The last 2 episodes before the final one. Pretty sad to see this lovely anime coming to an end
Aug 12, 2023 • Subscribe
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Campfire cooking Episode 8-9
In episode 8 & 9 the food, sadly weren’t on show as much. However, the adventuring is

Campfire cooking Episode 6-7
Campfire cooking is back! episode 6 & 7 were pretty fun to watch with some tasty food shown

Campfire cooking Episode 12 (fin)
Well campfire cooking with my absurd skill in another world has come to an end. Really enjoyed this gourmet isekai show

Hikari no Ou & Campfire cooking Epi 5
Hikari no ou episode 5 is looking pretty interesting with the continuation of the world. In campfire cooking Mukodah gets better at magic
The Fire Hunter, Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill

Hikari no Ou & Campfire cooking Epi 4
An insightful look in to the world of the fire hunters and Mukodah learns how to throw some fireballs around
The Fire Hunter, Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill

Hikari no Ou & Campfire cooking Epi 2
Episode 2 of Hikari no Ou and Campfire cooking were a delight to watch, loved the food on showing in campfire cooking
The Fire Hunter, Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill

The Fire Hunter; Campfire cooking Epi 5
Hikari no ou episode 5 is looking pretty interesting with the continuation of the world. In campfire cooking Mukodah gets better at magic
The Fire Hunter, Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill

The Fire Hunter; Campfire cooking Epi 3
On this episode, two sides of the same story is told in Hikari no ou, whilst campfire cooking continues to make me drool over the food
The Fire Hunter, Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill

Hikari no Ou & Campfire cooking Epi 3
On this episode, two sides of the same story is told in Hikari no ou, whilst campfire cooking continues to make me drool over the food
The Fire Hunter, Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill

Hikari no Ou & Campfire cooking Epi 1
Hikari no Ou shows the hardships in a remade world, whilst Campfire cooking is how life can be without some hardships
The Fire Hunter, Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill

Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill – Episode 1
While it has its share of familiar isekai plot beats, this premiere manages to exude a certain charm that kept me interested. Maybe even hungry for more!

Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill
A dude cooks to conquer the world, literally. I have been aware of this series because I’ve read them from time to time on J-Novel. What I wasn’t…

Hi friends! Here to serve you your daily isekai intake because I bet you’re already showing withdrawal symptoms. Today’s premiere is a rather quiet or uneventful one compared…

Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill Review — C+
Another isekai, this one with cooking.

Anime Like Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill
Alongside three other heroes, Mukouda Tsuyoshi was transported to a fantasy world to save a kingdom.
Restaurant to Another World, Beast Tamer, Black Summoner, Farming Life in Another World, Handyman Saitou in Another World

First Impression: Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skills
Tsuyoshi Mukōda is a 27-year-old Japanese who has become as familiar with the isekai genre and its trappings as you, dear readers, no doubt are by now. When…
The Quintessential Quintuplets – 11 – Their Own Campfire
There are two distinct sensors that can’t be tripped when she and Fuutaoru are trapped in the storage shed, potentially overnight: the burglar sensor on the door to…

Food Travels: Thoughts on Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill
©MAPPA & Crunchyroll Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill (2023) By Ren Eguchi Studio: MAPPA Any isekai series involving cooking or food is a huge…

Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi / Campfire Cooking in Another World by Eguchi Ren / Akagishi K
This year WorldCON is in Glasgow (August 8-12). I can’t be there, alas. However, I am attending virtually and I just received my final schedule today. I’m on…
MangaKast – A PodCast of All Things Manga
Akagi, Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill

J-Novel Club Announces Campfire Cooking in Another World and Seven other Titles for 2025 Print Release
J-Novel Club announced the print release of eight new titles (4 manga and 4 light novels) for summer 2025.
Yuru Camp 2 – Episode 11 – Relaxation Time and Laid Back Camp Cooking
Episode impressions of Yuru Camp 2 Episode 11 as the camping trip continues as they finally make it to the camp site and relax.

Winter 2023 Impressions: Kuve Won’t Let Me Be Invisible, UniteUp!, Saving 80,000 Gold, Campfire Cooking in Another World
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Tonikaku Kawaii | Episode 10 and 11
Episode 10 My favourite episodes of Tonikaku Kawaii are when we get to see Tsukasa and Nasa be all gushy, cute and when they spend time together. I don’t know…
Rinkai! — Episode 11 — 10 Second Anime
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Horimiya | Episode 10 and 11 Review
Episode Ten Thoughts Before watching episode ten, I was browsing Twitter a couple weeks back. I think the week the episode actually aired and I saw the cancel…

Campfire Cooking In Another World With My Absurd Skill Season One Review: This is the Power of Anime Doordash
So this is actually a show that was recommended to me and I decided to give it a try. The story is another isekai to add to my collection…

SSSS.Dynazenon – 10-11
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Ikoma is Cooking
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Yesterday wo Utatte | Episode 10 and 11
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Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Episode 10 & 11
Visit the post for more.

Mashle Episodes #10 & #11
Well look what we have here, it appears that someone opened the secret door to the ancient arena. But wait a minute, I remember the time when Mash…
ID Invaded – 10, 11
「Inside-outed II」/ 「Stormed」 That really was something. I still feel tripped out.
Books: Cooking with Ghibli
By Helen McCarthy. Les Recettes des Films du Studio Ghibli by cook Minh-tri Vo, with photos by Apolline Cartier and film research by Claire-France Thevenon, is out now…
Kinsou no Vermeil - Episode 11 - 10 Second Anime
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Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Episode 11 - 10 Second Anime
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Mahoutsukai Reimeiki - Episode 10, 11 - Loux Throws Tantrum
Loux wanted to destroy a 10,000-man army instead of evacuating. Evacuating is no fun! Mahoutsukai Reimeiki - Episode 10, 11.
Hibike! Euphonium S3 — Episode 11 — 10 Second Anime
After Kitauji passes to the Nationals, Kumiko and Reina attend a concert. A fateful reunion decides Kumiko’s future. Hibike! Euphonium S3 — Episode 11
Eizouken 10-11, Oshibudo 8-9, Magia 11
Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! 10 is another bunch of plot points which don’t really mix yet, but you have so much fun watching that you…
Even Campfire Stories Are Scarier in Japan
Every year I bring you a collection of scary stories with a Japanese flair. This year we go back in time for some classic campfire stories.
Ranking summary for the weeks of 2020 10/19, 10/26, 11/02, 11/09, 11/16, 11/23
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Bookshelf Briefs 10/11/20
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Gimai Seikatsu Episodes #10 & #11
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Kageki Shoujo – Episodes 10 & 11
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Yoake ni Furu, 10 & 11
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Zombieland Saga – Episodes 10 & 11
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Tiger & Bunny 2 – 10-11
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Sayounara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei - Episode 2 - Celina Dries Hair by Campfire
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Spy Room #05 — Cooking Montage
Such spy. Very intrigue. Impressions: It continues to amaze me how they have eight characters who all supposedly have some kind of gimmick, and the writers can't…

Non Non Biyori Nonstop | Episode 10 and 11 Review
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