Recently I thought up a fun idea for a post, or even a series of posts, that I could do here on the blog. However, I realized that this idea of mine would likely be more fun across more blogs than …
Dec 12, 2021 • Subscribe
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Failure to Launch Tag Post
Ever wonder what would happen if your favourite hero decided not to bother answering the call to action and went and had a nap instead? Well, this tag…
Failure to Launch: Dewbond’s Choices!
Recently I was tagged in a post by fellow blogger Yomu. I was glad I did because this looks like a fun little thing to do! I’ll post…
Redefining Failure – “Failure” Blog Tour
Owls post it’s been a bit but this was a hard one to look at from a different angle. Failure has a standard definition to it but…
Introducing “On The Rewatch”
It’s no secret that the internet landscape as it is today provides almost limmitless access to information. I can remember being a kid and having to get in…
Introducing The Motley Baka
Join the industry thoughtleaders as they lead their thoughts in audio form.
The T.A.P. Tag! Welcome to the poetry corner
Thanks Merlin at Merlin’s Musings for tapping on the shoulder of my poetry muse! I have been tagged twice for the Tap Tag now, by Merlin recently and roughly…
The Hallotober Tag
I know I’m really not the best at keeping up with tags but for what it’s worth I do try. And to anyone who has ever nominated me,…
The Weight of Failure.
An update thinking over this last year of work on the P4G analysis series. For my subscribers, since I didn't finish the Naoto segment in time. …
Introducing Your Japanese Partner to Your Family
If you’re introducing your Japanese partner to meet your family, then these tips will help you bridge the culture gap.
Introducing the Hashikko Ensemble Playlist
Every month, I review the newest chapter of Kio Shimoku’s manga Hashikko Ensemble. Because it’s music-themed and a lot of real-world pieces play both major and minor (no…
The Geeky Childhood Tag
It’s been a while since the last tag post. I’ve been answering in the comments, but there’s nothing like banging out an actual response in the editor. Thanks…
The Geeky Childhood Tag!
Introduction INSKIDEE over at Inskime nominated me for The Geeky Childhood Tag in early December 2019. At first I was alarmed: How did they know I was a…
Introducing Scott’s Muse
Reblogged on
Introducing Shinya Mizuno
In designing Zecha Tactics, we sought inspiration from the past while also aiming to create an original game that looks new and unique. To achieve this, the visual…
Introducing New Logos
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Introducing Radiant Memories
In the early 2010s, an aspiring comic book artist had finally reached the point of no return. After nearly a decade in the French comics…
Introducing Coze Manga
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Introducing "Codename: RetRo"
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Introducing Mecha Mondays
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Introducing: CLAMP Events
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My first tag-#Peer Pressure Tag
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A Writer’s Reflections: Introducing Responsibility to Great Power
A Writer’s Reflections Originally Posted: January 29, 2021 “The new year had just begun, and our cute(?) Oracle is faced yet again with a great dilemma. Such a…
Failure Doesn't Exist.
Failure. Let's talk about it. Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: ► "Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as…
Space Launch (Dragonar)
General Information Unit type: space launchOriginal mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara Lineart Rear view
Million Tag
This is interesting. In 2021, Shonen JUMP did a reality TV show in Japan which was a contest where they paired aspiring and talented manga artists with senior…
Tag: “Music”
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Million Tag
This is interesting. In 2021, Shonen JUMP did a reality TV show in Japan which was a contest where they paired aspiring and talented manga artists with senior…
Tokyo to Launch LGBT Partnership System in 2022
In what could be a major advance for LGBT rights in Japan, Tokyo will soon support full partnership benefits for same-sex couples.
Put a Tune to It (Tag Post)
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And the Beat Goes On — Responding to the “Music & Me Tag”
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The Art of Video Game Failure
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The Magician Who Rose From Failure
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The Failure of “America’s Greatest Otaku”
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There’s Pressure? – The Peer Tag
Have some sparking wide pressure Oo a tag, it’s a tag post making me feel the pressure from the rest I have never completed. . .
The Me and Music Tag!
Oh, RiseFromAshes, what have you done, by tagging me? You definitely seem interested in the mindf*** that is my music tastes. Well, thanks for the tag! In case…
The Peer Pressure Tag Game
Hello, boys and girls of all ages. How’s it going? Demon God Thadeus is at it again with another post for the lot of ya today! Only this…
The Music and Me Tag
Any and every time I get tagged, I am down for the challenge. If you add in music, I am there. I will drop everything and do it.…
Introducing Unsung Game Creators
I always like unearthing obscure things here. I don’t think I’m trying to show off to anyone; that would require this site to have readers. ...
Introducing Theme Weeks + Masterpost
Image: Miyazawa Kenji no Shokutaku There are so many things I’m interested in. Things I want to experience, explore, learn more about. Some of them have been on…
Introducing Doctor Who-cember!
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Introducing: Content Dollar Store
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Success and Failure in the Ongoing Attempt to Bring Kids Back to Giant Robots
Giant robot anime began very squarely in the domain of children. Loud, boldly colored robots appeared on TV (at least, once color TV became common), and the toys…
Radiant Tale Fanfare to launch on June 27th 2024!
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Introducing the AGAHA Awards: Nominate Your Favorites!
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Introducing: The Lost in Anime YouTube Channel
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November OWLS tour – Failure
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