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I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! – Episodes 1-2
This Liam isn't Neeson: the only thing he's been taken by is a deep grief turned rage that sends him to the stars after his life in our…

Weekly Round-Up, 19-25 March 2025: Yumeiro Patisserie, Wandering Son Rewatch, and Why Men Should Watch Shoujo
AniFem Round-Up Folktales, gender and transformation in Where the Wild Ladies Are Aoko Matsuda’s short story collection remixes traditional folklore about monstrous women as a way to explore…

What series has a perfect final episode?
What makes it so perfect? What show has a perfect finale before the actual ending? What series is great as long as you ignore the last episode?

Chatty AF 224: Magic Knight Rayearth Rewatchalong – Part 3
Caitlin, Colleen, and Megan return to complete their rewatch of the Magic Knight Rayearth anime!

Folktales, gender and transformation in Where the Wild Ladies Are
This feminist retelling of traditional Japanese ghost stories uses transformation as a key element both for character growth and commentary on ancient and modern gender expectations.

Weekly Round-Up, 12-18 March 2025: Silent Hill f, Crime Thriller Otome, and Living Nonbinary
AniFem Round-Up Love, Agency, and Androids: A Chobits Retrospective CLAMP’s post-humanist story asks questions about gender roles in relationships, agency, and how those perceived as female can be…

What series do you wish there was more merch for?
Do you have a dream piece of merch (that will probably never get made)? Are there any series you love that have no merch at all? What’s the…

Weekly Round-Up, 5-11 March 2025: Magical Roller Derby, Autistic Accessibility in Games, and Snow White with the Red Hair
AniFem Round-Up Girl Power and Guinea Pigs: Pui Pui Molcar through the lens of feminist media tests What happens when we apply the common metrics of feminist criticism…

What’s your favorite change that an anime made from its source material?
What’s the biggest change you think has worked? What seemingly small change severely took away from an adaptation? Have you seen any really interesting changes from an anime-original…

Chatty AF 223: Magic Knight Rayearth Rewatchalong – Part 2
Caitlin and special guests Megan and Colleen return to dive into the second season of Magic Knight Rayearth! Episode Information Date Recorded: August 18th, 2024Hosts: Caitlin, Megan, Colleen Episode Breakdown…

How women in The Apothecary Diaries navigate patriarchy and class
While some women do their best to play by the rules, others find loopholes in social customs through which they can enact a semblance of autonomy. However, doing…

Girl Power and Guinea Pigs: Pui Pui Molcar through the lens of feminist media tests
Is a children's TV show about guinea pigs worth delving into for feminist analysis? AJ thinks so.

Weekly Round-Up, 26 February – 4 March 2025: Girl Bands, I Don’t Want to Be a Magical Girl Pilot, and Otomelanin Zine
AniFem Round-Up The business and politics of magic in Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc Magilumiere’s anime laid out intriguing threads about how corporations exploit their workers and the environment,…

What’s your favorite series about making art?
Do you prefer broader or more grounded stories? If you’re an artist, is there a series that especially captures the medium you work in? Favorite comedy vs drama?

Wild Women and Iron Will: The battle for nature in Princess Mononoke
Princess Mononoke, with its focus on women in conflict, winds up reflecting an archetypal struggle between the "civilized" woman and the inner wild self.

The business and politics of magic in Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc
When money is a key motivation, ethics and the greater good are quickly abandoned. This theme is apparent in Season 1 of the anime, bubbling away ever-present in…

Weekly Round-Up, 19-25 February 2025: Anxiety in Kimi ni Todoke, Queer and Feminist Call for Papers, and the First Otome Game
AniFem Round-Up Discussing Japan’s #MeToo movement and award-winning documentary The Black Box Diaries with journalist Shiori Ito Ito’s work is now Oscar nominated alongside numerous other awards. We…

What excellent female character deserves to be in a better series?
Is the whole show a failure, or just how it treats its female characters? What kind of show would you want to see her in? Do you run…

Weekly Round-Up, 12-18 February 2025: Ranma 1/2 Interview, Afro-Anime, and Elderly Lesbian Manga
AniFem Round-Up Reading Violet Evergarden as an autistic woman Regardless of whether it was intended, but the KyoAni series’ narrative explores and ultimately validates the variety of ways…

What anime or manga only clicked with you the second time you tried it?
What made you bounce off it the first time? Why’d you try again? Is it something you recommend to others now?

Chatty AF 222: 2025 Winter Mid-Season Check-In
Dee, Tony, and Peter team up to check-in on the A to ZENSHU of 2025 Winter anime.

Kamikaze Girls: An alternative and queer retrospective
This story of lolita-meets-biker-girl was hugely formative for my gender, sexuality, friendships with others, self-expression, and self-acceptance.

Reading Violet Evergarden as an autistic woman
While it’s not necessarily overtly intended, the series explores and validates the ways that empathy can be expressed by neurodivergent women.

Weekly Round-Up, 5-11 February 2025: Life at Crunchyroll, Starter Josei, and Metaphor ReFantazio
AniFem Round-Up I’m Not Okay (and That’s Okay): Happy Sugar Life and the comfort of “bad survivor” narratives Sometimes survival and recovery looks ugly, and sometimes it’s an…

Trans Safety and Education Resources
We’ve put together a list of resources for those feeling a similar sense of fear and powerlessness, in order to emphasize that we can and must protect one…

Weekly Round-Up, 29 January – 4 February 2025: Rose of Versailles Movie, Ten Years of #28DaysofBlackCosplay, and Translator Wages
AniFem Round-Up Long Live the Queen: How gender defines the antagonist of Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail The main antagonist is a fascinating contrast to the male antagonists of…

What’s the weirdest plot swerve you’ve ever seen in an anime?
Did the choice wind up working out for the series? Is there a show that was clicking with you until the abrupt swerve? Best early versus late swerve?

You and Idol Precure ♪ – Episode 1
The Pretty Cure franchise's newest entry hits successful high note on its first try, setting up a charming new addition to a series full of young girls being…

Chatty AF 221: Magic Knight Rayearth Rewatchalong – Part 1
After a battle with technical issues and some lost audio, we jump into the magical girl-meets-mecha isekai classic, Magic Knight Rayearth!

2025 Winter Anime Three-Episode Check-In
Happy new year of anime! The stars of this season are stories about girls and women facing down crushing expectations and refusing to let go.
Momentary Lily, ZENSHU, Asura, Flower and Asura, Honey Lemon Soda

Long Live the Queen: How gender defines the antagonist of Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail
Sphene thematically reflects previous antagonists, but the additional context of the setting’s gender roles (and the player’s own presumed awareness of gendered roles in real history) reframe her…

Long Live the Queen: How gender defines the antagonist of Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail
Sphene thematically reflects previous antagonists, but the additional context of the setting’s gender roles (and the player’s own presumed awareness of gendered roles in real history) reframe her…

Weekly Round-Up, 22-28 January 2024: Macross Cuts, Videogame Femininity, and Wandering Son Reaction
AniFem Round-Up Anime Feminist’s Top Picks for 2024 It’s that time again: each member of the AniFem staff has picked their top five titles of the year and…

What’s your favorite cross-cultural adaptation?
Favorite Japanese adaptation of a non-Japanese work? Favorite adaptation of a Japanese work done in another country? If they’re transmedia adaptations, what makes the shift successful?

Anime Feminist’s Favorite Films of 2024
You can all likely guess what took the top spot, but did you know other good films also came out last year?

Anime Feminist’s Top Picks for 2024
It's that time of year where the staff puts their heads together to pick the shows that made them think, imagined better futures, or provided a breath of…
Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!, Natsume's Book of Friends, Negative Positive Angler, The Apothecary Diaries, The Elusive Samurai

Weekly Round-Up, 15-21 January 2025: Super Robot Ban, Sailor Moon Musical US Tour, and Mignogna Documentary
AniFem Round-Up 2025 Winter Premiere Digest All of the seasonal premieres in one place with content warnings, plus some updates on subsequent episodes. Anime Feminist Recommendations of Fall…

What anime gets you through hard times?
The prompt is here, but this post is also for folks looking to share resources and comfort with one another. Times are hard and scary, y’all. We also…

Anime Feminist Recommendations of Fall 2024
The year closed out on a wide range of winners, from yakuza thrillers and fake marriages to fishing stories.
Nina the Starry Bride, Yakuza Fiancé: Raise wa Tanin ga Ii, Whisper Me a Love Song, 365 Days to the Wedding, Acro Trip

2025 Winter Premiere Digest
The new year starts strong with multiple promising shoujo and the return of a beloved (by us) female director.
Asura, The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World, Honey Lemon Soda, I Want to Escape from Princess Lessons, Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms

Weekly Round-Up, 8-14 January 2025: Simoun Retrospective, AI in Lolita Fashion, and Witchy Precure Cuts
AniFem Round-Up I’m a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic – Episode 1-2 Goes from zero to “slavery is good…
Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms, Simoun, I’m a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic

What Winter 2025 anime are you most excited about?
New series? Sequel you’ve been waiting for? Has anything caught your eye unexpectedly?

I Left my A-Rank Party to Help My Former Students Reach the Dungeon Depths! – Episode 1
The first thought I whispered under my breath was, “What in the fuck is this discount Konosuba lookin’ shit?”

The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World – Episode 1
The Red Ranger goes into a mediocre isekai in order to save the world, but the show gets distracted by fan service.

Sakamoto Days – Episode 1
It's not hard to see how the manga became popular, but this adaptation doesn't seem to be putting the best foot forward.

Übel Blatt – Episode 1
A grimdark series premiere that's confusing, desaturated, and a bit out of time and place with modern anime adaptations.

Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! – Episode 1
Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf asks, "What if elves could go from the forest to the big city via our dreams?" and serves up a perfectly okay premiere.

Baban Baban Ban Vampire – Episode 1
Well. Now I have to talk about the vampire groomer show.

I May Be a Guild Receptionist, But I’ll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time – Episode 1
The gremlin girl lead is charming enough to carry what could have been a fairly bland meta-humor fantasy concept.

Farmagia – Episode 1
What could have been a fun adventure farm sims game is now a race to fight oppression, with a distracting bit of fan service on top.