Before Kohei Horikoshi created My Hero Academia, he had a lesser-known series - Barrage. Barrage is set in Industria, a planet that after the integration of aliens has become overrun with crime. It is the tale of Astro, a street kid who ends up swapping places with the current prince (who looks just like him) so the prince can try and live a normal life. His first duty as a royal is for him, and his guard Tiamat, to journey across the land to bring peace by defeating evildoers. Tune in as we, and our special guest musician Dan Harrison discuss.  Show Notes: Episode art by Jennifer Zhu (IG: art_by_toast) Be sure to review us on iTunes to get a shoutout on the next episode!  You can listen to Dan Harrison on Spotify, and find him on social media @danharrisonmusic (dnharrisonmusic on Twitter) Cinema Roulette: @RouletteCinema One Crime At A Time Podcast: @onecrimepod East Coast Avengers Podcast: @eastcoastavngrs GrandRapidains Play Video Games: @grand_video  

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