In this episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan gets psyched about the uberly violent and awesome classic action manga , Hokuto no Ken/Fist of the North Star by Buronson ----more---- This manga is truly a classic that should be read by anyone who enjoys violent manga. Xan also tries using a new headset microphone. give him some feedback on how it sounds. Music For Episode: ,Intro Music -Ai Wo Torimodose!!!By Crystal King (Hokuto no Ken OST),Background Music -Ai wo Torimodose by Uchoten (Lucky Star Ending Theme Collection OST),Background Music -Lu:Na by Gackt (New Fist of the North Star OST),Ending Music -Heart of Madness by Kodomo Band (Fist of the North Star Movie 1 OST) Our Website  Our Forum Our Email My Email Our Twitter Spiraken Xbox live Gamer tag Xan Spiraken Our Voicemail 206-426-6665 (monk) Random Question of the Week: How many pressure points does the human body have?

Spiraken Review Podcast