By Helen McCarthy. Young V&A, formerly the Museum of Childhood, opened its doors again on 1st July 2023 after a revamp that took seven years to plan and design. This is its first exhibition since the opening, and every aspect of its presentation and marketing has been engineered to establish itself with its target audience […]
Nov 7, 2023 • Subscribe
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Japanese Myths in Dungeons & Dragons
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Review: Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! (Manga)
I don’t quite remember when I discovered the light novel for Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! (maybe last year?), but I have wanted to read it for a…
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Minor Myths and Legends, Vol. 1
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exception, Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

Go To Japan NOW | Japan Station 110
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Go To Japan NOW | Japan Station 110
On this episode of the Japan Station podcast, Tony talks about his most recent trip to Japan and why you should go to Japan now.
JapanKyo – Interesting news on Japan, podcasts about Japan & more

USA according to Japan
This anime has a 20 minute intro. It's literally an MTV music video in anime form. No seriously, when does the anime start? This intro has been going…

Welcome to Japan Station
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Tourists Return to Japan – But Japan Stays Home
More and more people are coming to Japan, with some countries setting new records. So why isn't Japan returning the favor?

Japan Struggles to Find Solutions to Overtourism
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Welcome to Japan, Elf #01 — The Majesty of Japan
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Exchange Students to Japan Warn: Japan Isn’t Like Anime
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Japan Tourism Continues to Boom
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Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf!
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How To Retire In Japan
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“Why do you want to go to Japan?”
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Japan to Add “Taiwan” Identification to Family Registry
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How to Switch to Cashless Shopping in Japan
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A Guide to Volunteering in Japan
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Going To The Gynecologist In Japan
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Welcome to The Japan Blog List!
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The Japan Blog List - Japan related blogs which are written in English

How To Rent Bikes in Japan
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Where to Find Turkey in Japan
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Trying to Maintain Balance in Japan
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Your gluten-free guide to Japan
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Where to Buy Pumpkins in Japan
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5 TIPS to Make Your Japan Trip GREAT! | Japan Station 118
JapanKyo – Interesting news on Japan, podcasts about Japan & more

5 TIPS to Make Your Japan Trip GREAT! | Japan Station 118
JapanKyo – Interesting news on Japan, podcasts about Japan & more
5 TIPS to Make Your Japan Trip GREAT! | Japan Station 118
JapanKyo – Interesting news on Japan, podcasts about Japan & more

The most influential manga in Japan isn’t Japanese
Without Popeye, manga, anime, and video games wouldn’t exist as we know them.

This manga made Japan enter the World Cup
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Manga captures 90% of Japan e-book market
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Manga Pulse 389: A Link to Manga
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Manga Therapy Is No More. Welcome to Drop-In to Manga
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The Spell of Self-Assurance: How Howl’s Moving Castle challenges myths about youth and beauty
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5 TIPS to Make Your Japan Trip GREAT!😊| Japan Station 118
On this episode of Japan Station, licensed travel guide Miyuki Seguchi shares 5 travel tips that will help you make the most out of your next visit to Japan.…

How to Find Great Manga to Read
We’re in an awesome time for manga reading in the West. Physical manga volumes are flying off the shelves in a time when digital reading is becoming more…

GACKT: Japan Should Return to Isolationism, Maybe
Singer-songwriter GACKT, who currently lives in Malaysia, mused that it might be better for Japan to return to isolationism.

First Impression: Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf!
Have you ever wanted to get isekai’d without truck-kun separating you from this life forever? Well, Kazuhiro is living the dream, literally. Every time he goes to sleep,…

Where to See Real Gundam in Japan
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5 Cultural Activities to Try in Japan
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What Happens If Japan Goes To War?
With rising political tensions, let's explore what happens if Japan goes to war. How would the international community react?

Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf – Ep. 3
These two are giving their predicament as much urgency as the playable cast of a JRPG.

How To Get Your Juminhyo in Japan
A juminhyo is your residence record in Japan. You need it for everything from moving to a new address to pension and insurance eligibility.

Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! – Ep. 5
Prep time makes anyone overpowered.

Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! – Ep. 2
I would’ve offered some chicken curry.

Best Places to Study Japanese in Japan
Where is the best place to study Japanese in Japan? Find out in this week's GaijinPot video.

Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! – Ep. 10
If Wridra doesn’t get to ride a train, this show gets a 0/10 from me.

Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! – Ep. 6
Can these two just get married already?