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3136 results, page 1 of 63

Blue Box – 25 (S1 Fin) – Can’t Be Scared to Lose
Ayame catches up to Hina as she continues to sob her eyes out, and is frustrated and upset there’s nothing she can say to her. She’s never felt…

Re: Zero – 66 (S3 Fin) – Chasing Away the Night
Even when Beatrice shows up, her spells are powered by magic crystals, of which she has a very limited supply. So she tries to fake one of those…

Hyakkano – 23 – Any Given Tsundere
As the now 11-member Rentarou Family Love Train trundles happily along, its co-first member is having a bit of a dilemma. At night she dreams of losing Rentarou…

Zenshuu. – 12 (Fin) – Fixing It All
While Memmeln is still fighting, her elf sisters are reconstructing QJ, and Natsuko and Unio return to Last Town, all of these positive developments occur far too late.…

Solo Leveling – 24 – Pest Control
Upon arriving and setting up a protective barrier with his shadow army, Jinwoo heals his battered fellow S-rankers, only worryingly Hae-in’s HP is too low for even his…

The Apothecary Diaries – 35 – Up Close and Personal
Jinshi is heading off to a hunting trip to a northern province run by Loulan’s wealthy and influential father, Shishou, but he wants Maomao to come along. And…

Hyakkano – 22 – Eleventh Heaven
Rather than ponder how exactly Rentarou will acquire ninety more girlfriends before this anime ends (it’s taken 21 just to get ten), I long ago decided to simply enjoy…

Re: Zero – 65 – Grand Banquet
We’ve still got three Sin Archbishops running around chewing the scenery, including the Gluttony Twins, Roy and Lye. Roy is the better dressed of the two but is…

Blue Box – 24 – Set Free
The day of the bonfire, we follow Hina as she goes over her feelings for Taiki in her head again and again. She sees him watching Chinatsu, who…

My Happy Marriage – 24 – Operation Get Your Man
An awakened Miyo is still Miyo, but imbued with a firm confidence to match the inner strength and resilience that was always there. Ueda Reina alters Miyo’s voice…

Zenshuu. – 11 – Don’t Underestimate a Unicorn, You Jerks!
When both Natsuko and Unio are swallowed up and the void that ate them is destroyed, Luke despairs, completely losing his will to fight. As Natsuko’s bloody pegbar…

Solo Leveling – 23 – Ant-Man and the Wash
No sooner is Shimizu beheaded than her fellow Charlie Squad Hunters are also relieved of their heads. They are the first to encounter the Ant Queen’s last and…

The Apothecary Diaries – 34 – The Spooky Story Society
Due to Gyokuyou’s pregnancy and a numbers imbalance with Loulan’s household, three new ladies-in-waiting are hired for the Jade Pavilion. At first glance they’re identical triplet…

My Happy Marriage – 23 – Sword and Sheath
Miyo awakens to find Hazuki and Yurie are safe, but she’s terribly worried about Kiyoka. She’s about to try to escape the palace, currently being defended by Naval…

Re: Zero – 64 – A Saint’s Story
Generally, the best way to build up an audience’s emotional investment in a character is over as much time as possible. We watch the character struggle and grow,…

Blue Box – 23 – Night Run
It’s looking like Taiki has to state who he loves when Kyou comes out of nowhere and delivers an exquisite bailing out, saying Taiki loves Yusa because he dreams about…

Hyakkano – 21 – Locks of Love
Rentarou is still bald and eyebrow-less after the Beauty Search, but Kusuri has a drug that manipulates hair, such that all the girlfriends get hair makeovers. Those with…

Zenshuu. – 10 – Bad to Worse
With the heroic but tragic loss of QJ, the Nine Soldiers are back down to just four, but might as well only be three, because Natsuko can’t draw.…

The Apothecary Diaries – 33 – Hidden Favorite
Maomao spends the night with Suiren, and while looking for a book to read finds a basket full of toys taken from Jinshi when he was little. It…

Solo Leveling – 22 – Ant Problem
Four Korean S-Ranks go up against their Japanese counterparts from Drawn Sword, and it looks like good clean fun until Kumamoto, who acts like a coward at first,…

My Happy Marriage – 22 – Bringing Nightfall
When a grotesquerie is resistant to soldiers’ special abilities and Godou has to take him down with brute force, Kiyoka has Dr. Unan and Tatsuishi analyze the body,…

My Happy Marriage – 21 – Cherry Blossoms Disturbed by Snow
I thought the last episode was the calm before the storm, but there’s a little more calm here, albeit with a few more rumbles of thunder. Neither Usui…

Re: Zero – 63 – Time to Choose
Sirius and Regulus are donezo, but there’s still three archbishops slithering around, including one of the two Gluttony Archbishops, Lye. Otto gets the upper hand by summoning two…

DanMachi V – 15 (Fin) – Letting Go to Hold On
Bell & Co. are able to hold out long enough for Hestia and Haruhime to arrive. Hime buffs Ryuu, Mia and Hedin, Hestia updates Bell’s stats, then Hime…

Blue Box – 22 – Doing All the Work
Barring a second season (which isn’t outside the realm of possibility; I just haven’t heard any confirmation) we’re in the home stretch of Blue Box. Time’s a-wasting for our…

Hyakkano – 20 – Beauty Wars
Mimimi’s desire to beat Nano in a contest hearkens back to middle school, when Nano unexpectedly beat her in a beauty contest she was entered into by mistake.…

Zenshuu. – 09 – Something to Fight For
This week begins by re-telling the story so far, only from Luke’s perspective. He had not been doing well since losing five of the Nine Soldiers over various…

Solo Leveling – 21 – It Was All for This
For defeating Baran, Jinwoo receives the expected windfall of loot and level-ups, but nothing more important than the Purified Blood of the Demon Monarch, the final item needed…

The Apothecary Diaries – 32 – The Equalizer
In her typical feral gremlin fashion, Maomao asks Hongniang to let her move into the storage room, which for the other ladies-in-waiting would be a punishment, but is…

Re: Zero – 62 – The Keys to the Kingdom
Emilia and Subaru are able to defeat Regulus Corneas due to two abilities he does not possess, nor will he ever possess: trust and love, specifically in and…

DanMachi V – 14 – No Future Beyond Love
Lili sends a motivational message to everyone and anyone who can still fight: Allen and Ottarl are the only threats, and they’re both busy fighting, so Freya is…

Hyakkano – 19 – A Beautiful Heart
While the tenth girlfriend is teased at the fourth wall-destroying start of this episode, the first half gets the Rentarou Family off the school roof for once and…

Blue Box – 21 – Different Speeds
While initially surprised, Taiki is glad to see Chinatsu back in his home, but when he tries to bring up the play, she stuffs his mouth with snacks…

Zenshuu. – 08 – Not Just 3B Lines
Natsuko can’t ignore the weird-looking bird who keeps telling her “it’s no use” every time they cross paths. Fortunately, even a bird that surly is no match for…

Solo Leveling – 20 – Love on the 100th Floor
When Jinwoo quickly overpowers and prepares to dispatch the demon knight he started fighting last week, the knight suddenly and unexpectedly puts their hands up and shouts “I…

The Apothecary Diaries – 31 – Child of the Mother Royal
We’ve known for a while now that Jinshi isn’t just “the emperor’s favorite eunuch,” but has Jinshi actually come out and said as he does here that he’s…

DanMachi V – 13 – Turning Things A-meow-nd
Heith is pissed when Hedin rains lightning upon his own allies, but Hedin isn’t about to explain his actions to her or anyone else. He’s acting out of a…

DanMachi V – 12 – The Winds and Flames of Justice
With Bell being boatraced by Ottarl, the Einherjar are deployed to seek out the Alliance’s gods and take them off the board, which the proceed to do with…

My Happy Marriage – 20 – Hotel Imperial
Kiyoka and Miyo enjoy a quiet New Year’s Eve together as it snows outside (just as it did around these parts today) and kiss for the second time.…

Hyakkano – 18 – Jurassic Ballpark
Team Rentarou’s opponents from Jurassic High are a colorful and serious bunch (and judging from their ears they might be 100% human?), while the three Kaykay sisters who…

Re: Zero – 61 – A Bard’s Tale
Lilliana Masquerade grew up in a musical troupe and learned about song and dance by watching her mother. Frustrated that she had no input in what they performed…

Zenshuu. – 07 – Four First Loves
The primary reason Hirose Natsuko worked herself to death-by-spoiled-bento is because she fundamentally could not understand the love story central to the anime film she had been tasked…

Blue Box – 20 – My Stupid Prince
Taiki is pretty much forced to serve as last-minute understudy Prince opposite Hina’s Snow White. Kyou was conveniently called away, Taiki knows the lines, the director is pulling…

The Apothecary Diaries – 30 – The Scent of Treachery
When Maomao is summoned back to the older court lady at the health clinic, Yinghua is worried she’ll be outed for illegal medicine making. But the court lady…

Solo Leveling – 19 – Nobody No More
Famous actor and playboy Lee Min-Sung has gathered a huge press corps to cover his arrival at the Hunter’s Association for assessment. He’s already certain he’s an A-rank,…

My Happy Marriage – 19 – Forest of Illusion
Luring Kiyoka and Arata away was part of Usui’s plan to retrieve his “daughter” Miyo. When the soldiers wonder how the hell he got past the HQ’s barrier,…

Hyakkano – 17 – A Whole New Ballgame
When Rentarou’s eyes meet those of Sutou Iku (a very game Takahashi Rie) of the girl’s baseball club, she falls for him on the spot. He soon learns…

Re: Zero – 60 – The Little Time King
Egad, has it really been sixty episodes of Re:Zero now? And it feels like Rem has been in a coma for over half of them! Oh well, I’m sure the…

Blue Box – 19 – Samoyed at Two
Throughout high school romance anime, the cultural festival has more often than not served as a catalyst for change, or a vehicle for some key development, anime, and…

Zenshuu. – 06 – Climbing the Steps
After a flashback to when all nine Nine Soldiers were still around and Justice and Luke were best buds, we and Natsuko get a recap of what’s happened.…