Each year anime fans celebrate their media of choice by holding awards for their favourites. I don’t really follow award shows because my tastes tend to be a bit out there. I also watch most anime after they’ve aired so I usually have only seen a couple of titles by the time the awards roll... The post Aniblogging vs Mainstream (Anime Award Edition) appeared first on I drink and watch anime.
Feb 27, 2020 • Subscribe
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Best Anime of 2019 – The Award Edition
I would like to formally welcome you all to our second annual anime awards here on You Can’t Know! After watching almost every single anime from the entire…
Is Anime Already Mainstream?
Lately (I’m writing this on November 1st, 2020) I’ve been seeing a few anime fans express their worry over anime becoming mainstream. As in if it becomes mainstream…

Resolutions – Aniblogging into 2018
Confessions as we start the new year. I’m a lucky guy. How many people can say they celebrate New Years twice? One with a great group of friends…
Star’s thoughts on anime becoming mainstream
Hey folks, I, Star, hope you enjoyed our 13 days of Otakutober event. But it’s time we get back to the normal pizzazz. I’m wondering if any of…

Tag, I’m It! The Liebster Award Edition
So it seems I got nominated for a Liebster Award! Yay! Since one of my goals is to blog more about myself, I believe this is a great…

Anime Is Mainstream Now (And That's Okay)
Anime is becoming and or is mainstream now and as someone who grew up watch anime when it was considered unpopular or just a generally nerdy thing to…
![Featured image for [Reflection] Welcoming 2024 | Anime: From Niche to Mainstream](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20240113/1705175171.77213.114712.png)
![Background image for [Reflection] Welcoming 2024 | Anime: From Niche to Mainstream](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20240113/1705175171.77213.114712.png)
[Reflection] Welcoming 2024 | Anime: From Niche to Mainstream
Hello, Everyone! Welcome to 2024. As we bring in the New Year, I’ve been reflecting a lot about this blog, the community, and anime, and it’s something I’d like…

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Anime Becoming Mainstream
Ae you worried anime is too mainstream? Well I hope this post can put your mind at ease!

Mainstream Anime is Dead! Ft. @inakyu (Winter 2023)
#vinlandsaga #tomochan #nierautomata Less popular shows are still good, sometimes better! 00:00 Special Guest for the Season 00:32 Season Recap 02:10 The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague 03:19…
My Little Monster, Revenger, Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland, One Piece, Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
![Featured image for [Reflection] Welcoming 2024 | Anime: From Niche to Mainstream](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20240101/1704119175.75899.112839.png)
![Background image for [Reflection] Welcoming 2024 | Anime: From Niche to Mainstream](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20240101/1704119175.75899.112839.png)
[Reflection] Welcoming 2024 | Anime: From Niche to Mainstream
Hello, Everyone! Welcome to 2024. As we bring in the new year, I’ve been reflecting a lot about this blog, the community, and anime, and it’s something I’d…
Real Neat Anime Blog Award
A while back, I was nominated by Keiko with the Real Neat Anime Blog Award. If you haven’t followed her already, you should, since she nominated me. I…

Don’t @ Me: Seven of my Anime Opinions: Manga vs Comics Edition
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Do These Songs Sound Similar? #dragonball VS #lykkeli - Anime Edition #anime #fyp #music
#vgmusic #videogames #videogame #videogaming #videogameost #gaming #gamingvideos #gameplay #games #game #gamer #gamerlife #gamemusic #ost #soundtrack #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #versus #shortsviral #shorts #short #fypage #fyp #tiktok #tiktokvideo #viral #viralshorts #viralvideo…

The mainstream hate toward Boruto is worse than mainstream hate toward Naruto was
I really don’t get it and more so given back in the day, hardcore Naruto fans were the reason the word “Weabo” was created. I have never…

Sunshine Award
When I woke up yesterday I noticed that I had been nominated for the Sunshine Award by Yahari Bento.

Do These Songs Sound Similar? #crashbandicoot VS #oingoboingo - VideoGame Edition #anime #fyp #music
#vgmusic #videogames #videogame #videogaming #videogameost #gaming #gamingvideos #gameplay #games #game #gamer #gamerlife #gamemusic #ost #soundtrack #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #versus #shortsviral #shorts #short #fypage #fyp #tiktok #tiktokvideo #viral #viralshorts #viralvideo…
Sunshine Blogger Award: Finally, an Award Post
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Microsoft’s Anime Forays12 Days of Aniblogging 2020, Day 8Microsoft dedicates part of their...
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Judging The 2023 NewType Anime Award Winners
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The Sunshine Blogger Award: Fanfiction Anime World
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Akira Toriyama to Receive Anime Merit Award
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Caw Out Award: Most Unexpected Thermonuclear Strike to the Feels (Fall 2019 Edition)
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Caw Out Award: Most Bad Ass Entrance of the Year, SAO Alicization Edition
As I write this, we’re now up to episode 9 of Sword Art Online: Alicization – War of Underworld, after a first cour of 24 episodes. The second…
Blogger Recognition Award
Rules first Thank the person who nominated you and feature a link to their blog in your award post.Post the award banner somewhere on your blog.Share the reason…
Blogger Recognition Award
So I got nominated for this the other day by Irina, who also reminded me that Karandi had nominated me for the same award back in 2018 (which…
Sunshine Blogger Award
Been a while since we had this one on the blog. Normally, I’d write some humble words about this amazing blog of mine and how grateful you should…
Blogger Recognition Award
I’ve recently been nominated awarded for a new award! The Blogger Recognition award! Let’s not waste anytime and get into my responses after the cut! 1. Say thanks…

Sunshine Blogger Award
I’m so excited to announce my nomination for the Sunshine Blogger Award!
Sunshine Blogger Award
A big thank you to FiddleTwix over at The Anime Madhouse for nominating me for this award. I’ve actually done this one before when it was making the…
Mystery Blogger Award
Yeah, I suppose I’m a bit of mystery in some respects (xD) As long in the tooth as I actually am around these parts, I don’t think the…
Blogger recognition award!
Yay, an award!! An apology in advance, to all the people who have nominated me before, I’m still quite shy to actually respond to most (or any up…

Eximius Blogger Award
Oh dear… it’s been a hot minute since this happened to me. Thank you, RiseFromAshes, for this tag! Without further ado, let’s dig into this thing! I’ll just…
Let’s Blog Award!
Let's Blog Award: Crow's World of Anime received 3 -- yes, 3! -- nominations for the Let's Blog Award! Read why here!
~Blogger Recognition Award~
I’m back and starting it off with a recognition post! I was nominated by evening tea musing. Thank you for the nomination! It was a little delayed in…
Sunshine Award Sunday!
A while ago I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Chris Joynson of Never Argue with a Fish, and so here we are, responding to it.
Mystery Blogger Award!!
This is 7mononoke (Mono) at Anime Rants, and I’ve tagged for the Mystery Blogger Award! Let me start by thanking the wonderful blogger who nominated me, Keiko over…

Eximius Blogger Award
My first tag post! So exciting!

OMG? Liebster Award
(This has been long overdue and I had written this last week. I’m so sorry!) I’m actually not new when it comes to owning an anime-themed blog (but…
I’ve Been Nominated! – Real Neat (Anime) Blog Award
I’ve been nominated for the Real Neat Anime Blog Award!

A Very GLORIO 2021: Artemis’ Nicest Anime Award
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Do These Songs Sound Similar? #yoshi VS #cherlloyd - Video Game Edition #anime #fyp #music #mario
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Bonus Post: Shouldn’t Vocaloid Music be More Mainstream?
“OH GOD HE’S DOING ANOTHER VOCALOID POST. UNFOLLOWED.” Yeah, I know I’ve been getting obsessed with it lately; a consequence of making up for lost time. However, I…

Fractale vs the Anime Industry
►DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! --- Working on my Endless Eight video reminded me of a lot of the weirdness surrounding Yamakan/Fractale, so I figured something like this would be fun…

Good Anime vs. Bad Direction?
A thought popped into my head one day: Can I tell if a good anime adaptation was marred by bad direction without knowing actual details about the production?…

Writing Prompt: Would you rather have your favourite anime be mainstream or unpopular?
Let’s get another easy one out there with this prompt. Would you rather have your favourite anime be mainstream or unpopular?