Mecha anime pretty much always concerns the characters in it. Although this may sound like a fact to some, other people have a different viewpoint. In this episode of the podcast, I attempt to coun…
Sep 12, 2021 • Subscribe
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Pokémon: Twilight Wings Was Beautiful | GITM Podcast Ep. 84
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What Odd Taxi Says About Society | GITM Podcast Ep. 98
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The ‘Forgotten’ Anime of 2022 | GITM Podcast Ep. 118
Get In The Mecha is officially back! In this episode I’m catching up on some of the analysis that I missed by talking about some of the sleeper…

The Value of Original Anime | GITM Podcast Ep. 94
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How Is Anime Divided? | GITM Podcast Ep. 117
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Rethinking Smoothness | GITM Podcast Ep. 76
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The 4:3 Aspect Ratio & Anime | GITM Podcast Ep. 90
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The Hitagi Crab Arc | GITM Podcast Ep. 78
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The Roles of “Characters” in Mecha Anime
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The Mayoi Mai Mai Arc | GITM Podcast Ep. 79
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Why Form Is Important In Anime | GITM Podcast Ep. 87
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The Anime Staff That I Discovered In 2021 | GITM Podcast Ep. 111
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Evangelion – Death & Rebirth Analysis | GITM Podcast Ep. 88
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Evangelion Analysis | GITM Podcast Ep. 69: What Is The Future?
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Dissecting Sonny Boy (So Far) | GITM Podcast Ep. 97
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Gurren Lagann – An Animation Analysis | GITM Podcast Ep. 82
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Jujutsu Kaisen – An Animation Analysis | GITM Podcast Ep. 71
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Wonder Egg Priority – Humanity & Adolescence | GITM Podcast Ep. 89
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It’s Not Always About the Sex
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Why Did JJK Shatter My Expectations? | GITM Podcast Ep. 86
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Evangelion & Sonny Boy – In Indirect Conversation | GITM Podcast Ep. 113
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One Piece Analysis | GITM Podcast Ep. 77: What Is Control?
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Heike Monogatari’s Approach To Visual Storytelling | GITM Podcast Ep. 105
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Wonder Egg Priority Is Still Great | GITM Podcast Ep. 99
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