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28 results

Weekly Round-Up, 8-14 January 2025: Simoun Retrospective, AI in Lolita Fashion, and Witchy Precure Cuts
AniFem Round-Up I’m a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic – Episode 1-2 Goes from zero to “slavery is good…
Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms, Simoun, I’m a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic
Himegami no Miko (姫神の巫女)
by Rachel Gruber, Guest Reviewer As a teen growing up in the 2000s, my introduction to yuri anime naturally came in the form of the “big three:” Strawberry…
If you think girls kissing will make Akikan! worthwhile, maybe watch Simoun instead.

Simoun – Episode 26
And so it ends. Having long held the future of Simulacrum on their shoulders, the era of the Simoun Sybillae concludes in acrimony and hope, Neviril and Aaeru…

Simoun – Episode 25
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m happy to report we are at last returning to the skies of Simoun, and discovering the ultimate…

Simoun ~Denpa DE Ri-Maajon~ Turn A Gundam Discussion
Simoun ~Denpa DE Ri-Maajon~ was an online radio program about the anime Simoun. It was hosted by Rieko Takahashi (Neviril’s VA) and Mikako Takahashi (Rodoreamon’s VA). As you…

My Visit to the Exhibit “Shichiro Kobayashi: Drama of Light and Shadow”
I didn’t know who Kobayashi Shichiro was until he had already passed away. But when Anime NYC helped sponsor an exhibit dedicated to his work both in and…

Shichiro Kobayashi: Drama of Light and Shadow
The masterful background art by the late Shichiro Kobayashi were on display in NYC and included examples from Utena, Simoun, and one of his wife's personal favorites, The…

How long was it since I last saw a yuri anime? Yeah, not really my kind of anime genre although in the past I have watched some out…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!
Simoun – Episode 24
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’ll be returning to the skies of Simoun, where Chor Tempest is currently on the verge of total…

Simoun – Episode 23
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’ll be reviving a long-dormant article series, as we continue our journey through the fascinating world of Simoun.…

Day 7 of Niji Nights: 5 Girls Love Anime to Watch
Hello, hello and welcome back to day seven of Niji Nights! Can you believe we’re almost done? This week has flown by so fast but it has been…

(REVIEW) Everywhere and Nowhere in SIMOUN
The 2006 shoujo/political drama/gender identity potpourri is truly one of a kind, but what do its many disparate elements add up to?
Aer loves to fly, and to shoot down the enemy. By flying she staves off a difficult choice: pilot-priestesses like her escape the general societal demand that children—all…
Simoun – Episode 22
Let’s return to the tempestuous drama of Simoun! Last episode served as a crucial turn for the series, as a massive number of secrets were revealed all at…
Simoun – Episode 21
Let’s return once more to the troubled skies of Simoun! The show’s previous episode was one long, somber dirge, as all of Chor Tempest struggled with Mamiina’s death…
Simoun – Episode 20
It is with great expectations and more than a little fear that we return for the twentieth episode of Simoun. On the one hand, this show is brilliant.…
August 2018 Check-in – Going back to school
I started my first law school classes last week, so I may have less time to write blog posts. Whatever posts I do write will likely be fairly…

Santa in the Pocket
I commend my secret santa for recommending me Lovely Complex, Simoun and Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket. As I expected, I could not last with the first…

OtakuGeneration (Show #366) Aishiteruze Baby
Shownotes :: (show 366) :: () :: () :: () :: () With Aishiteruze Baby, recorded live June 10th, 2012. This week we watched Aishiteruze Baby! Plus segments and…
Love You Baby, Golgo 13: The Professional, Golgo 13, K-ON!, Melody

OtakuGeneration.(Show #365) Cooking Master Boy
Shownotes :: (show 365) :: () :: () :: () :: () With Cooking Master Boy, recorded live June 3rd, 2012. This week we watched ng Master Boy. Plus…
Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike, Zakuro, Dragonaut - The Resonance, Kurenai, One Piece

OtakuGeneration (Show #210) TEKKONKINKREET
NOTE: This was also cross posted in the LJ community. Shownotes :: (show 210) :: () :: () :: () :: () With TEKKONKINKREET, recorded live June 15th, 2009. Over…
OtakuGeneration (Show #165) OTAKON Preview
NOTE: This was also cross posted in the otakugeneration LJ community. Shownotes :: (show 165) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With OTAKON Preview,…
OtakuGeneration (Show #156) 3rd Year Anniversary
NOTE: This was also cross posted in the otakugeneration LJ community. Shownotes :: (show 156) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With the 3rd…
Beast King GoLion, Dragon Ball, Joe vs Joe, Kanon, Strawberry Panic
OtakuGeneration (Show #148) Kevin Cooney
NOTE: This was also cross posted in the otakugeneration LJ community. Shownotes :: (show 148) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With Kevin Cooney…
OtakuGeneration (Show #142) FB-HOG
NOTE: This was also cross posted in the otakugeneration LJ community. Shownotes :: (show 142) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With FB-HOG, recorded…
Black Blood Brothers, Death Note, Gurren Lagann, Hell Girl, Initial D First Stage

Series update: Simoun. Yuri potential restored?
Thanks to Simoun Fans (and potentially SimounProject, if this download finishes anytime this millennium), I have finally been watching Simoun further than episode 3 (as far as Doremi…
OtakuGeneration (Show #45) with Ben Lokota
NOTE: This was also cross posted in the otakugeneration LJ community. Shownotes :: (show 045) :: (website) :: (podcast feed) :: (direct download) :: (direct iTunes link) With…