Anyone who reads Japanese literature has surely noticed the overwhelming number of books about cats. It’s not just a phenomenon of fiction in translation—there are a lot of Japanese cat books to tr…
Sep 3, 2024 • Subscribe
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Books: She and Her Cat
By Andrew Osmond. She and Her Cat was one of the first animated films by Makoto Shinkai, five minutes of software-aided monochrome that he made mostly by himself,…

The Cat Who Saved Books
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Books: Japanese Drinking
By Shelley Pallis. Masaaki Watanabe’s anime series Bartender is part of a long tradition of TV shows about smart loners who help others in secret. Its leading man…
Books: Japanese Cinema
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Books: Branding Japanese Food
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The Cat who Saved Books by Natsukawa Sōsuke
Plot: Natsuki Books was a tiny second-hand bookshop on the edge of town. Inside, towering shelves reached the ceiling, and they were crammed with wonderful books. Natsuki Rintaro…

100+ Japanese Books under 200 Pages
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Books on Japanese Culture and Society
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Read Japanese Books with the Listening-Reading Method
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20 Books in 2020 (Part IV) Japanese Literature
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20 Books in 2020 (Part V) Japanese Literature
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Which Japanese Books Get Left Out of Translation?
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Japanese Company Suspends Controversial New “Cat Subscription” Service
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A Novel About a Cat and a Boy (A Review of "The Cat who Saved Books" by Sousuke Natsukawa)
" In our stifling daily lives, we're all so occupied with ourselves that we stop thinking about others. When a Person loses their own hear...
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Junko TAKEKAWA's Recommended Japanese Books - The Times and Sunday Tim...
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Japanese Book Guide : 27 Books You Ought to Read about Japan
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Books & Sake
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Books & Sake
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Black Cat
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By Jonathan Clements. The novelist Alexander Key (1904-79) is best known outside anime fandom for Escape to Witch Mountain, the sci-fi story that has thrice been adapted for…