwise last time, but with all…

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 13
Horimiya is over and what a season it was. A feel-good romance with a couple I could actually get behind. Come see what Moya and I had to…

Horimiya with IriMoya – episode 5
This is Moya and my review of Horimiya and things started of great. You may need to enjoy pretty anime characters to enjoy this one. But who doesn't?

Horimiya – 10
It only hurts more because nobody's in the wrong. Read more

Review – Horimiya
Horimiya is an anime comprised of 13 episodes that are based around the existing manga of the same name. Created by CloverWorks studio and aired from January –…
Horimiya – 10
「いつか、雪が溶けるまで。」 (Itsuka, yuki ga tokeru made.) "Until the Snow Melts" It only hurts more because nobody’s in the wrong.
Horimiya – 07
「君がいて、僕がいて。」 (Kimi ga ite, boku ga ite.) "You're Here, I'm Here" Controversial opinion time.

Horimiya – 11
It says something about how inexplicable Neverland is that Horimiya is only the second-most baffling adaptation of the season. Read more
Horimiya – 01
「ほんの、ささいなきっかけで。」 (Hon'no, sasaina kikkake de.) "A Tiny Happenstance" Whew.
Horimiya – 09
「難しいけど、無理じゃない。」 (Muzukashīkedo, muri janai.) "It's Difficult, But Not Impossible" Kinky Hori in all her glory.

Horimiya – 05
An anime doesn't have to reinvent the wheel to be great. It just has to make a really great wheel. Read more