In this Special Suppliemental episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan explains why there hasn't been a new Manga Review episode and offers up something he has said he would do for 3 months. REVIEW UPDATES That's right fans, Xan goes back to a few mangas that he reviewed in earlier episodes and updates how they turned out as new volumes came out. Some of the Mangas that he updates his review of are Mysterious Girlfriend X, 7 Seeds, Hokuto no Ken, Violence Hero Riki-oh, Ai Kora, and a few others. Hopefully this will tide us over til the Spiraken Moe Episode next time. If you enjoyed this episode and would like more Spiraken Movie Reviews, email xan and let him know. thanks and enjoy the show Music For Episode: Intro Music -Mad Machine by Oomori Kinuko (Bubblegum Crisis Best Collection),Ending Music -Konya Wa Hurricane by Oomori Kinuko(Bubblegum Crisis Best Collection) Our Website, Our Forum Our Email My Email Our Twitter Spiraken Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Voicemail 206-350-8462 Random Question of the Week: What manga out of the updates did you enjoy the most?

Spiraken Review Podcast