Monster Girl Doctor is a 2020 Comedy-drama anime series from newcomer Japanese animation studio Arvo Animation. While this studio was founded in 2017, to date, they’ve only produced three anime series. Though the most impressive aspect of this series and every series from Arvo Animation is that the same person, Yoshiaki Iwasaki, has directed everything that this studio has released. Though some potential viewers may be turned away from this fact given that they may...
Nov 10, 2020 • Subscribe
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Monster Girl Doctor – Episode 1
Monster Girl Doctor is that I'm going to keep watching because I really want to see some character growth... and because I like monster girls, okay?
Monster Girl Doctor: Dr. Feelgood
One of the best things about watching an anime, or any piece of entertainment is the sleeper hit. The shows that you pick up on a whim and…
First Look: Monster Girl Doctor
Glenn and Saphentite, a human and a lamia, are two doctors who treat a variety of different species. Despite their professionalism on the job, this is an anime…
Monster Musume no Oishasan (Monster Girl Doctor)
This anime doesn’t have much of an overarching plot. It’s essentially just about the protagonist Glenn, a doctor dealing with various patients, though the twist is that despite…
Anime Series Like Monster Girl Doctor
In the town of Lindworm, monsters and humans coexist. Dr. Glenn, a human doctor, runs a clinic for monster girls with his lamia assistant. While monster girls present…
GOBLIN SLAYER, High School DxD, Interspecies Reviewers, Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Monster
Playing Doctor with Monster Girl Hikari
I really really liked Interviews with Monster Girls. I’m still very much hoping it will get a season 2 that remains just as lovely and wholesome. I think…
Monster Girl Doctor #01 — Dougie Howser DVM
I'm no expert in centaur physiology, but not checking the feet seems dodgy. Impressions: Or maybe it's the CGI pixies running around. Or maybe that this somehow…
Monster Girl Doctor – Ep. 1 (First Impressions)
The doctor will see you now…platonically of course.
The Wandering Witch Examines the Monster Girl Doctor
Welcome, all, again. This last was a slow viewing season for me, with my favorite genre (slice-of-life) severely underrepresented. Only three new shows managed to catch my interest,…
Monster Girl (Youkai Girls)
This manga is an ecchi shounen battle manga that as you would expect from the title has a heavy emphasis on yokai girls. The core of it is…
Episode 690: Monster Girl of the Elite
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Psycho Girl Pilots Monster Friend While Naked
Gleipnir is a 2020 anime based on the manga of the same name. Music credit to: Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Doctor Appointment
My doctors appointment is today, and I really hope it goes well. I need to ask her some stuff about my current meds.
Monster Girl Yuri!—Head Over Heels out now
On September 30th, Dulcia Games released Head Over Heels, a yuri story featuring all sorts of monster girls—our protagonist included!
Medical Workarounds: Doctor Shortages and Doctor Substitutes in Postwar Japan
The post Medical Workarounds: Doctor Shortages and Doctor Substitutes in Postwar Japan appeared first on The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus.
Monogatari Series - Off & Monster Season - Episode 1 - Ononoki Magical Girl
Tsukihi saw her doll eating ice cream. So Ononoki lied and claimed she was a magical girl. Monogatari Series - Off & Monster Season - Episode 1
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On this episode of The One Piece Podcast we are joined by Stephen, Jason, and Firecrouch as we discuss Manga Chapter 635, “Creeped Out Enough to Fly,” Anime…
Episode 181, "Doctor Fishbone"
On this episode of The One Piece Podcast we are joined by Stephen, Jason, and Firecrouch as we discuss Manga Chapter 635, “Creeped Out Enough to Fly,” Anime…
Introducing Doctor Who-cember!
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Conversation with a Doctor
I’m watching Queen’s Legend, and the main character is a modern day doctor who finds herself transported to the past. Her conversation sounds too familiar to me. So…
The ultimate villain in all the history of anime! Feel free to argue with me on that, but I know a lot of people will agree with me.…
Spiraken Movie Review Ep 34: Doctor Detroit (or The Doctor Is In)
In this episode , Deke and Xan go on a zany adventure as the review the 1982 comedy, Doctor Detroit directed by Michael Pressman and starring Dan Aykroyd,…
Doctor Elise: Regret and Atonement
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Manga Pulse 422: Doctor Bitch
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Re-Evaluating The Thirteenth Doctor
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Tune of the Week(ish) Monster Girl Doctor’s Campanella Hibiku Sora de
Monster Girl Doctor has remained one of the better shows this season, if you take away ReZero. The opening theme isn’t anything special, but it has cute monster…
New Monster Girl Hentai RPG Surpasses Funding Goal by Magnitudes—Mana Quest
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Doctor Cha is a Great Kdrama! – Doctor Cha Ep 1 – 5 Kdrama Recap
After 20 years of being a housewife, Cha Jung Sook is ready to reenter the medical field. However, her husband’s infidelity threatens to upset her new life.
Monster Incidents #01 — Random Monster Generator
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Monster Politics
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The Promised Neverland, The Seven Deadly Sins, Black Clover, EDENS ZERO, My Hero Academia
Monster Musume
A monster girl manga where you get to see your favorite mythical creatures after their shirts disappear, or whatever gimmick happens this week. 1:16 - Monster Musume 38:14 - My…
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Review – “Monster”
I wrote this a long time ago, for a blog that no longer exists (it’s for the best, trust me). I can’t remember if I ever published it…
382 – Shojo Showdown 3 – Kiss Him, Not Me, Peach Girl, My Little Monster
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Kiss Him, Not Me, My Little Monster, Peach Girl: Super Pop Love Hurricane
Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls
A fun, tropey, sexy, harem of monster girls that’s got great moments. It does get a little sweaty at the end, but still a great time.
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp (First Impression)
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Episode 85, "The Doctor Is In"
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Episode 85, "The Doctor Is In"
On this episode of the One Piece Podcast we have something for the new school and the old school. We start with the new, a little bit of…
Kounodori : Doctor Stork by Suzuki Yuuju
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The Parasite Doctor Suzune, bonus shots
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MHAP 62- Doctor and Chap 240
In our 62nd episode, Doctor of the SSA Podcast fame joins us. We also go over Chapter 240 with Doctor and James at @ 19:47 You can follow Doctor…
Doctor X 7 (2021) [Drama Review]
Doctor X 7; or, Michiko to the Rescue I can only save a patient who is in front of me. When I heard about the seventh series…
Triumph and Torment | The Duality of Power and Redemption in Doctor Doom and Doctor Strange
No post summary was provided.
We Named It After Doctor...Twice Actually
We've had a youtube channel for aeons, since the dinosaurs roamed the earth and Spore was rumoured to be the video game to end all video gam...
Spy x Family episode 20 – Family Doctor
I was already a big fan of the manga, who wasn't? So I won't pretend that I wasn't extra excited about the Spy x Family anime!
Black Jack (1993) – A Good, Traveling Doctor
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Hatsukoi Monster Review
This is review number four hundred and forty nine. This anime is part of the Summer 2016 lineup, and it’s called Hatsukoi Monster or First Love Monster. It’s…
Books: Monster Kids
By Jonathan Clements. In his lively new book Monster Kids: How Pokémon Taught a Generation to Catch Them All, Daniel Dockery talks us through the original plans in…
Monster (2023) review
Kore-eda succeeds in delivering an utterly engaging narrative about the fundamental misunderstanding that underpins our fabrication of our truth.
Monster – Manga Review
I know, I know, there are already a million posts on Monster out there but what can I say, I think it deserves one more!