Happy Valentine’s Day 2022 Work is busy, but I’ll take a moment to say “Happy Valentine’s Day” to all of you for 2022. And I say this as someone without a special person to celebrate with. But hey, that’s life and you go with the cards you are dealt. 😅 Seeing this image, I amRead the full article!
AstroNerdBoy's Anime & Manga Blog
Feb 14, 2022 • Subscribe
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Happy Valentine’s Day 2025!
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Happy Valentine’s Day from My Unico Fans!
Celebrated around the globe for centuries on February 14th is Valentine's Day. For this post, we wanted to showcase the different love shared in Unico and also some…

Fanart Friday EXTRA: Happy Valentine’s Day from Mashu
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Valentine’s Day Special
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Which Best Boy Gets Homemade Chocolates this Valentine’s Day? | Part One | Valentine’s Day Special 2022
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Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi | Episode Five: Happy Valentine’s Day.
Kazama’s jealousy is something I find most amusing about this episode. As is typical with all valentine’s day episodes, there’s always bound to be that one misunderstanding that…

A Risqué Valentine’s Day
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Valentine’s day and White day in Anime!
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A Heart-ful Valentine’s Day
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Celebrating Valentine’s Day in Japan
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Valentine’s Day Do’s & Don’ts In Japan
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What to Watch This Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s Day! If you’re looking for something to watch today, I’d suggest Tamako Market’s second episode, “The Love-in-Bloom Valentine’s.” Below i…
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! And for those who don’t celebrate, happy half-priced chocolate day eve!

Happy children’s day!
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Happy Valentine's Day!
Podcast mascots Ret & Ro wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day! 💝 (Or for those who don’t celebrate, happy half-priced chocolate day eve!)
Happy Valentine's Day!
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Happy Father's Day!
Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there who love and support their kids no matter what, mine included!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! And for those who don’t celebrate, happy half-priced chocolate day eve!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all the Single (and not-so-Single) Pringles: V-Day Thoughts and Anime Recs
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5 Romantic Valentine’s Day Tips From Evangelion
From the incredible stable mind of Hideaki Anno, Neon Genesis Evangelion was landmark in animation whose influence continues to drive the medium forward. While not directly romantic in…

Why Do Japanese Businessmen Love Valentine’s Day?
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Valentine’s Day Special: My favourite Romance anime’s
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Fruits Basket, Junjo Romantica, Maid-Sama!, Kamisama Kiss, My Love Story!!

My Senpai is Annoying 05 (Valentine’s Day)
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White Day: Payback For Your Valentine’s Investment
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Happy Independence Day 2024!
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Happy International Animation Day!
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Happy Chainsaw Man Day!
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Spiraken Manga Review Ep 36: Ai Yori Aoshi & Boys Be (or Happy True Blue Valentine’s Day, Listeners)
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Valentine’s Day with Bae – Otome Boys to Spend V-Day With
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Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Crunchyroll’s Lovestruck Loot sale
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Give the Gift of Manga This Valentine’s Day
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10 Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day in Japan
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Happy New Year! 2022
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Happy New Year 2022
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Happy New Year 2022!
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Happy 4th 2022, America!
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Happy Hotsui Matsuri 2022!
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Happy Mother’s Day from RABUJOI!
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Happy Singles’ Awareness Day (…not)!
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Happy B-day, Kokujin-kun!
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Happy New Urusei Yatsura Day!
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