I regret everything about my life that led me to this point. Every Bad Ending Begins With Good Intentions As your beloved protagonist of the aniblog version of Hiatus x Hiatus, you know I can get a bit… distracted. So keeping me on-target with requests is a totally fine thing to do. (I promise I’ll ... Read more
Oct 16, 2020 • Subscribe
More like this
Promare: Studio Trigger Yelling – The Movie
I really wanted to name this Promare: Gainax Studio Trigger Yelling – The Movie but I was a bit too lazy to figure out how to add strike-through…

Otafu Susume 06 – The PROMARE of Premier (Promare – Studio Trigger)
Otaku spouses drag each other to the cinema to see Promare - Studio Trigger in all its glory! Was it a burning success or just a burn-out?

Animated Movie August: Promare
Welcome back to AMA or Animated Movie August. I enjoyed this feature that I tried out back in 2022, so I figured I’d bring it back. It’s rather…
Cover Art Comparison: Escaflowne (Movie)
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Subtitle Comparison: [Aniplex vs. AnonsAlliance vs. GJM] Kamisama ni Natta Hi (Episode 01)
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Promare (2019) Whenever folks complain about CGI in anime (as I sometimes certainly do) it’s not about this level of application and integration, I hope. Promare looks amazing,…

TV vs Movie I: Shot-by-Shot Comparison
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PROMARE (2019)
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Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation – 21 – A Spot of Bad Luck
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DITB #320 – Promare
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Anime Review – Promare
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Seven Mortal Sins: It’s Good to be Bad
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The Super Mario Bros. Movie: A Great Film that Sets a Bad Precedent
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How to Be Really Bad Movie Review
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It’s Spooky Season! – Day 21: Shadows House
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Trinity Trigger
Trinity Trigger is a solid game with several interesting elements, held back by a somewhat lackluster and repetitive presentation.
Burn to Fight: Promare
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Capsule Review & Commentary: Promare
Director: Hiroyuki Imaishi Animation Production: Trigger Music: Hiroyuki Sawano Genres: Action, Mecha Season: Spring 2019 Final say: WALLET-WORTHY I will begin by first pointing to Fire Force, a currently airing Shounen anime,…

Trigger On! World Trigger anime/manga review.
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Trigun Stampede: A Worthy Successor or a Pale Comparison?
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Trigger Warnings Are Not Apologies, part 1: Trigger Warnings Are A Good Thing
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The Manga Review: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Manga Superman
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![Featured image for VN Barriers: A Comparison of Taylor’s Article+ [P1]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210513/1620894250.12235.36789.jpg)
![Background image for VN Barriers: A Comparison of Taylor’s Article+ [P1]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210513/1620894250.12235.36789.jpg)
VN Barriers: A Comparison of Taylor’s Article+ [P1]
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A Comparison And Review: SSSS. Gridman And Dynazenon
A look at Gridman, a comparison with Dynazenon, and some anime commentary. Support me: https://www.patreon.com/spirit_chaser Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Contreras2992 My Anime List: https://myanimelist.net/profile/Spirit_Chaser Anilist: https://anilist.co/user/SpiritChaser #ssss_gridman #ssssgridman #animerecommendations #animereview #animeedit #amv #gridman #animeedit…
Spiraken Movie Review Ep 72: Blade Runner (or It’s Too Bad She Won’t Live...But Then Again, Who Does?)
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Anibros Podcast Episode 21 – Oh Look It’s the Cops, Time for a Party
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An Analytical Breakdown of Promare
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3 Reasons To Watch: Promare
Trigger being Trigger

World Trigger Review
AKA: Wārudo Torigā, ワールドトリガー Genre: Action, Science Fiction Studio: Toei Animation Episodes: 98 Seasons: 3 Available On: Crunchyroll I discovered this gem back in 2021. I had it…

Platinum End ep 21- It’s Good We Didn’t Die
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Lord, It’s a “Miracle”
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It’s a Wonderful Anime!
The classic holiday movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”, is an old school live action (returner) isekai about a man that chooses to commit suicide just before Christmas after…

Mental Health Crisis Resources and Advocacy Groups
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Sufferents made a bad video…
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Anibros Podcast Episode 132 – It’s Not a Hobby, It’s a Parasite
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The Boy And The Heron Movie Review – It’s Alright.
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Promare: burning for justice and survival
Promare is.. … brilliantly beautiful! … flamboyantly fun! … incredibly intriguing!
326 – Manga in Motion 45 – Promare
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Spiraken Anime Review Ep 03: Promare
In this SPOILER FREE mini Anime review episode, Xan review the latest anime film by Studio Trigger. So, get on your firefighting gear and enjoy as our hosts…
It’s Not a Fever Dream it’s Mannequin Night Fever!
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World Trigger 3 – Victory?
Osamu and all of team Tamakoma are getting closer to being part of the away team but their hardest challenges are yet to come. The last leg of…

World Trigger Season 3
Lack of a concrete ending notwithstanding, this is still an excellent season overall, and definitely worth watching if you've previously enjoyed World Trigger.
Trinity Trigger is out!
Yay! My copy of Trinity Trigger is here! Im gonna play it! *Five minutes later* Seriously, game? You drop an unnecessary and unfunny pseudo-incest joke within the first…

World Trigger S2 & S3
Oh? I see World Trigger is back. Did not expect this series to have a second season (and a third!) after being 5 years on hiatus! So I…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!