Mimimi’s desire to beat Nano in a contest hearkens back to middle school, when Nano unexpectedly beat her in a beauty contest she was entered into by mistake. When Mimimi decided to be a good…
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![Featured image for MAMORU OSHII book review [fiction] Part 20, GARM WARS](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220423/1650709487.35070.63660.jpg)
![Background image for MAMORU OSHII book review [fiction] Part 20, GARM WARS](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220423/1650709487.35070.63660.jpg)
MAMORU OSHII book review [fiction] Part 20, GARM WARS
----- There're some Mamoru Oshii book lists on the Internet, but they don't have detailed explanations about the contents. My Mamoru Oshii book collection is far from complete,…

Hyakkano – 18 – Jurassic Ballpark
Team Rentarou’s opponents from Jurassic High are a colorful and serious bunch (and judging from their ears they might be 100% human?), while the three Kaykay sisters who…

Hyakkano – 15 – Maid Man
Hahari has the strongest maternal instinct of Rentarou’s girlfriends, which tracks: she’s actually a mother to Hakari. She scratches that itch by making baby clothes for everyone, while…

Hyakkano – 04 – Three Kisses
Hakari and Karane are introduced to Rentarou’s new girlfriend Shizuka and her unique mode of communication. Rentarou breaks the ice by noting one cute quirk that each of…

Hyakkano – 03 – Don’t Speak
Yoshimoto Shizuka, the tiny student librarian, has resigned herself to a life of solitude, and yet she still longs for her shining knight. Enter Aijou Rentarou, who happens…

Hyakkano – 06 – Uniquely Wonderful
Karane didn’t want to go to a water park, but Hakari suggested it, and she didn’t object. Now she’s looking at cute swimsuits, thinking none of them would…

Youchien Wars (Kindergarten Wars)
A tale of convict employees, romance, and action awaits those who pass the gates of the world’s most secure school building for tots. Our next series is Youchien…
Hyakkano - Episode 5 - Nano AI
The school's top student, Nano Eiai, has a nickname. Based on her robotic responses, AI works well as a descriptor. Hyakkano - Episode 5

Hyakkano – 19 – A Beautiful Heart
While the tenth girlfriend is teased at the fourth wall-destroying start of this episode, the first half gets the Rentarou Family off the school roof for once and…

Hyakkano – 02 – First Kiss Conundrum
On their second day of being throuple, Hakari and Karane get Rentarou to start calling them by their first names and holding hands as they walk to school…

Hyakkano – 11 – Truth and Tummies
In what is perhaps a demonstration of how a full-on adult soulmate is able to function, Hahari actually tables her sudden confession and request to go out with…

Hyakkano – 09 – Rentarou Family Values
This week begins with a distressing sight: Hakari being told something by her mother…something clearly not good. Thing brighten up considerably at the Lovezono flower part where Rentarou is…

Hyakkano – 21 – Locks of Love
Rentarou is still bald and eyebrow-less after the Beauty Search, but Kusuri has a drug that manipulates hair, such that all the girlfriends get hair makeovers. Those with…

Hyakkano – 16 – Maid to Love
Hahari lends her maid Meido Mei to Rentarou for a day so they can spend some time together as a couple. However, Rentarou soon learns that as far…

Fear Of Beauty
This is a video about the Sublime. What is it? watch the damn video pls. I erratically jump from media to media, from video games like Legend of…
Chrono Trigger, Legend of the Crystals: Final Fantasy, Mob Psycho 100
Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Sleeping Beauty (1959) Upon re-watching Sleeping Beauty recently I was fascinated to realise that the three fairies are pretty much the main characters :) Obviously they’re not the…
Hyakkano - Episode 7 - Kusuri Senpai Soulmate
Rentarou locked eyes with Kusuri Senpai, a chemistry genius, but felt surprised when a tiny creature made him feel the same way. Hyakkano - Episode 7
Hyakkano - Episode 11 - Hahari Hugs Rentarou
All's well that ends well when Hahari joins Rentarou's harem. He promised he would cherish her daughter and make her happy, too! Hyakkano - Episode 11

Hyakkano – 07 – Love is the Drug
Rentarou has a horny girlfriend in Hakari, a tsundere in Karane, a bookworm in Shizuka, and a cool beauty in Nano. We’ve seen her in the OP and…

Hyakkano – 14 – The Taste of Love
As the Food Fight Festival (with its blatant fanservice-prone MC) kicks off, Haraga Kurumi is convinced that Rentarou and his six other girlfriends will be nothing but dead…

Hyakkano – 05 – Human for a Reason
Next girlfriend up: the Cool Beauty, Eiai Nano; the girl who is not only atop the school exam rankings, but got a perfect score; the girl who is…
Hyakkano - Episode 10 - Rentarou Hahari Soulmates
I should have seen this coming. Oyakodon is on the menu, boys! Too much time on a hot milf not to expect her to join the harem. Hyakkano…
Hyakkano - Episode 12 [END] - Girls Drool
The girls kept telling each other not to drool over Prince Nano kissing the crossdressing Rentarou-chan as they drooled! Hyakkano - Episode 12 [END]

Hyakkano – 08 – A Time to Kiss
We know the stakes: Rentarou and Kusuri need to reverse the other girls’ affliction or they’ll remain kiss zombies forever. But because they have superhuman strength and speed,…

Hyakkano – 17 – A Whole New Ballgame
When Rentarou’s eyes meet those of Sutou Iku (a very game Takahashi Rie) of the girl’s baseball club, she falls for him on the spot. He soon learns…
Hyakkano - Episode 14 - Kakedashi Idol-chan
Kakedashi Idol-chan hosted an eating contest, Food Fight Festival, and dressed appropriately. Not complaining, just explaining. Hyakkano - Episode 14
Hyakkano - Episode 13 - Kusuri Chemical Cloud
Hyakkano’s second season quickly needed to introduce the six girlfriends from last season. Red strings of fate and explosions! Hyakkano - Episode 13
Venus Wars
By Andrew Osmond. The feature film Venus Wars has a special nostalgic cachet in Britain and America, at least among fans who are old enough to remember when…
Food Wars
By Hugh David. Soma Yukihira’s old man runs a small family restaurant in the less savoury end of town. Aiming to one day surpass his father’s culinary prowess,…
Lineart Wars
More Gundam sections have been upgraded with new secondary lineart, so here’s what’s included in the update: G-Saviour Gundam: The Origin (anime) Gundam Build Fighters Try Gundam Build Fighters…

Gigigoegoe Sunghyungsoo (Beauty Water)
Plot: Beauty Water looks like a common skin cosmetic. But unlike other cosmetics, people can sculpt their skin with it like moulding clay and change their appearance. An…
![Featured image for [ten – X1999] cruel beauty](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211228/1640732318.28117.55458.png)
![Background image for [ten – X1999] cruel beauty](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20211228/1640732318.28117.55458.png)
[ten – X1999] cruel beauty
Cherry blossoms. A pale hand reaches out to catch a petal. A young man runs towards the screen. The hand belongs to his mother, whose clothes are suddenly…
True Beauty – Webtoon Review!
A comedic Webtoon that deals with the standards and stereotypes of beauty. Now the main character has to hide her normal life when she started becoming the “pretty”…

First Impression: True Beauty
Jugyeong Lim is a high school student with problems that are all too familiar, especially body image anxiety and bullies. When she finally lashes out at one bully,…
Hyakkano - Episode 4 - Hakari Enjoyed Tickle Session
Breaking the fourth wall about how much Hakari enjoyed Rentarou's tickling is why we watch this collection of soulmates. Hyakkano - Episode 4
Hyakkano - Episode 9 - Soulmates Look at Rentarou
Rentarou's girlfriends looked at him as he proclaimed their relationship a "family." They all wanted to make babies right then. Hyakkano - Episode 9
Hyakkano - Episode 8 - Kusuri Puts on Glasses
Kusuri's potion meant for Rentarou turned her soulmate harem mates into kissing zombies. Her drug reversal potion could help! Hyakkano - Episode 8
Hyakkano - Episode 1 - Karane Hakari Hug Aijou
Aijou started his collection of one hundred soulmates with Karane and Hakari. Thin and thicc thighs for my guy! Hyakkano - Episode 1
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You
Hyakkano - Episode 2 - Hakari Squeezes Rentarou's Hand
The second day of Rentarou having two soulmates brought him to heaven when Hakari held his hand on the way to school. Hyakkano - Episode 2
Hyakkano - Episode 15 - Infants Nibble on Hakari
Hakari never considered how hard raising children could be on her body after seeing her mother raise her. Things got hard! Hyakkano - Episode 15
[Analysis] Summer Wars
Summer Wars (サ マ ー ウ ォ ー ズ Samā Wōzu) is a film written and directed by Mamoru Hosoda (細 田 守; Kamiichi, September 19, 1967) released…

The Venus Wars
My second anime, Venus Wars seemed unknown and underappreciated from my perspective. Nearly three decades after watching it the first time, I find it’s still strong and worth…
Super Lineart Wars
The time has finally come to upgrade the lineart for Super Robot Wars, which was the last major content area left to fix. The following sections have been upgraded…

Star Wars: Visions
Star Wars is a Disney IP vehicle, yet another cinematic universe carefully curated for the largest fandom demographic possible. Can any originality be found in what has become…
![Featured image for [Review] Food Wars](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220515/1652635976.36408.65242.png)
![Background image for [Review] Food Wars](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20220515/1652635976.36408.65242.png)
[Review] Food Wars
(DISCLAIMER: I won’t really go into any spoilers with this review, but I will be covering my thoughts on Food Wars through season 3, so it’s not limited…

Star Wars: Visions
Yes it’s anime. Yes it’s Star Wars. Yes it’s good. First and last negative comment about this series: there’s one episode I don’t like. But that’s the extent…

The Beauty Of The Ruins
This video looks at the video game Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, a manga called Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, and Dark Souls, or more specifically at how…
The Beauty of Koi Kaze
While many anime toy with the idea of being attracted to a sibling thanks to the popularity of the "cute little sister" archetype, none of them…

Japanese Convenience Store Beauty Buys
Looking to level up your beauty and skincare routine? Look no further than your local Japanese convenience store for the best beauty buys!
Beauty and the Beast Girl
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