Roses are red Violets are blue Shojo is sweet Here are strange ships Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a bonus episode where we asked various people to answer this question: If you could ship any characters across shojo series, who would you ship and why? The answers may surprise you. Especially since Ashley cheats and takes protagonists from a shonen manga instead. SOCIAL Follow Loyola on Twitter Follow Laura on Twitter Follow Asher on Tumblr Follow Shojo & Tell on Twitter @shojoandtell Shojo & Tell is also on Instagram @shojoandtell Follow Ashley on Twitter @AshMcD00 Comments, questions, concerns? Want to let us know who you would ship across shojo canons? Have a suggestion on what to do for a special White Day episode? Email shojoandtell [at], leave a comment on the episode page, or tweet us.

Shojo & Tell: A Manga Podcast