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12 results

The Suikoden Anime That Time Forgot
Yōseiki Suikoden So This anime has nothing at all to directly do with the video game franchise, but both the franchise and this OVA are loosely based on the…

The Crazy World Of Horror Anime
Use code BONSAIPOP50 to get 50% OFF your first Factor box plus 20% off your next month of orders at! Horror anime is a tought customer. It's not only…
Kakurenbo: Hide and Seek, Perfect Blue, Wicked City, Apocalypse Zero, Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma

Twilight: The Dawn and Sunset of Saturday Anime (Part One)
Now seemingly only mentioned in comment sections around the Internet, Saturday Anime was the Toonami of its day. Join us for part one of exploration on Sci-Fi Channel,…
Vampire Hunter D, Venus Wars, Demon City Shinjuku, Dominion Tank Police, Lensman

For the Record: The Sci-Fi Channel’s Anime Schedule
Putting it all together: scheduling for anime shown on the Sci-Fi Channel from 1993 to 2001.
Demon City Shinjuku, Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture, Green Legend Ran, Adieu Galaxy Express 999, Lily C.A.T.
Pre-2000s Anime with Multi-Channel Audio
Had this in Drafts for about a year because I lost interest. Obviously this is an incomplete list, so I may come back and update it if I…
Mononoke, Jungle Emperor Leo, Devilman, Gunsmith Cats, Jungle Emperor Leo

Brief Thoughts On: Demon City Shinjuku
Another Madhouse classic

Demon City Shinjuku | KYOTO VIDEO
How does Yoshiaki Kawajiri follow up his success with Wicked City? By going for a more mainstream appeal with Demon City Shinjuku. But don't let that scare you…
Demon City Shinjuku (Makai Toshi: Shinjuku)
Demon City Shinjuku (Makai Toshi: Shinjuku) 1988 I swing back and forth on how much I enjoy the works of Yoshiaki Kawajiri (and Hideyuki Kikuchi) due to their…

Year 1 Issue 14
Arcadia Dragnet, Year 1, Issue 14 April 1 - 7, 2020 Welcome back to Arcadia Dragnet, are you all…
Cool Cool Bye, Demon City Shinjuku, Initial D First Stage, ISEKAI QUARTET, Magical DoReMi

OtakuGeneration (Show #332) Autumn Show Impressions
Shownotes :: (show 332) :: () :: () :: () :: () With Autumn Show Impressions, recorded live October 16th, 2011. This week reviewed some of the new fall…
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid, Hell Girl, Demon City Shinjuku, Dragon Ball Z, Oreimo

OtakuGeneration (Show #331) Dominion Tank Police
Shownotes :: (show 331) :: () :: () :: () :: () With Dominion Tank Police, recorded live October 9th, 2011. This week talked about the OVA series Dominion…
Naruto: Shippuden, Oreimo, The Girl Who Leapt Through Space, Demon City Shinjuku, Dominion Tank Police

OtakuGeneration (Show #330) NieA_7
Shownotes :: (show 330) :: () :: () :: () :: () With NieA_7, recorded live October 3rd, 2011. This week discussed the anime NieA_7. Plus, feedback and more.…
Blue Exorcist, Macross, Negima!? Magister Negi Magi, Rurouni Kenshin, Tales of the Abyss