Hi everyone, I hope you are all staying safe during these rough times. I’m aware I haven’t been active lately since a lot has been happening on my end and I keep losing motivation to wr…
Sep 11, 2020 • Subscribe
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Taking a Break
Hi everyone! I know the title of this post might seem a little bit ominous, but please don’t take it that way. If you’ve been a frequent reader…

Taking a Break for a bit
Hello readers! Thank you so much for your support over the last 2 years while I have been blogging. When I first started writing this blog was more…
Fire Force S2 – 04 [Groping Through the Fire]
One day, and I hope one day soon, Fire Force will decide whether or not it’s a great anime. Unfortunately, that day is not this week, as “Groping…
Fire Force S2 – 03 [New Flashpoint]
New characters! Who doesn’t love new characters – and a high school student as well! Actually, how old is the rest of the 8th supposed to be? 20s,…

Taking a Long Break until May!
Hello! Just a little announcement to say that I’m taking a long break from posting until sometime in early May. Okay, good bye! … Wait, didn’t I write…

Taking a Short Break until May!
Hello! Just a little announcement to say that I’m taking a short break from posting until sometime in early May. Okay, good bye! … Alright, I guess I’ll…
NEWS: FIRE FORCE Season 3 New Trailer
Fire Force is finally returning to our screens in 2025 and we cannot wait! This week at CCXP, Crunchyroll unveiled…
Taking an Unscheduled Break
Unfortunately I will be taking a little bit of a forced break from this blog for a little while. My PC is on the way out (think the…
Fire Force S2 – 09/10 [The Core/Woman in Black]
Fire Force is really picking up here in the second half of the season. I’ve been a huge fan of this Oasis arc – the change of scenery…
Fire Force
A manga about a world destroyed by a great disaster and the survivors live in fear of spontaneous human combustion that transform them into flaming demons known as…

Fire Force S2 E7: An Allegory for Modernity
I’m convinced the latest episode of Fire Force is an allegory for the modern western world. I mean, look at this: They come to a continent, call it…

Fire Force (Episode 25) – A Fire Soldier’s Fight
Shinra has a day off and has gone shopping with the girls, but an Infernal spoils their day. Luckily, help is at hand as the entire Eighth Company…
Fire Force, a Frankenstein’s Monster of a Series
One of the anime that I’m enjoying the most right now is last season’s Fire Force. Fire Force is set in an alternate Japan where the phenomenon of…
Does Fire Force Hold Up in Shounen?
Warning: There will be spoilers. Read with caution. This is also an obersavion/opinion piece. I will post this on my Twitter page, so please feel free to comment…
Fire Force (Episode 2) – The Heart of a Fire Soldier
A new recruit has arrived at Special Fire Force Company 8 and it’s one of Shinra’s old rivals, Arthur Boyle who calls himself the Knight King! Hinawa is…
Fire Force (Episode 22) – A Brother’s Determination
Shinra finds himself face to face with his little brother, Sho, but Sho wants nothing to do with him other than that the Evangelist wants Shinra for his…

Fire Force (Episode 27) – A New Flashpoint
The hunt for the Fifth Pillar is on and as usual, the Eighth can’t expect any help from the other Special Fire Forces. They believe it’s a girl…

Fire Force (Season Two)
Shinra and Special Fire Force Eight continue to look into the origins of the Infernals and are soon caught up in some sinister conspiracies, but just how far…
First Impressions: Fire Force
My first impressions of Fire Force, a series many seem to love and one that I was conflicted about.
Fire Force – Episode 1
The first episode of Fire Force was amazing. My jaw dropped to the floor and it stayed there. Explosion after explosion, flame after flame; I was glued to…

Recent Watches in Dramaland + a Movie
I’m back with another one of these round-ups. I’ve actually been watching a ton of dramas to pass the time in the past few months but I didn’t…
Fire Force S2 5-6 [Corna/Secret Plan, Time to Choose]
Ensembles. Everyone loves Ensembles! When your main characters are feeling stale, bring back some likable side characters, amp up the enemy difficulty, make some convenient plan using all…

Anime As a Break from Anime?!
Every anime fan has their favorite genre of a of anime. There are fans that only watch Battle Shonen anime. There are fans that only watch pretty girl…
Fire Force Anime Gets Second Season in 2020
Earlier today, the final episode of Fire Force aired on Japanese TV. At the end of the episode, a teaser trailer played, which confirmed that the show will…

Fire Force (Episode 34) – The Woman in Black
The woman in black can only offer Shinra one second of Adolla Grace. What could he possibly do with that? Shinra, however, seems to think that will be…
Fire Force Episode 19 – A Shooting War – Gallery
When Fire Force is good…well I tell you what I think about it over on 100 Word Anime. I hope you stop by and read all about it.…
Fire Force 2 Episode 1 – A Great Start
Fire Force is back and until I watched the first episode, I didn’t hadn’t realized that it was just what I needed right now. Let’s get a few…
Fire Force 2 Episode 24 – A Great Start
With only one episode left in this season of Fire Force I think it's safe to assume we won't be able to get all the answers.

Fire Force (Episode 39) – A Three-Way Melee
Shinra’s fight is interrupted when Nataku’s Adolla burst awakens. Licht gives the signal and the Eighth bursts into the complex. However, Kurono isn’t willing to give up Nataku.…

The Wonder of Fire Force
In this week’s episode of The Wonder of Anime, we’re discussing all things Fire Force with the amazing Kiy of PinKIY Sensei! Kiy is a STEM researcher by…
Bakacast #393 – Tire Fire Force
iTunes | Direct Download | Current RSS | Archive RSS (Episodes 0-323) On this episode of Bakacast, I finally get fed up with Fire Force, my internet again…
Cop Craft, Fire Force, Fruits Basket, GRANBELM, Carole & Tuesday
Fire Force (Episode 23) – Smile
Shinra wouldn’t give up on Sho, no matter what the costs. Using the Adolla Link and his newfound speed, he is able to flood Sho’s mind with his…
Anime Corner: Fire Force Review
Playing with fire. What’s the Story? The flames took everything from Shinra, both his mother and brother perished in a house fire that most people think he started, but…
S4E11 - Fire Force, Dai Dark
In this episode of ScreenTone Club, Elliot and Andy go to two alliterative extremes - the heat of a burning fire and the deep cold of darkest space!Series…

Fire Force (Episode 47) – Firecat
Shinra and Princess Hibana visit Konro in the Seventh to investigate his links to Adolla. Satisfied that Konro is on their side they head home, although Benimaru offers…
Fire Force Season 1: Insert Fire Pun Here
This was a show that was pretty big a few months ago, and while the second season is currently airing, I dragged my feet on watching the first.…

Fire Force (Episode 28) – Groping Through the Fire
Charon and Shinra continue to fight over Inca, the fifth pillar, but she doesn’t seem to want to be saved by either of them. Meanwhile, Haumea has set…
Fire Force S2 – 11 [Dark Hero]…plus an update on the future
Here we are again. I was feeling pretty good after the last two episodes – both solid outings. BUT. This week, it’s just another episode of Fire Force…
Some Quick First Impressions: Dokyuu Hentai HxEros, Fire Force S2 & Lapis Re:LiGHTs
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros Short Synopsis: Literally Horny Power Rangers. Wooper’s review: If you’re opting not to watch this show because it has “Hentai” in the title, you should…

At Long Last a break from college
As of Thursday morning I had turned in my last paper and I was officially free for three weeks! I’m still waiting to hear back from most of…
Fire Force (Episode 12) – Eve of Hostilities in Asakusa
The 8th stick around and help to the 7th’s district to recover from the Infernal. There appears to be some ground being made between the two Special Fire…

Fire Force (Episode 37) – A Pair of One-Eyes
Joker and Benimaru find themselves standing before Leonard Burns, Captain of the First, but he doesn’t want to fight. He even has some information that he’d like them…
Fire Force (Episode 11) – Formation of Special Fire Force Company 8 – The Mightiest Hikeshi
After discovering a clue at the first incident Company 8 attended, Hinawa informs the group on how Company 8 came to be when he met Obi and together,…

Recent Reads in Manga
It’s been awhile since I’ve done something other than a review of manga. So I figured a bit of a reading list update was in order. I have…
Fire Force (Episode 3) – The Rookie Fire Soldier Games
It’s the Rookie Fire Soldier Games where Shinra and Arthur will go head to head with the other new recruits. They have to enter a training facility and…
Fire Force Episode 21 – Like a Moth to a Flame – Gallery
I can’t believe the season is winding down already. Seems like it just started! Well at least we still have a bit more Fire Force to go and…

Short Break from Okazu
Hello Okazu Readers and Commenters, Patrons and Fans! I’m taking a short break from Okazu this week for a few days, to 1) proofread my book; 2) catch…
I Wanted to Love Fire Force
I have tried to watch Soul Eater on four different occasions and the farthest I’ve gotten is episode four. When I tell my friends this, they are surprised…