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31 results

Macross 7 Episodes 27-52 Anime Streaming Review
Say what you like about Macross 7, it sticks to its guns from beginning to end with a consistency of tone and intention that’s admirable.

This Week in Anime - Viewer Discretion is Advised
Recent cuts to Macross 7 Dynamite give Chris and Coop a chance to talk about trusting viewers to make their own choices about what's comfortable for them to…

Quickie! T-Spark Zone 2025: Synergenex Macross 7/Transformers Basara Prime
Transformers fans have a better tendency to appreciate and become Macross fans more than they would become Gundam fans due to the whole transformation aspect of both franchises.…
Gakkou no Yuurei (School Ghosts), volume 3
Let's start out 2025 on a scary note, 'cause it's gonna be a scary year. Gakkou no Yuurei (School Ghosts), volume 3, features more supernatu...
Monkey Magic, Iron Virgin Jun, Kujibiki Unbalance, Macross, B.B. Fish

Macross 7 Episodes 1–26 Anime Streaming Review
This lighter, sillier tone feels like the entire series was made as a prolonged shitpost poking fun at the seriousness of the prior Macross franchise entries, and I…
Gakkou no Yuurei (School Ghosts), Volume 1
Gakkou no Yuurei ( School Ghosts ) is an anthology of ghost stories, mostly set at schools. Seven volumes were released between 1995 and 19...
Dirty Pair, Gakkou no Yuurei, Macross, Milky Passion: Dougenzaka - Ai no Shiro, Orphen

Collaboration on Steroids: Takara Tomy/T-Spark Launches “Synergenex” Line
Takara Tomy is no stranger when it comes to brand collaborations. In fact, they have already done multiple collaborations for their Transformers brand, and more recently, have collaborated…

Not-Hobby Next Phase for Q2 2024: Non-Gunpla High Grades
I guess at some point, Bandai Spirits Hobby Division just stopped calling these new product reveals “Hobby Next Phase” events since the last couple of ones weren’t exactly…
Inochi no Chikyuu: Dioxin no Natsu
Here's another project that has been stuck in limbo for a very long time: the 2001 movie Inochi no Chikyuu: Dioxin no Natsu ( Life on Earth...

MISSION OUTER SPACE SRUNGLEMISSION 40: Escape from GHOST TOWN WRITTEN BY: Koichi Ota BROADCAST DATE: October 21, 1983 And, as always, this episode aired exactly forty years ago…

Macross Goes Worldwide: An Interview with Shoji Kawamori and Hidetaka Tenjin at Otakon 2023
There's been nothing but buzz around the Macross series since the announcement of the historic licensing agreement in 2021. We talked to Kawamori and Tenjin about Macross 7,…
Tengai Makyou
Our 300th release, or at least that's what is says on the release page. Orphan starts out 2023 on the right note with the first English-subt...
Cosmic Fantasy, Crest of the Stars, Tree in the Sun, Laughing Target, Shuten Doji - The Star Hand Kid

Macross Frontier and the Hilarity of Giving Your Protagonist a Recap Movie-Only Gender Dysphoria Arc
12 Days of Aniblogging 2022, Day 5 Thanks to the defusal of a 20-year legal nightmare that prevented the distribution of the franchise outside of Japan until last year,…

Passion and Macross 7
0:00 AMV introduction with Holy Lonely Light 1:52 Review starts + Planet Dance AMV with singing 5:00 Submarine Street cover where I sing the next part of the review 6:46 Next…

Episode 12: Macross Retrospective Part 3 (Macross 7)
We’re back! It took a little longer than anticipated to get this one out but hopefully it’s worth the wait. As part of our ongoing Macross retrospective this…

Macross, Too: Shoji Kawamori’s Return to Macross
After years of swearing off sequels, Shoji Kawamori returned to Macross with not one, but two new Macross projects in simultaneous production.

Mother: Saigo no Shoujo Eve
Here's another project whose antecedents are lost in the mists of time: an English subtitled version of the 1993 sci-fi movie Mother: Saigo ...
Fruits Basket, Joker, Kimagure Orange Road, Yamato 2520, Ai no Kusabi

Beyond Our Reality
A small amount of time ago, I wrote an article about how some shows build a believable world. You can read that post here. In the post in…

Making A World Feel Real
If you have noticed, every week that I’ve done for a while has some sort of connecting theme in it. Some are just as basic as being just…

Macross 7 – The Power of Rock
I write this post with lots of happiness and yet, lots of sadness. Both for the same reason. By watching Macross 7, I have officially watched all the…

Macross Delta: Singing and Weapons of War
Right now, writing about Macross Delta is strange to me on a lot of levels. For starters, I started Macross 7 at the beginning of the year and…

B.B. Fish
There just aren't enough anime about scuba diving. Yes, there was Grand Blue , but it was primarily a gross-out comedy. And there was Amanch...

Old-school anime Valentines!
Another year of old-school anime Valentine cards! Yes, I’m back again this year with more cheesy puns for your Valentine needs. Save & prin...
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, City Hunter, Macross, Macross 7, Slam Dunk
Let me tell you about Macross 7 ft. TBS | MechaManDan (Spoiler Free)
►DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! --- SUPPORT MY CHANNEL! BUY ME A COFFEE: --- I've been wanting to make a video gushing about how great Macross 7 is for a while; let…
Skies, Planes, and Macross Plus: A Shoji Kawamori Interview
The first volume of Macross Plus was released on August 25, 1994. To celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of one of the most iconic OVAs of the 1990s, we're…
Skies, Planes, and Macross Plus: A Shoji Kawamori Interview
The first volume of Macross Plus was released on August 25, 1994. To celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of one of the most iconic OVAs of the 1990s, we're…
12 Anime Things that Made Me Happy in 2018
2018 was yet another year of evolution in my journey as an anime fan. Throughout the year, I spent less time watching anime and less time engaging in…
Heaven Will Be Mine Is Already An Anime
12 Days of Aniblogging, Day 5Writing about Heaven Will Be Mine is so so hard because any level of engagement with this game reduces me to warm melty…

The Obscurities in the Western Connection Catalogue: “Hummingbirds”
Release Date: 24 April 1995 Format: PAL VHS, Japanese Dialogue with English Subtitles Runtime: 47 mins (OVA 1), 26 mins (OVA 2) …
The Melancholic Middle Aged Anime Fan
Stratos 4, 801 T.T.S. Airbats, Ghost in the Shell, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Martian Successor Nadesico
Artefacts of Geek Days Past: Toys and Figures
Recently I went back to my parents' home and took a week out to work on my thesis. Didn't end up doing as much writing as I had…
1995: A Year of Old Ideas in New Ways
Ray (@ R042 ) originally didn't intend to be an anime blogger, but quickly discovered he quite enjoyed it. A big fan of mecha and science-...
The Golden Ani-Versary of Anime (1963-2013)
Idea, Megumi, Ghost in the Shell, Sailor Moon, The Slayers Next