In which we thank YumDeku for tagging us with the Thankful Tag and muse upon our blessings in the past, very strange, year.
Jan 5, 2021 • Subscribe
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Being thankful for the past
Frieren's journey of gratitude
Baccano!: 1935-C The Grateful Bet
By Ryohgo Narita and Katsumi Enami. Released in Japan by Dengeki Bunko. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Taylor Engel. The author has said a…
More Thankful Than Ever for Yuri in 2020
It’s “Thanksgiving Day” here in the United States, a day rife with lies, colonization of the first people on this land, traffic, family trauma and now, a dose…
![Featured image for Me and Music Tag & Favourite 5 (Anime) OSTs Tag [May 26, 2021]](
![Background image for Me and Music Tag & Favourite 5 (Anime) OSTs Tag [May 26, 2021]](
Me and Music Tag & Favourite 5 (Anime) OSTs Tag [May 26, 2021]
Hi Anime Gang! I’ve been hammered by life and side projects and haven’t had time to sit down and write on the blog! I figured I’d pop in…
Colorful, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, Promare, Sword Art Online, Violet Evergarden
The Hallotober Tag
I know I’m really not the best at keeping up with tags but for what it’s worth I do try. And to anyone who has ever nominated me,…

Anime that is Truly Thankful!
Thankful for anime! There are a lot of names for the holiday of Thanksgiving. It’s often called “Turkey day” or “Eat Everything day” or even “I’ll Diet Lat…

Grateful for ChicagoScreens' Grant Support!
From the Festival: Receiving support from ChicagoScreens marks a tremendous milestone for our festival. As a festival dedicated to Japanese independent feature films—and the first of…
Haikyuu’s Ace and Being in the Vine
When Asahi Azumane is first introduced in Haikyuu, it’s not as a volleyball player. Formerly their ace, the player most responsible for making the big spikes which ignite…
The Geeky Childhood Tag
It’s been a while since the last tag post. I’ve been answering in the comments, but there’s nothing like banging out an actual response in the editor. Thanks…
The Geeky Childhood Tag!
Introduction INSKIDEE over at Inskime nominated me for The Geeky Childhood Tag in early December 2019. At first I was alarmed: How did they know I was a…

This Thanksgiving, We’re (Least) Thankful For…
This Thanksgiving, We're (Least) Thankful For... via @KhakiBlueSocks @stardf29 @laura_a_grace @JeskaiAngel

My first tag-#Peer Pressure Tag
Check out the answers to peer pressure tag questions..!!!

Being in a Creative Community
Does anyone remember taking those career aptitude tests in grade school? If you’re unaware, many American schools like to give aptitude tests starting around age 9 or so…
CGI being used in Anime
CG has been being used more and more in the last decade or so. And there are a lot of conflicted opinions about them. So here, I’ll be…

Tag: “Music”
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Million Tag
This is interesting. In 2021, Shonen JUMP did a reality TV show in Japan which was a contest where they paired aspiring and talented manga artists with senior…

Million Tag
This is interesting. In 2021, Shonen JUMP did a reality TV show in Japan which was a contest where they paired aspiring and talented manga artists with senior…
The Well-Being of Fans Living in the West
This might be somewhat off-topic for the blog and in the same time, it might be on-topic. I just read this report on a survey reporting on the mental…

Why Being the Second Lead in Dramas Sucks
In dramas, the second lead suffers from unrequited love, ideal but unchosen qualities, emotional strain, selfless sacrifice, stunted development, and audience heartbreak, making them memorable unsung heroes.

The Music and Me Tag
Any and every time I get tagged, I am down for the challenge. If you add in music, I am there. I will drop everything and do it.…

The Me and Music Tag!
Oh, RiseFromAshes, what have you done, by tagging me? You definitely seem interested in the mindf*** that is my music tastes. Well, thanks for the tag! In case…

The Peer Pressure Tag Game
Hello, boys and girls of all ages. How’s it going? Demon God Thadeus is at it again with another post for the lot of ya today! Only this…

There’s Pressure? – The Peer Tag
Have some sparking wide pressure Oo a tag, it’s a tag post making me feel the pressure from the rest I have never completed. . .

It’s Getting Hot in Here… (Tag Post)
Taking on Shoujo’s open invitation, but I’m also going to leave this open for anyone else to take up.
Yotsuiro Biyori, Bungo Stray Dogs, Bungo Stray Dogs WAN!, Fate/Zero

Being Born Again in Tearmoon Empire
Mia is an exceptional princess—and not just because she’s reincarnated back to her 12-year-old self after being parted from her head, Marie Antoinette-style, courtesy of Guillotine-san. She’s also…

Being Gay in Space!—The Symbiant Re:Union out Today!
The fandisc will average 3 hours of playtime and full English voice over.You can buy it now on Steam for $13.49!

Colorful Stories Tag
The Rules #1 Share your favourite stories—movies/books/anime/manga/drama/songs—by classifying them on these seven colours’ traits: red: passionate, exciting, invigoratingblue: peaceful, calmin…
“Unpopular Opinions” Tag!
Today’s weekend post is a little different from my usual reviews but I thought it’d be a nice change of pace! This is my first time doing an…
Mr. Osomatsu, Attack on Titan, Weathering With You, Tokyo Ghoul, SING "YESTERDAY" FOR ME
Tag: “Unpopular opinions”
Urgh.. my eyes. These opinions are just so.. unpopular.
Powerful Women Tag!
It was international women’s day on March 8 and in honour of the occasion the wonderful Annie created this tag. basically, it’s a chance for us all to…

Peer Pressure Tag
Hi! So this is probably one of the first tag’s I’ve had (and big thanks to Rise for tagging me!), so I’m kind of excited to give this…

Colourful Stories Tag
Thanks to Phoenix for the tag.
Akudama Drive, Death Note, Fairy Ranmaru, My Love Story!!, Phoenix

Peer Pressure Tag
Well, this is amazing timing for two reasons: 1) I was really running out of blog posts, and 2) I had actually written a whole rant revolving around…

Poplar’s 90s Tag
Well, this should be an interesting one! A big thank you to Fred for the tag. You should check out his post about the 90s if you haven’t…

The Peer Tag– Pressure is on!
We’ve been tagged!!! In fact it’s first tagging of the year! Personally, I think this blog will be an interesting one to watch as it circulates through the…

Introducing: the ‘Failure to Launch’ Tag!
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Japan’s Earthquake Info: Are Foreign Being Left in the Dark?
This month's earthquake reignited fears of a mega-quake hitting Japan soon. Is Japan doing enough to equip tourists and foreign residents?

The 11 Rules Of Being A Good Journalist In Japan
Share your data. The internet is a vast and endless storage hub. If you’ve written something the world should know--put up supporting data and documents on the web,…

Call of the Night - Being In Love Isn’t Mentally Wrong
So I’ve been checking out Kotoyama’s Call of the Night, a romantic comedy manga about a 14-year old human boy who is trying to get together with a…

Being True to Yourself with Rumble Garanndoll (Fall 2021 Anime)
There are a large amount of shows this season that are being under watched, ignored, or being genuinely forgotten. I mean, that is the fault of having so…

the fear of being genuine
Only you will remember the next 24 hours before time is undone; what do you admit to the people you love most? Steins;Gate is a popular anime following the…
Being Entertaining Over Being Great (ft. Listeners)
Visit the post for more.

Fall 2024 Anime Week 9: What I’m Thankful For
November 30th, 2024 Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, I am saying this a bit late, but we’re in that weird timeframe between Thanksgiving and the start of December so I…
Steins;Gate The Movie: Load Region of Deja Vu: Tag-In Conclusion
Something we haven’t talked about on this blog is the anime’s tendency to have ‘epilogue movies” for series. While it’s something more rare these days, there have been…

The T.A.P. Tag! Welcome to the poetry corner
Thanks Merlin at Merlin’s Musings for tapping on the shoulder of my poetry muse! I have been tagged twice for the Tap Tag now, by Merlin recently and roughly…

Stories of the Rainbow || The Colorful Stories Tag
I was tagged by Rise over at Phoenix Talks to do the Colorful Stories Tag. For it, I picked out the anime that I think are the most…
Phoenix, The Promised Neverland, The Reflection, Sweetness & Lightning, Colorful
Unpopular Anime Opinions Tag
All right, let’s get another tag post crossed off the list. This one is the Unpopular Opinions Tag, although I feel like my Throwing 8 Overrated Anime Under…