We have finally reached Ep 150! Huzzah. So in this great episode of the Spiraken Manga Review, Xan & Timbo celebrate by reviewing Three Manga titles written by Ken Akamatsu A.I. Love You, Love Hina, and Mahou Sensei Negima! NOTE THERE ARE SOME AUDIO ISSUES IN THIS EPISODE AND THE NEGIMA SEGMENT IS COMPLETELY STATIC. OUR APOLOGIES. But sides that they also rant about DC's "New 52", discuss what setting the next Ken Akamatsu manga will have, and have other witty banter. Hope you enjoy Music For Episode: Intro Music -Happy Material (Beloved Version) by Oomae Akane ( Mahou Sensei Negima OST ), Background Music - Sakura Saku by Megumi Hayashibara ( Love Hina OST), Background Music - Baribari Otenba (Energetic Tomboys) by Megumi Hayashibara ( Love Hina OST ), Background Music - Sakura Saku (Musical Version) by Megumi Hayashibara ( Love Hina OST),Background Music - Happy Material (More Happy Version) by Yuri Shiratori ( Mahou Sensei Negima OST), Background Music - Happy Material Returns by Mahora Junior High School 3-A ( Mahou Sensei Negima OST),Ending Music - Kimi Sae Ireba by Megumi Hayashibara ( Love Hina OST ) Our Website http://www.spiraken.com Our Forum http://spiraken.darkbb.com Our Email Spiraken@gmail.com Xan's Email xan@spiraken.com Cohost's Email timbo@spiraken.com Our Twitter Spiraken Xboxlive Gamertag Xan Spiraken Our Voicemail 206-350-8462 Random Question of the Week: What do you think the next Ken Akamatsu story should be about?
Apr 11, 2012 • Subscribe
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