Engage Kiss is an original anime written by Fumiaki Maruto with designs by Tsunako and animated by A-1. That’s definitely makes it sound like it has quite a lot going for it. But on the other…
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Engage Kiss
Engage Kiss is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....

Engage Kiss
Another misleading title. At first I thought Engage Kiss was some sort of sequel to Engage Planet Kiss Dum or at least had something related to it. Unfortunately,…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!
Engage Kiss – 01
「クズと悪魔と男と女」 (Kuzu to Akuma to Otoko to Onna) "A Loser and a Demon and a Man and a Woman" It's like the last decade never left.
Engage Kiss – 11
「優しく愚かな嘘」 (Yasashiku Orokana Uso) "Gentle Foolish Lies" Kisara deserves better than that.
Engage Kiss – 10
「待ち望んだ最悪」 (Machinozonda Saiaku) "High Hopes for the Worst Case" It's like everyone has forgotten the best booze has come from monasteries.
Engage Kiss – 12
「彼を信じて」 (Kare o Shinjite) "Believe in Him" Never underestimate the little sister.
Engage Kiss – 07
「だけどいい、それでいい」 (Dakedo ii, Sore de ii) "But It's Okay, That's Enough" Phrasing is important you know.
Engage Kiss – 04
「奪い切れない未練」 (Ubai Kirenai Miren) "Unobtainable Lingering" It's your energetic sort of love triangle.
Engage Kiss – 08
「望んでなかった真実」 (Nozonde Nakatta Shinjitsu) "The Unwanted Truth" Let the reveals begin.
Engage Kiss – 09
「流す涙の意味を知らずに」 (Nagasu Namida no Imi o Shirazu ni) "Without Understanding the Tears Shed" Alright I definitely didn't see that one coming.
Engage Kiss – 05
「うたかたの爪痕」 (Utakata no Tsumeato) "Fleeting Scars" Never underestimate the power of jealousy.
Engage Kiss – 03
「ほんの僅かな酷い代償」 (Honno Wazuka na Hidoi Daishou) "The Slightest Terrible Cost" Amnesia with a purpose.
Engage Kiss – 02
「欲望に浮かぶ島」 (Yokubou ni Ukabu Shima) "The Island of Desire" Once she has the house key there's no going back.
Engage Kiss – 06
「悪魔殺しの第三者」 (Akuma-goroshi no Daisansha) "Third-Party Demon Killer" Third partied in the cutest way possible.

Engage Kiss – 11 – Last Kiss Goodbye
When Kisara is stabbed with Demon Kanna’s spear and she touches it, she suddenly gets a rush of her memories, which include a young Shuu. Kisara tells Shuu…

Engage Kiss – Episode 1
Visually, there's a lot to like about Engage Kiss. Unfortunately, then you get to the plot.

Engage Kiss Review — B
A harem where everyone is trash and wants to murder each other.

Engage Kiss | First Impressions.
Yandere types have always been hit or miss for me. Furthermore, the whole concept behind Engage Kiss is questionable. The whole concept of kissing your partner in order…
Engage Kiss – 13 (END)
「未解決で大団円」 (Mikaiketsu de Daidanen) "Unresolved Grand Finale" An episode title living up to its definition.

First Impression: Engage Kiss
Private security companies are in demand in Bayron City, but not to assist with common activities like guarding large sums of money or for bodyguard work. Instead, these…
Engage Kiss #06 — Kick Nun
Not very subtle. Impressions: The blonde nun in the OP finally shows up, and is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I can appreciate the shoot…
Engage Kiss #04 — Girl Talk
This show takes failing the Bechdel Test like a challenge. Impressions: At least this one was slightly more on point, and I'd rather have characters talking about…

Engage Kiss – 10 – Sister, Sister
Shuu, Kisara, Ayano, Akino, and a suit whose name escapes me meet with Sharon at the safe house where she’s wining and dining herself to go over the…

Engage Kiss – 07 – Fullmetal Exorcist
While Shuu and Ayano were small fry to Sharon, being cornered by both Kisara, Ayano, and armored AAA units proves enough to force her to retreat, but only…

Engage Kiss – 12 – Atomic Tantrum
Kanna awakens from her brief nap at the crack of dawn and announces her intentions by attacking Bayron City’s airport. The airport is virtually abandoned, and the Hachisukas…

Engage Kiss – 09 – Demon’s Due
Yuugiri Akino’s AAA wins the auction by one dollar to take out the latest Demonically Possessed: Miles Morgan. Mikhail, it would seem, is trying to get rid of…
Engage Kiss #07 — Sister Octopus
Why exactly did you stop kicking everything when it was always working? Impressions: Not sure why she felt the need to go all Doc Ock after dominating…
Engage Kiss #05 — Lockdown Blues
That sure was… a random monster and a quickie, wasn't it? Impressions: The recitation of Shu's backstory is better than endless boardroom meetings, but it still wasn't…
Engage Kiss #12 — Surf’s Up
Does Amazon really have one hour supersonic hoverboard delivery? Impressions: It's weird the progression of weapons they're throwing at his sister. First an orbital cannon, then a…

Anime Series Like Engage Kiss
After discovering a new energy source, Bayron City became a metropolis that works independent of other governments. However, the city is occasionally
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Engage Kiss | We’re getting closer.
I thought that Engage Kiss was going to have a lackluster ending. However, it turns out that we're finally starting to get somewhere. This of course, was something…
Engage Kiss #13 — Collect Them All
Buy our gacha! Impressions: Less embarrassingly awful an ending than Lycoris Recoil, if only because it stuck to its guns instead of continuing to spiral off into…
Engage Kiss #01 — Bureaucracy Before Business
Please get to the fun bits sooner. This is the last new show of the day (I think), so I'm taking a short break to walk the dogs…
Engage Kiss #11 — Orbital Stun Gun
That thing sure is convenient. Impressions: I was hoping we'd get to skip a backstory episode since we had gotten this late, or at least made it…

Engage Kiss – 04 – The Last Girl
Ayano and her AAA strike force go in guns blazing to deal with a D-level Demon Hazard, but she recognizes one of the men tangled up in the…

Engage Kiss – 03 – What He’s Losing
Before greeting the day, Shuu has a dream about his parents and sister Kanna being killed by demons—Kanna while begging her brother to save her. This is apparently…

Summer 2022 First Impressions – Engage Kiss
Streaming: Crunchyroll Episodes: 13 Source: Original Episode Summary: Baylon City is ground zero for the mining of the mineral orgonium. Of course, as with the extraction of most…

First Impressions Digest – Engage Kiss, Lycoris Recoil
These are not the droids I'm looking for. Read more

Engage Kiss | Episodes Six and Seven: Disappointing
I think I've seen enough of Engage Kiss. Having now finished episode six and seven, I don't think I can stand watching another episode, but I must push…

Engage Kiss | Consider this an anime review
I'll be honest, Engage Kiss has got to be one of the more disappointing 'originals' I've seen in a long while. As someone who has been a big…

Engage Kiss | Episode One and Two Review
You can definitely feel the inspiration from other anime, Engage Kiss reminded me of two in particular, Champione! and more recently Takt Op. Destiny or Guilty Crown. Engage…
Engage Kiss #03 — Meanwhile, In the Boardroom
Can we cut it out with any scene that takes place in an office? Impressions: And similarly to Lycoris Recoil, this is continuing to go in the…
Engage Kiss #09 — Sad Boys in Fields
What is this, weepy melodrama week? Impressions: So much adieu for two characters who had less screen presence than Kisara's instagram, and less plot importance than the…

Engage Kiss – 06 – Sixpence Nun the Richer
It was only a matter of time before an Index-style battle nun showed up on Engage Kiss, which is fortuitous because it comes at a time when there’s been a…
Engage Kiss #02 — Amazon vs The Lizard
Boy, that opening and ending are obnoxious. Extreme Hearts is still to come a little later today (one of those super late airing things), but I need…
Engage Kiss #10 — Weapons of Mass Ineffectiveness
Excuse me. Did you just fire an orbital cannon on downtown? Impressions: Both the Saturday 'action' shows really phoning it in for their finales. Same as Lycoris, this…

Engage Kiss – 13 (Fin) – Bless This Mess
Shuu, Ayano and Sharon are fighting as a cohesive unit, but against Kanna the best they can do is maintain a stalemate. Enter Tabula Rasa Kisara, who despite…

Engage Kiss – 05 – Not Done Being Down Bad
An unarmed and out-of-sorts Ayano is a sitting duck against Maria Swordhands, but thankfully Kisara is able to catch up and save her life. They end up losing…
Engage Kiss #08 — Requiem for White Board Guy
Now who will… stand at white boards? Impressions: What a truly godawful episode. The first half is almost entirely spent standing around white boards, explaining rather spuriously…
![Featured image for Engage Kiss – 08 – The [REDACTED] is Already Dead](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220822/1661133540.42233.72467.jpg)
![Background image for Engage Kiss – 08 – The [REDACTED] is Already Dead](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220822/1661133540.42233.72467.jpg)
Engage Kiss – 08 – The [REDACTED] is Already Dead
Engage Kiss does not care one single whit about your tonal or genre whiplash. After last week’s poisonous members and tentacle mech suits, we get what amounts to…