This gif cracks me up haha This list series hasn’t had it’s chance to kick off properly because life happened and I got lazy but were back here for the weird, the strange.
Jul 1, 2021 • Subscribe
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Anime Lists That Caters To Exist Because: Jealously Sucks, It Dominates and It’s Ugly
Lists of recommended anime these days fall on the pillar of genre basis. It’s the best fundamental way to point new fans in the right direction but makes…

Anime Lists That Caters To Exist Because: Jealously Sucks, It Dominates and It’s Ugly
Lists of recommended anime these days fall on the pillar of genre basis. It’s the best fundamental way to point new fans in the right direction but makes…

"It's not that deep bro"
From my full video, here on this channel. SUPPORT US ON PATREON: FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK:

I Used a Randomizer to Watch WEIRD Anime
The first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: 💬 SOCIALS 💬 Support me on Patreon ➜ Second Channel ➜ Twitter…

That One Weird Trick to Animating Horse Walks
Let's look at a method to animate walking horses easily. Follow me on Twitter: Check out my Instagram: Support me on Patreon:

This anime has a weird name in it
Why they gotta call em Honki People? also no cancel me plz #anime #winteranime #bucchigiri

Lunar Legend Tsukihime: Revisiting the Anime that 'Doesn't Exist'
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Weird names in anime & manga
Phosphosyte? Phosposlyte? Phosposite? I don’t know about you, but I am grateful that the writer behind Land of the Lustrous chose to shorten the protagonist’s name to Phos in…

existing only to exist
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Black Lagoon, Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Sonny Boy
Of making anime lists…
…there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh! For a good few years now, I’ve tried to greet each new anime season by…

Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! | That one weird anime.
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Blue Reflection Ray #01 — “Oh No, I’m Alive And Exist in Society”
Boy, sure is a lot of existential magical teenage angst this season. I should note that there are a staggering eight new shows premiering tomorrow, plus Vivy's third…

This Anime Doesn't Exist
No, not G-Gundam. The photo he's holding comes from an anime called Kamen Senshi Lavithunder that was found advertised on a vinyl record......and it doesn't exist. Kenny Lauderdale…

This Anime Doesn’t Exist
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Adventures in Japan (and Bro Liberty)
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Votes Exist to Pass Marriage Equality in Japan: Report
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Monologue: I’m sorry to inform you that your taste in anime is not gay enough.
If you would just sign here…

Does This Anime Even Exist?
A Lost anime so unknown, there's no proof it exists. Kenny Lauderdale (me), covers a lost anime found on a vinyl record that seemingly doesn't exist. Japan…

Jojo Anime does not exist
Jojos Bizzare Adventure Does Not Exist There was a 2007 animated film of Phantom Blood the first part of Jojos. However, you can find it anywhere. There are recreations…

Princess Jellyfish Reminded me That I’m a Princess
I did it! I finally watched Princess Jellyfish. I've been wanting to for ages. So did it live up to my expectations? Find out here!

Weird Things In Naruto
Hello and welcome back to another video today we will be going over a few things that I personally find a little weird about the naruto anime. Anyways…
Ghosts Exist Vs Ghost’s Don’t Exist
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S3E13 - In the Mood for Love (2000)
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S3E13 - In the Mood for Love (2000)
Hello everyone, In the final episode of the season, John and Jason discuss Wong Kar-Wai's In the Mood for Love (2000), perhaps his most famous film. A seminal film…
S3E13 - In the Mood for Love (2000)
Hello everyone, In the final episode of the season, John and Jason discuss Wong Kar-Wai's In the Mood for Love (2000), perhaps his most famous film. A seminal film…
12 Days 2019, Day 3: “Because I’m the Hero” – Prescribed roles in Endro!
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Anime Like I’m Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class
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A Couple of Cuckoos, Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian, I'm Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class, Masamune-kun's Revenge, Nisekoi

Weird Anime Are Great
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Anime of the Weird!
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The Problem With Best Anime Lists
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I exist.
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A True Tourist Trap: This Hotel in Japan Doesn’t Exist
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Mystery Games to Get You in the Mood for the Spooky Season!
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Bro Your Taste….
12 Days of Aniblogging 2023, Day 5 Watching the Elitist Anime Superbowl play out earlier this year on Tumblr reawakened something in me. Seeing Evangelion lose to Mononoke like…

I heard you like lists: Five anime ideas that I’d think would be cool.
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I’m moving to a new blog!
It has been such a long time, over two years, since I last wrote a post here. During that time, I’d occasionally queue up a post, scribble a few…

Fragments of Romance: In the Mood for Love
“I keep what I can of you; split-second glimpses and snapshots and sounds.” – The National In the Mood for Love begins with a title card, a tidy…

Spinning Tops A Weird Gateway
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I’m Just Going to Fan-Gush Over Tears of the Kingdom Now Because I’m Probably Not Going to Finish it for Two Years
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WEIRD Anime Challenges ft. Kor
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Seeking a Bro for the End of the World
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Ep 3 Review Pro-tip for surviving the zombie apocalypse: there’s strength in numbers. The more people working in one group means greater…

CG in Anime (I’m still dead)
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Winter 2020 Anime I’m Interested in
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Failure Doesn't Exist.
Failure. Let's talk about it. Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: ► "Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as…
Why didn't anyone tell me that these kind of things exist?
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Why didn't anyone tell me that these kind of things exist?
No post summary was provided.
Ask John: Do Unconventional Baseball Anime Exist?
Question: Maybe I’m overthinking a small word choice, but when you wrote “conventional baseball anime,” I had a thought. Does unconventional baseball anime exist? I suppose we could…

Please Don’t Interrogate Me, Bro!
fucking sushi Gwaaaah, I don’t want to blog for the next few weeks. Can I just tweet random shit for now? I’m lazy. However, someone forced me to…
Manga Pulse 493: Embarrassed Bro
How many language can mangas come in? That depends on how you slice it. If you’re being a bit of a pedant and talking about the source, it’s…

Titles I’m Looking Forward to in 2022
I promise this is the last of my unintentional, but now are seemingly reoccurring, beginning of the year posts. I still standby giving yourself things to look forward…