I really enjoyed this chapter of Kingdom due to it showing us a lot about the Hi Shin Army. As it showed us their strength compared to other armies. It showed us their determination and tenacity. A…
Jun 5, 2021 • Subscribe
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RAIDO!!!!!! | Kingdom Manga Chapter 686 “Kanki’s Objective” Review
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Keep Attacking | Kingdom Manga Chapter 674 “Onward” Review
As I am finally able to get with this Kingdom review out. I am just wondering what the hell this man Kanki is thinking. As this chapter can…

RAIDO!!!!!! | Kingdom Manga Chapter 686 “Kanki’s Objective” Review
Hara I love you man. But, sometimes you take this manga too far. As Koucho is a sick individual. Heck I will say that he might be as…

Unborn Soul (渡, Zhou Zhou, 2024)
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6th Great General Spot Revealed!!! | Kingdom Manga Chapter 672 Review
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Kyoukai and Shin’s Relationship Discussion | Kingdom Manga Chapter 670 Review
There are very few manga that can make me jump out of my seat once let alone over 100 times over except Kingdom. With this chapter being one…

An Uneasy Feeling | Kingdom Manga Chapter 673 “Uncertain Air“ Review
This chapter feels like it is leading to something bad for Qin. As from the title of the chapter to the conversation that Shin and Kyoukai had. To…

Army Of Fools | Kingdom Manga Chapter 683 “Family of Fools” Review
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The Insane & Genius AKaKin | Kingdom Manga Chapter 684 “Surprise Attack” Review
This chapter was a surprise if you can say that. As we get to see the fruition of a plan that was in the works for multiple days.…

Ouhon’s Will | Kingdom Manga Chapter 679 “A Plan of Attack” Review
Back from my hiatus and what better than to start with a review of my favorite manga of all time. As no matter what, you can always count…

Kanki Attacks Heiyou | Kingdom Manga Chapter 680 “The Boss’ Words” Review
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Episode 681: Shimonesia
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Shin Vs GakuHaku Begins | Kingdom Manga Chapter 685 “Hour of Reckoning” Review
Alright we are back to talk about Kingdom. We get the beginning to a huge fight, we learn more about the character of GakuHaku along with his men,…

Shin Vs GakuHaku Begins | Kingdom Manga Chapter 685 “Hour of Reckoning” Review
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THE NEW 6 GREAT GENERALS OF QIN!!! | Kingdom Manga Chapter 671 Review
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Great General Kanki | Kingdom Manga Chapter 674 “Invitation to a Harsh Terrain” Review
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This Manga is About Mountain Climbing
This manga is called The Climber by Shin-ichi Sakamoto
By Andrew Osmond. Fans of Perfect Blue are recommended to catch a new animated psycho-drama feature, Climbing, that is screening on 18th November as part of the London…

Top Of The Cliff | Kingdom Manga Chapter 682 “The Struggle on the Cliffs” Review
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Iwakakeru! Sport Climbing Girls Review
“it doesn’t come across as incompetent. Just a bit amateurish”

Duel of Family | Kingdom Manga Chapter 667: “Three Days Later” Discussion
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OtakuGeneration.net :: (Show #681) Burn Up!
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Episode 681, “Tres Mano Frieza!?”
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Episode 681, "Tres Mano Frieza!?"
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Episode 681, "Tres Mano Frieza!?"
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Manga Chapter Review Anthology #3
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A Kingdom of Quartz Manga Volume 1 Review
Sometimes, with an exceptional manga, all it takes is a few pages to fall hopelessly in love.

KyouKai And Rei | Kingdom Manga Chapter 666: “The Depths of Darkness” Discussion
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Manga Chapter Review SUPER DUMP POST #1
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Manga Chapter Review Dump Post #31: Unsubtitled
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Manga Chapter Review SUPER DUMP POST #1
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Manga Chapter MASS REVIEW #1(Anthology #4)
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Manga Chapter Review Dump Post #27: Exhaustion
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Iwakakeru!: Sport Climbing Girls (Episode 9) – The Princess of Climbing
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Iwakakeru! Sport Climbing Girls
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Iwa Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls Episode 9: Climbing the Cold Wall
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Manga Chapter Review Anthology #2: Somebody’s Striking Back!!
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Manga Chapter Review Anthology #1(Dump Post #32)
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Manga Chapter Review Dump Post 4- Alternative Discussion
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Manga Chapter Review Dump #2- The Electric Boogaloo
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How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom Manga | Manga Recommendation
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How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom (manga) Omnibus Vol 1 Review
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