Why so much CGI when you're so bad at it? Impressions: I think that it was probably meant to introduce three more characters, each in their own little eight minute segments, but the first 16 or so minutes had them sitting in a wagon/room, announcing their current situation for the benefit of mostly the audience. When […]
Jan 10, 2024 • Subscribe
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This one looks interesting and promising. In Ishura, a world when the big bad villain known as the Demon Lord has already fallen, nobody actually knew who the…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!

Overflow (Season One)
Kazushi has known Ayane and Kotone all of his life. Now that he’s at college, he’s starting to look at them a little differently. How will he choose…

Ishura – Episode 1
It's a premiere that’s nakedly yearning for the heat of Attack on Titan’s apocalyptic opener, and I will admit that it hits its familiar beats pretty well. But…

First Impression: Ishura
It’s the first day of school in a vaguely medieval Ottoman-like world (with robots) when timid Yuno first encounters Lucelles, the sparkling, confident girl who quickly becomes her…

First Look: Ishura
In a fantasy world at the nexus of dimensions, the Demon King has finally been defeated. Without a common enemy, the “Shura” – beings from other worlds powerful…

First Look: Ishura
In a fantasy world at the nexus of dimensions, the Demon King has finally been defeated. Without a common enemy, the “Shura” – beings from other worlds powerful…

Anime Like Ishura
The Demon King has been slain, but no one knows who was capable of taking out a man who made the world tremble under his might. Leaving a…
Sabikui Bisco, Akudama Drive, ISHURA, JUNI TAISEN:ZODIAC WAR, Ragna Crimson
Ishura #03 — Wyvern Law
Really love these stupid little CGI dragons, don't they? Impressions: I'm getting pretty tired of all this setup with no payoff so far, and it doesn't seem…
CGI being used in Anime
CG has been being used more and more in the last decade or so. And there are a lot of conflicted opinions about them. So here, I’ll be…
Winter 2024 Taste Test: ISHURA
Something of a cross between isekai, DanMachi, and Hell’s Paradise, ISHURA gives us a world where isekai characters, called “visitors”, and demi-gods are known and dreaded forces of…

Made in Abyss – S2 02 – Fire Bubbles, Dragons, and Eggs, Oh My!
As soon as Riko, Reg, and Nanachi set foot in The Golden City, its striking, terrifyng beauty is almost too much to handle. That said, once she’s acclimmated…
Made in Abyss, Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun

Claymore & Fighting Dragons
Watching familiar, old anime is a delight in which far too few fans indulge. These days, everyone talks about a season’s best two or three anime, which will…
Kuutei Dragons Review
"Kuutei Dragons is consistently stunning"
Ishura: The New Demon King War
By Keiso and Kureta. Released in Japan by Dengeki no Shin Bungei. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by David Musto. I almost didn’t get this.…

Ishura Season 1 Anime Series Review
While Ishura seems to take itself incredibly seriously with such silly names, it's best enjoyed as a supremely daft, flashy action show.

Attack on Titan and CGI in Anime
When I was just a fledgling otaku, the words line art, compositing, and sakuga meant little to me. An appreciation for the heights that animation can reach takes…
Pick of the Week: Koi and Dragons
MICHELLE: My pick this week is Ima Koi: Now I’m in Love for the very simple reason that I almost always adore manga from Margaret and its offshoots.…

Sicko Shock 2: Episode 3 - Stack Overflow
The Anime Sickos present: Sicko Shock 2 - A Miniseries in Six Episodes. EPISODE 3: STACK OVERFLOW In the year 42069, humanity survives in the last…

Overflow (Episode 8) – Fully Captivated by Sisters
Ayane, Kotone, and Kazushi go to the water park on their day off and everything is going swimmingly. Well, until Kotone’s swimsuit can no longer hold on, leaving…

Overflow (Episode 3) – Two Hearts Getting Closer
Ever since that night, Ayane has been avoiding Kazushi. Then, he bumps into her while walking home and she asks him what he meant by it. Of course,…
High Card #13 — CGI Is the Ultimate Antagonist
As ever. There's five premieres today. I'll get through them eventually, but I have other things I need to attend to as well, so expect gaps. Impressions:…
Drifting Dragons – Episode 1
Drifting Dragons is a strange series to review. It’s a Polygon Pictures production, the first one that actually uses bright colors instead of a pallet roughly similar to…
Misadventures in Dungeons & Dragons
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m trying something a little different from our usual fare, building off my recent articles on the continuing…

Pick of the Week: Dragons, Actors and Tea
MICHELLE: Although I'm tempted to pick the jerk/paragon danmei, my love for Therapy Game is strong, and it's The Dragon's Betrothed that wins the week for me. SEAN:…

Overflow (Episode 4) – A Flushed Body Going Wild
Ayane is avoiding Kazushi. She won’t even come over when invited by Kotone. Well, Kotone is going as she needs some help studying. The alcohol-filled chocolates, however, will…

Overflow (Episode 5) – Two Excited People in Hiding
After being avoided by Ayane again, Kazushi decides that they need to have a talk. Reluctantly, Ayane agrees and takes him to the girls’ locker room. They should…

Overflow (Episode 7) – Under An Apron-Wearing Temptation
Ayane and Kotone have a day off and want to do something fun. Kazushi also has time so they plan on doing something together. Ayane has even offered…
Will Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero be 100% CGI?
After a long wait, the new Dragon Ball Super movie is finally on the way. Titled "Super Hero", the movie introduces an aged-up Pan, and moves the series…
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A different kind of dragons – Tea Dragon series review
Kay O’Neill started her comic artist life with Princess Princess Ever After, a lesbian fairy tale, and then continued on with the Tea Dragon Society that was meant…

The Dragons of My Childhood: In Remembrance of Ruth Stiles Gannett
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Elder Dragons | Monster Hunter Lore
Want to see ALL videos early? Support me on patreon for exclusive access! https://www.patreon.com/oceaniz Or become a member here on youtube: https://tinyurl.com/Join-Oceaniz *Sources* [0] Monster Hunter 4U NPC Dialogue in Cathar [1] Hunter's Encyclopedia…
Shoujo 'n Dragons part 3
Its time to find out what our brave adventurers found in the room in the book! Dungeon Master Bees takes Neight (Nikki), Oujo (Aza), and Meeso (Miso) into…
Shoujo 'n Dragons Part 1
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Shoujo 'n Dragons part 4
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Japanese Myths in Dungeons & Dragons
D&D is if anything a playground for brewing cocktails of legendary stories. Stories steeped in a broth of human experiences that penetrate the greater depths of our psyches.…
Fruits Basket and Drifting Dragons
The White Sox win at Wrigley Field behind Eloy Jimenez’s two-run home run in the top of...
Fruits Basket and Drifting Dragons
The White Sox win at Wrigley Field behind Eloy Jimenez’s two-run home run in the top of the ninth, and that’s all I’m really thinking about right now.…
Drifting Dragons: Pretty Yet Problematic
…not that that’s a question anyone would ever ask, but here’s the answer anyway. Drifting Dragons has an anime being held back by Netflix (apparently it won’t drop…
Shoujo 'n Dragons Part 2
Part 2 of the Dungeons and Dragons adventure run by Bees! The investigation continues as Ojou Sama, Neight, and Meeso (Azayan, Nikki, and Miso) head to Professor Respect's…
This World is Too Buggy #01 — Creative Interpretations of Dragons
…You know a debugger doesn't mean someone who finds bugs, right? Right? Impressions: What a bizarre episode, and for so many reasons. The most egregious of which…

Melanin Friendly Games: Mercenaries Blaze: Dawn of the Twin Dragons
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Yo ho ho! Tis time fer another voyage on the good ship Light Novel Club. I staged a mutiny an’ took over from old Cap’n Star this time.…

This Week in Games - Tilting at Windmills Instead of Dragons
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Ranking summary for the weeks of 2020 02/10, 02/17, 02/24, 03/02
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Shoujo 'n Dragons Part 5 (Finale)
Meeso (Miso), Neight (Nikki), and Ojou (Azayan) managed to defeat the individual behind the case of the missing boys. With the great evil eliminated, there's only one thing…

This NEW Anime is About DRAGONS
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Episode 104, "Dragons, Ivankov, And Bears!"
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Misadventures in Dungeons & Dragons: Part Three
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today my buffer of reader bounties is so well-stocked that it would be an act of supreme hubris to…

Cutest Manga About Dragons #manga #mangarecommandations
Manga: Ruri Dragon