A single-mother and her daughter discover a new sense of found family and female solidarity after moving into an old-fashioned apartment in Shao Yihui’s warmhearted comedy.
Dec 10, 2024 • Subscribe
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Learn Japanese with Yuta: https://bit.ly/3hyXcYh Support me on Patreon: https://goo.gl/aiWNd5 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatYuta Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatyuta/ Facebook: https://bit.ly/381qpHS Blog: http://www.yutaaoki.com/blog/
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His and Her Circumstances – 25/26 [A Story Different from Up to Now/14 Days, Part 6] – Throwback Thursday
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PODCAST: Marriage Story
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | RSS Hello, friends! We actually released two pods this month! Who’d have guessed it could happen again? This episode…