A rare time we decided to get right to the main topic and talk at length about PLANETES and Vinland Saga creator Makoto Yukimura’s appearances this past weekend in Toronto 01:20:32 – Then in …
Jan 10, 2024 • Subscribe
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Ep. 40: Vinland Saga, by Makoto Yukimura
VIKINGS! Pillaging, looting, making great art! Deb leads the team through VINLAND SAGA by Makoto Yukimura, and we all love it! On Mangasplaining.
![Featured image for [TRANSLATION] Yukimura Makoto x Noda Satoru Interview: Part 4](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210505/1620247455.11768.36250.jpg)
![Background image for [TRANSLATION] Yukimura Makoto x Noda Satoru Interview: Part 4](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210505/1620247455.11768.36250.jpg)
[TRANSLATION] Yukimura Makoto x Noda Satoru Interview: Part 4
Original interview here. The way the translation is divided does not correspond with the division of the original interview. Corrections, suggestions are welcome! [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part…
![Featured image for [TRANSLATION] Yukimura Makoto x Noda Satoru Interview: Part 3](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210505/1620247457.11765.36259.jpg)
![Background image for [TRANSLATION] Yukimura Makoto x Noda Satoru Interview: Part 3](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210505/1620247457.11765.36259.jpg)
[TRANSLATION] Yukimura Makoto x Noda Satoru Interview: Part 3
Original interview here. The way the translation is divided does not correspond with the division of the original interview. Corrections, suggestions are welcome! [Part 1] [Part 2] Are…

TSUTAYA Weekly Manga Sales Ranking: September 18 – September 24, 2023
There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. All of the data you find…
Space Brothers, Umamusume: Pretty Derby, Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater, Jinsei - Life Consulting, Solo Leveling

Top Weekly Manga Sold in the US: September 24 – September 30, 2023
There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. All the data you find below…

Japan Top Weekly Manga Sales Ranking: September 18 – September 24, 2023
There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. It is thanks to the amazing…
Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater, Solo Leveling, Space Brothers, Umamusume: Pretty Derby

Japan Top Weekly Video Game Ranking: September 18 – September 24, 2023
Hardware sales are up across the board with the exception of Switch Lite which may suggest that the poor overall performance noted a week ago may be due…

I met Vinland Saga Creator Makoto Yukimura! – Kodansha House NYC 2024
I met Vinland Saga manga creator Makoto Yukimura at a fan meet and greet sponsored by Kodansha in NYC this past weekend!

Vinland Saga's Makoto Yukimura Shares Opinion on Violence: 'Consider Attack on Titan'
Yukimura opened up about his hope for a world without war and his antipathy toward violence.
Conflict and acceptance in Vinland Saga (Studio Wit, original work Makoto Yukimura)
The adaptation of Makoto Yukimura’s seminal historical fantasy lays bare the ugliest and the grittiest of a tumultuous time, the Viking conquest of England in the 11th Century.…

Japan Top 11 Weekly Light Novel Sales Ranking: September 18 – September 24, 2023
There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. It is thanks to the amazing…
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!, A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life

COMIC ZIN Weekly Manga Sales Ranking via Natalie: September 18 – September 24, 2023
There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. It is thanks to the amazing…
Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater, Umamusume: Pretty Derby

State of Jump, September 2023
August was a fairly mellow month, with the second week being a well-deserved break for the magazine. Most series are still going strong, although several seem to be…

“Every Inch of My Imagination”: Mangaka Yukimura Makoto on writing women and slavery in Vinland Saga
Anime Feminist also had the remarkable opportunity to interview Yukimura about Vinland Saga, writing female characters, portraying slavery and the role of Buddhist Philosophy in his work. Our…

The purpose of realism in animation
The concept of realism in animation is a tricky one. Indeed, animation is thought to be the perfect medium to transcend reality and give shape to one’s wildest…
The purpose of realism in animation
The concept of realism in animation is a tricky one. Indeed, animation is thought to be the perfect medium to transcend reality and give shape to one’s wildest…

Japan Top 10 Weekly Anime Blu-ray and DVD Sales Ranking: September 18 – September 24, 2023
There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. It is thanks to the wonderful…
Drifting Home, Dead Mount Death Play, Masamune-kun's Revenge, Masamune-kun's Revenge R, Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout The Animation

The Purpose of Tengen Uzui’s White Headwrap?
The question has plagued my mind ever since I started watching and reading Demon Slayer: why does Tengen Uzui wear a white headwrap? Throughout the time I’ve been…

September 2023 Monthly Favorites
Welcome back to your favorite feature! This month is surprisingly stacked since I was pretty intentional about finding new blogs, at least to me!, to follow. Do forgive…

Monthly Listening: September 2023
This month's round-up of great new Japanese releases from Ohzora Kimishima, rirugiliyangugili, Yuka Nagase and more

September 10 2023: The Anime Toronto Report
James returns to the table for the first time since Anime North. So we start by recaping his take on the anime summer 00:06:22 – A thought on…
The Time-Bending Tales of Makoto Ueda
By Tom Wilmot. Writers tend to have a motif, an idea or theme that persists throughout their work, distinguishing their projects and allowing them to form an artistic…

Makoto Shinkai Retrospective: The Garden of Words
For some reason, up until now, this was the only Makoto Shinkai film I hadn’t seen. Maybe it was due to the bad taste that his earlier 5…

Purpose Beyond Parenting
This episode I wanted to dive into my thoughts on being more than just a parent. Obviously I make sure my kids are a top priority but sometimes…

Suffering Isn't Purpose
Painful and useless wings within a walled city; is the unfairness of life something we must come to terms with for salvation? Haibane Renmei, an anime from the same…
cocoon: Aru Natsu no Shoujo-tachi Yori, Haibane Renmei, Serial Experiments Lain

Author Journey (September 4, 2023)
I hadn’t planned on getting much done last week. I was aware of the challenges facing me but, somehow, that was still wildly optimistic! When will things get…

Box Art Extravaganza: September 2023
I just realized that it’s almost the end of September and while we don’t have much on the Gunpla front, we do have one highly anticipated kit. But…

Author Journey (September 25, 2023)
I know that I said last week that I would be thinking about the future schedule for this blog. I also said that I wouldn’t do anything until…
NEWSWIRE: September 2023 Pre-Orders
The final days of summer are slipping away, but the sun is always shining here at Anime Limited, especially when we have another exciting month of new products…

Author Journey (September 11, 2023)
It’s official. I am absolutely exhausted… And would you believe it, we’ve almost cleaned up the mess from the flooding. Almost… I’m going to need a vacation once…

Author Journey (September 18, 2023)
Last week, I set myself some goals for the first time in four weeks with the hopes of getting back into the swing of things. It was optimistic…
September 2023 Mandarake Order Unboxing
For the curious, I share what items I most recently acquired from Mandarake of Japan. Apologies for me looking a bit trashy. I’m a lazy, aging hermit. It’s…

Top Weekly Manga Sold in the US: September 17 – September 23, 2023
There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. All the data you find below…

Top Weekly Manga Sold in the US: September 10 – September 16, 2023
There have been some changes to the reporting style here on the Blog. Please refer to the post here for further information. All the data you find below…

Makoto-chan the Movie
Some western anime audiences are familiar with Crayon Shin-chan , a very long running Japanese anime series about a five-year-old boy with l...
Dr. Slump, Ganbare!! Tabuchi-kun!!, Makoto-chan, Rose of Versailles, Time Bokan Series: Yatterman

Top Sales According to Series for the Month of September 2023
Trillion Game tops the September list as the most profitable series according to products tracked by Oricon via participating stores. The series had generated sales worth 1,310.31 million…

KADOKAWA’s Weekly Top 5 Manga and Light Novel: September 18 – September 24, 2024
Please note that from the looks of it, the rankings provided by KADOKAWA are limited to that of Japan only. The methodology is not provided, however, it is…
Nichijou - My Ordinary Life, Solo Leveling, The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady

Top Manga Sold in the US: September 2023
A million thanks to the amazing folks over at ICv2 and Publishers Weekly that we get to see these charts on a monthly basis so be sure to…
My Hero Academia, One-Punch Man, BLUE LOCK, Chainsaw Man, Dragon Ball

Ergo Proxy: Purpose in the Apocalypse
Humanity perpetually exists within an existential crisis, which exhibits no signs of ever reaching a legitimate conclusion. Matthew Roe tackles life's biggest question through the lens of Manglobe's…

Anime: The Garden of Words by Makoto Shinkai
This review has been a long time coming! This is going to be a throwback to my very first review on this blog... The Garden of Words…
Celestial Moon Entertainment Reviews
Weathering With You, 5 Centimeters per Second, The Garden of Words

Manga the Week of 4/24/24
SEAN: April is lurching towards its conclusion. What can we find? ASH: Hopefully my mind; try as I might, it's convinced that March comes next. SEAN: There's a…
Kokuhaku, She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man, The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior, The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes, The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash

Manga the Week of 1/24/24
SEAN: After waiting for Yen Press to show up this year, we are finally here. ASH: Hold on tight, folks! SEAN: No debuts for Yen On, but we…
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Reign of the Seven Spellblades, The Irregular at Magic High School

Manga the Week of 7/24/24
SEAN: It's still July, and still hot, but don't worry, you can relax in the shadow of Yen Press releases. ASH: That could possibly work. SEAN: There is…
Makoto Shinkai's Suzume Hits Crunchyroll from 16th November 2023
The good folks from streaming giant Crunchyroll have sent us news that Makoto Shinkai's latest movie Suzume will be available on the streami...

Kio Shimoku Twitter Highlights September 2023
This month, Kio Shimoku posted more Genshiken art, and we saw the opening of Genshiken pop-up shops across Japan! Yes, there’s even Ogiue merch! Kio had a good…

Romance Manga New Releases: September 2023
A new month is coming up fast, and with that comes new manga releases! So I decided to pull a list of romance manga coming to shelves and…

Monthly Ultra Connection (September 2023 Edition)
Introduction I don’t know what to really say in these segments anymore other then I had to changed by featured image because Return of Ultraman is no longer…

Otaku Collection Haul for September 2023
For this month’s batch we continue the Limited Run Games pickups and also catch up on more Viz Media manga and a few big Asian box sets.

2023 Goals Status Update (2023-10-24)
I was reading through my old blog posts about my goals and routines throughout the year, and I realized that I need to step things up. At this…

2023 Goals Status Update (2023-01-24)
I feel like it’s time to give a status update on my goals. Sometimes I need to check on those goals to make sure I stay on track.