The third supplimental episode of The Spiraken Manga Review, In this non manga episode Xan reviews Street Fighter 4 for the Xbox My cohost was unfortunately hospitalized, so i had to do this episode solo. Worry not, next two episodes will have other peoples input, not just Xan. Also Remember, we are still looking for the voice of THE WHEEL OF MANGA. Send an mp3 or a voice mail of you saying Wheel of Manga and see if you can become the wheel of manga voice. Contest ends June 1st Music For Episode: Intro Music-Street Fighter(Street Fighter IV OST),Background Music -Come Widdit(Street Fighter IV OST),Background Music -Street Soldier (Street Fighter IV OST),Background Music -Something There (Street Fighter IV OST),Background Music -Worth Fighting For (Street Fighter IV OST),Ending Music -Track 17(Street Fighter IV OST) Our Website, Our Forum Our Email My Email Our Twitter Spiraken Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Voicemail 206-426-6665 (monk)

Spiraken Review Podcast