On November 11th, 2011, I was counting down the seconds to the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour in my eleventh grade Law class. Several weeks before, word had spread that this one moment in tim…
Dec 19, 2020 • Subscribe
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The Night of the Tiger
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,
Happy Year of The Tiger!
Happy 2022, everyone! May this year be a better one for us all.
Takashi Miike: The Happiness of the Katakuris
This episode, Chris (@gokuffy) leads Kory (@taiikumenco) special guest Dana (@Izandra) through the first (of many??) Takashi...

The Delicate Happiness of “The Guest Cat”
The Guest Cat by Takashi Hiraide focuses on a childless couple who is adopted by the neighbor’s cat. The novella offers a detailed slice of life set in the…

The White Tiger Siblings of Fate!
The Rising of the Shield Hero S3 Ep 3 Review Are some things fated to happen, or does everything in life happen because of coincidence? The idea of fate…

Perfect Gold: The Alchemy of Happiness Review
Note: Review Code provided by Yangyang Mobile. The first all yuri game by Yangyang Mobile who subtly included it in their debut title, The Letter. Now we get…

Overlord IV – 10 – The Pursuit of Happiness
When the Floor Guardians note how easily the man in the red powered suit defeated two Death Knights, Ainz breaks out his patented “Just as expected”, awing his underlings…

Three Days of Happiness Review
TheOASG reviews Three Days of Happiness, where one man finds out how much his life's worth, and decides selling it is the best thing to do.

Anime On the Big Screen: “Josee, the Tiger and the Fish”
Venue: Hoyts Belconnen, Westfield Belconnen, Level 3, 18 Benjamin Way, Belconnen, ACT Date: Thursday 10 June 2021 Distributor: Madman E...
The Melancholic Middle Aged Anime Fan
Little Busters!, Nora, Noragami, O Maidens in Your Savage Season, Suzuka
Episode 641, "Tiger King of the Pirates"
On this week’s episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed & Steve with Stephen Paul (translator for One Piece in Shonen Jumpand Manga Plus), David Bednar (UI Designer & Trivia Host) and Sam Leach (Anime…
Episode 641, "Tiger King of the Pirates"
On this week’s episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed & Steve with Stephen Paul (translator for One Piece in Shonen Jumpand Manga Plus), David Bednar (UI Designer & Trivia Host) and Sam Leach (Anime…

Episode 641, "Tiger King of the Pirates"
On this week’s episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach , Ed & Steve with Stephen Paul (translator for One Piece in Shonen Jump…

Tiger & Bunny 17 – Speculations on Kaede’s Role
No dad. “Hey, hey! Remember when you were feeling really bad about last week’s episode? Well, there’s always hope you know? Things might turn out for the better.…

Anime to Celebrate the Year of the Tiger!
The 15 day long Lunar New Year celebration is upon us and this time around we get to ring in the Year of the Tiger! Each Lunar New…
I thought that reading a vampire manga by a more modern horror mangaka would be a good plan, but after reading this one I'm not entirely sur...
[Analisi] Happiness
Happiness ( ハピネス, Hapinesu) è un manga scritto e disegnato da Shuzo Oshimi (押見 修造, Oshimi Shūzō, nato nel 1981) pubblicato in Giappone tra il 15 febbraio 2015 e il 9 marzo …
[Analysis] Happiness
Happiness (ハ ピ ネ ス, Hapinesu) is a manga written and drawn by Shuzo Oshimi (押 見 修造, Oshimi Shūzō, born in 1981), published in Japan between 15…
I thought that reading a vampire manga by a more modern horror mangaka would be a good plan, but after reading this one I'm not entirely sur...

Horimiya: Piece – 11 – Taste of Happiness
Izumi is annoyed that Honoka just shows up at his house, but Valentine’s is coming and she is serious about giving Kyouko something she likes, right down to the…

GALACTIC GALE BAXINGAREPISODE 20: The Tiger of LONGOO WRITTEN BY: Yuu Yamamoto BROADCAST DATE: November 16, 1982 And as always, this episode aired exactly forty years ago today!…

Perfect Gold: The Alchemy of Happiness Yuri Game Review
Perfect Gold: The Alchemy of Happiness is a short slice-of-life yuri visual novel developed by Yangyang Mobile, an indie game studio based in the Philippines. This isn’t my first…
Hope and Happiness in The Fantastic Adventures of Unico
Elizabeth James discusses The Fantastic Adventures of Unico, and the way the film conveys a message of hope amid sadness.
![Featured image for Happiness [Manga Review]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210808/1628413395.18953.44553.jpg)
![Background image for Happiness [Manga Review]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210808/1628413395.18953.44553.jpg)
Happiness [Manga Review]
Happiness [Manga Review] Happiness is another story from the author of Aku No Hana. Going into Happiness I was eager to see how Shuuzou Oshimi will work with Horror as an…
Death Tiger
General Information Unit type: robotLength: 18.1 metersWeight: 40.5 metric tonsMaximum running speed: 285.0 km/hJumping power: 245.5 metersSpecial attack(s): Killer FangArmament: Death Cannon x 2Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara…

Black Tiger
Tonight’s show and tell takes us back to the Wild West in this darker and surprisingly versatile work from a famed creator. My next series is Black Tiger…

Tiger & Bunny
Tiger & Bunny (2011) Ah, superheroes who have problems beyond saving the world. This is an ‘old’ series now, (first airing back in 2011) featuring a lot of…
Guard Tiger
Robot mode Tiger mode Robot mode Tiger mode General Information Unit type: robotHeight: 3.9 meters (Robot mode)Weight: 2.0 metric tonsMaximum speed: 400.0 km/hJumping power: 65.0 metersMaximum output: 14,000…
Build Tiger
Normal mode Cannon mode Normal mode Cannon mode General Information Unit type: robotHeight: 18.08 metersWeight: 17.11 metric tonsMaximum speed: 356.0 km/hMaximum output: 19,490.0 horsepowerArmament: Tiger Cannon x 1,…

Chainsaw Minute: Chapter 121: Theory of Happiness
Will Asa ever find love? What time is it? It’s the Chainsaw Minute! Every Friday David and Jordan give their thoughts on the latest chapter of the…
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish
Josee, the Tiger, and the Fish is a 2020 Slice of Life Romantic Drama anime film by arguably one of the most famous Japanese animation studios, Bones. While…

Josee, the Tiger and the Fish
Amidst the scary tigers roaming the surface, hides a fish with crippled tail who yearns to swim free, and an angel with wings that seeks to soar the…
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish
By Jonathan Clements. Struggling to make ends meet, Tsuneo is scrimping together all his spare cash to fund the trip of a lifetime – a graduate posting in…

The Brutal Legacy of Tiger Mask 1969: The First Wrestling Anime
Today's spoiler free anime review covers Tiger Mask 1969, the first wrestling anime which spawned the legacy of the Tiger Mask franchise. I also discuss the manga too,…

Tadaima, Okaeri Episode 7 Review – Proof Of Happiness
Masaki finally shows off his happiness.
Happiness is a Cupboard Full of Ramen Noodles
Having a cupboard full of instant ramen makes me happy. It isn't really about having the noodles, but the potential that comes from having ...

I Read Strange Manga: One Room of Happiness
Think of a world as I shaved. Then I brought a high school girl home, except Sayu is a middle schooler, Yoshida is a masking-wearing stalker and instead…

Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S Episode 3: The Pursuit of Happiness
The young heroine made her highly anticipated non-skit return. How would her beloved little dragon make her heart skip beats this time?
Review: Our Happiness (2017)
Our Happiness 相声大电影之我要幸福 China, 2017, colour, 2.35:1, 92 mins. Director: Zhang Heluan 张鹤栾 [Zhang Luan 张栾]. Rating: 4/10. Confused comedy with a host of xiangsheng performers fails to…

Planetes and Ordinary Happiness
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to stare up at the stars, secure and certain of your place within their grand design? To not see the cosmos as a sprawling…

Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness
Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....

Talking About Happiness (Again)
It’s been quite some time since I last wrote something on this blog, huh? That’s embarrassing. I’m hoping once again I can get out of my rut and…

Tiger & Bunny S2
Oh well. Here is another old anime that has been dug up to be given a sequel. However I am not sure if they waited this long to…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!
Super Build Tiger
General Information Unit type: robotHeight: 21.1 metersWeight: 20.6 metric tonsMaximum speed: 415.0 km/hMaximum output: 26,790.0 horsepowerArmament: Tiger Cannon x 1, Riot Gun x 1Special attack(s): Tiger Kick, Drill…
Music: Josee, the Tiger and the Fish
By Shelley Pallis. The American-born composer Evan Call has become a particular favourite of Kyoto Animation, contributing scores to Tokyo ESP and Violet Evergarden, among others. But arguably…

Review: Josee, the Tiger and the Fish
Anime love comedies have hit upon a successful formula: Boy meets girl. One has obvious issues and the other less obvious (or developing). A severe obstacle—medical, fantastical, metaphysical—gets…

Josee, the Tiger and the Fish Review
Josee, The Tiger and The Fish is a very sweet movie to watch, full to the brim with melodrama, gorgeous animation and a very cute love story.
![Featured image for Josee, the Tiger and the Fish [Review]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210801/1627815800.18480.44033.jpg)
![Background image for Josee, the Tiger and the Fish [Review]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210801/1627815800.18480.44033.jpg)
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish [Review]
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish SPOILER ALERT! Story(9/10) and characters(8/10)Josee, the tiger and the fish is a pretty cliche story as people have pointed out but romance…

Lin Wenxiao, the Outstanding Tiger General
Remembering an animation legend.

Tiger & Bunny 16 – Livin’ the Dream
Give me a couple of years Kotetsu, I’ll be finding myself in a dumpster too. While I’m still deciding which shows I should blog this season, the shows…
Bungo Taiga: The Resilient Tiger VTuber
Taiga has been through a lot in his time as a VTuber. Click here if you want to know more about him, what happened, and how he's doing…