Name: A Little Snow Fairy Sugar (Chitchana Yukitsukai Shugaa)Format: DVDRelease Date: October 2001Age Rating: 7+Themes: slice-of-life, school, fantasy, relationships, growth, grief, lossLanguage Wa…
Jun 30, 2024 • Subscribe
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Snow Fairy Review
Snow Fairy by Tomo Serizawa is the latest slice-of-life Boy’s Love manga from Tokyopop showcasing what can happen when two unlikely men meet.

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Plot: In the kingdom of Highland, fairies lived freely until humans betrayed them. Once a fairy has been stripped of a wing, whoever possesses it holds the fairy’s life…
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Volume 1 Review
This is actually Sugar Apple Fairy Tale’s second manga adaptation. The first, which has never been released in English, was serialized in the online version of Hakusensha’s Hana…

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Volume 1: The Silver Sugar Master and the Obsidian Fairy Review
But if you don't mind simpler fare, Sugar Apple Fairy Tale may end up as sweet as its title suggests.
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale: The Silver Sugar Master and the Obsidian Fairy
By Miri Mikawa and Aki. Released in Japan by Kadokawa Beans Bunko Bunko. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Nicole Wilder. Frequently in romance novels,…

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Volume 1 Manga Review
Fifteen year old Anne isn't prepared to make the dangerous journey to the capital herself, so she purchases a warrior fairy for protection. Will the beautiful fairy Challe…

Manga Review | Snow Fairy by Tomo Serizawa
Haruki has been living alone in snowy Hokkaido since the death of his parents years back. His life is very routine and ordinary. He helps his elderly neighbors…

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Episode 6
We’re finally into volume 2, and Anne has since left Westol and headed off to Philax after receiving a generous tip of an opportunity to make good money…

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Part 2
Plot: Despite having accomplished a lifelong dream of hers, Ann Halford faces further challenges ahead. Bridget Paige, the daughter of the Paige Workshop’s owner, still possesses the wing…

Guys… I literally forgot yesterday was Saturday… Anyways apologies for forgetting to write, and I should also let you know that I’ve watched the second episode in the…

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Episode 4
Man, the start of the episode almost managed to draw a tear from my eye. Anne was so crushed to have her work stolen from her, that she…

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Episode 5
I was certainly taken aback this week, though in hindsight I really shouldn't have after having finished reading volume 2. (I told you I wouldn't be able to…

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Season 2
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....

Anime Like Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Fairies once lived free alongside humanity until humans discovered that stripping a wing from a fairy means literally holding their life in your hands. Now,
Yumeiro Patissiere, Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness, Earl and Fairy, Kamisama Kiss, Snow White with the Red Hair

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Episode 2
This week our duo they find themselves with additional companions accompanying them on them on their journey…

First Look: Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
A bold new experiment in narrative anime criticism.

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Episode 3
Damn, I'm almost mad that they ended it there! This was certainly the moment where we can all be glad that Challe isn't the type to obey…

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale – Episode 1
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale is a promising premiere that’s complicated as hell from a feminist analysis perspective.

First Impression: Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Crafting confections from silver sugar is a sacred art first practiced by fairies but now accessible to humans too, and Anne is aiming to become a master of…
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Ep 7
Man... I hate to say it, but this episode was terribly underwhelming. Source

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale – Nothing But Sweet
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale was recommended to me by both friends and manga readers on the internet. I finally got around to it.

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Novels 2-3
If you've already watched the first season of Sugar Apple Fairy Tale's anime adaptation, is it worth reading the novels? I'd say yes.

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Volume 3: The Silver Sugar Master and the Ivory Aristocrat Review
I have to admit sometimes my memory isn’t very sharp, and I’m not 100% certain some of the characters Anne knows here were actually introduced to readers before…

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Volume 2: The Silver Sugar Master and the Blue Duke Review
In light of the fairies' situation in Highland, there's not enough pause, surprise, and/or tension outside of the usual shoujo emotions.

Those Snow White Notes – 10 – A Little Longer
Sakura has made a special bento for Setsu on the day he’s to perform in the individual competition. Of forty entrants, he’s to perform 36th, meaning he’s been…
![Featured image for Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Ep 1 [First Impression]](
![Background image for Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Ep 1 [First Impression]](
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Ep 1 [First Impression]
Yay! My most anticipated title of the season is finally here and they did such a lovely job with the first episode!

Review: Sugar Sweet Temptation
Bake your way to these girls' hearts in this heartwarming story of romance and dreams!

planetarian: The Reverie of a Little Planet & Snow Globe, coming to Switch!
There will be a deluxe edition as well, featuring both games for $14.99.

Winter 2023 Impressions: Danmachi S4, Tensei Oujo, Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV Short Synopsis: Silver haired wonderboy and half naked elf fall deep into a chalky world with lots…
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Sugar Apple Fairy Tale

Anime Review: Happy Sugar Life
“Someone once said, ‘A person’s heart is like a jar.’ You can stuff lots of things inside, but once it breaks, that person breaks, too.”-Shio, Happy Sugar Life…
First Snow Review
Another day, another yuri Kinetic Novel to review, which is never a bad thing for a yuri fan who loves them. This time it is about two young…

Fairy Tail Review
A blog about reviewing anime, anime episodes, anime movies, books, manga and other things.

A little update
Here’s a tiny update of what I’ve been up to. Spoiler alert—it’s not much.

Little Nights, Little Love (2019) review
“A very enjoyable and heart-warming romance narrative.”

Plastic Little Review
There are a lot of silly OVAs from the late 80s to early 90s. While not every one of them is of the type of high quality you’d…

Manga Review: Millennium Snow!
I was recently reading more of the lovely blog posts on my favorites list, and I found a wonderful post from Jessica at Shoujo Henshin! (click the button…

Bottle Fairy — Anime Review
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Something’s Wrong With This Fairy Tale: A Video Review of Fairy Tale Battle Royale
Long time ago, I only read novels. And in that novel reading, dark fantasy was surprisingly one of my favorite genres of fantasy. I say surprisingly because when…

Tsurezure Children – Just A Spoonful of Sugar
Titles: Tsuredure Children, Tsure x dure children, Tsurezure Children Genre: Romance, comedy, Slice of Life, School, Short Episodes: 12 Studio: Studio Gokumi Ahhh spring, when a person’s thoughts…

A Little Anime Nostalgia!
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A Little Heads-Up
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A Little Night Work
detective fiction, 推理小説、games, mystery, murder, locked room, Japanese, translations,

Ascendance of a Bookworm episode 33
NOTE: Due to me being away at Anime Central this past weekend, I am behind on everything else that has aired since Thursday. Hence I am skipping covering…

Rent-a-Girlfriend – 33 – 99 Lies
I’ll admit it, like I always do: this episode got me. I was lucky enough to know all four of my grandparents when they were strong and full of…
Happy Sugar Life: An In-Depth Review
Happy Sugar Life is an anime about obsession. Nearly every character is obsessed with something, believing it to be their source of happiness, their "Happy Sugar Life". However,…

Little Busters! & Little Busters!: Refrain Review (Spoiler Free)
So a while back I decided to take a look at Little Busters!. It was something that I’ve come across time and time again when looking around for…
A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow (Manga series review)
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Sound! Euphonium, Anne of Green Gables, Liz and the Blue Bird, Maria Watches Over Us, Maria Watches Over Us
A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow Vol. 5 Review
A snow is afoot in this volume.

Happy Sugar Life
Ah the joys of discovering the meaning of love! In the world of anime, there’s no shortage of stories and characters designed around this eternal quest. On one…