Candy Flurry is the newest manga series from Shonen Jump. With art by Mitarashi Santa and written by Takegushi Ippon, the series features a very different and interesting concept. It opens up by di…
Apr 19, 2021 • Subscribe
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First Thoughts on Candy Flurry
Does this lollipop get bitter as you keep licking? David and Jordan give their first thoughts on the Shonen Jump manga Candy Flurry. Listen in as they give…

First Thoughts on Candy Flurry
Does this lollipop get bitter as you keep licking? David and Jordan give their first thoughts on the Shonen Jump manga Candy Flurry. Listen in as they give…
Spiraken Manga Review Ep 417: Candy Flurry
In this episode, Xan reviews a Shonen battle manga about candy. Is it as sweet as the power giving toy toy candy? Well find out as he reviews Candy…

New Series Recommendation: Candy Flurry
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#37 Candy Flurry (Ft. Chip Cheezum from ChipCheezumLPs)
What if everyone in Hunter x Hunter was dumb? This episode we, and our guest Chip Cheezum from ChipCheezumLPs discuss Takegushi, Ippon (Story), Mitarashi, Santa (Art) Shonen Jump…

#37 Candy Flurry (Ft. Chip Cheezum from ChipCheezumLPs)
What if everyone in Hunter x Hunter was dumb? This episode we, and our guest Chip Cheezum from ChipCheezumLPs discuss Takegushi, Ippon (Story), Mitarashi, Santa (Art) Shonen Jump…

Double – Manga First Impression
Acting manga are rare enough and even when we get one, it's about an unstoppable genius or a beautiful young ingenue. The Double manga is about an normal…

Mashle – Manga First Impression
I love a good comedy manga and Mashle may just be what I have been looking for.

Nyankees – Manga First Impression
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Hirayasumi – Manga First Impression
I am holding my breath until Hirayasumi gets officially licensed in English. So you better get on it. Here I go, holding breath now!
Manga First Impression: Moriking
Moriking is a new manga series from Shonen Jump by Tomohiro Hasegawa. The first chapter introduces elementary school student Shota Aikawa and his high school-aged sister sister, Shoko.…

Nyankees – Manga First Impression
I bought Nyankees on a complete whim and I was surprised by what I got. You'll have to read the post to find out what that was!

Gigant – Manga First Impression
Have you ever wanted your classic science fiction manga to include a lot more sex? When I put it that way who wouldn't? Gigant has you covered

Orient – Manga First Impression
Orient is a manga that is more impressive in potential than in execution. At least for volume 1. Here's why I thought that.
Manga First Impression: Phantom Seer
Shonen Jump’s newest series is Phantom Seer. The artwork is done by Kento Matsuura, who does a fantastic job developing a new world setting. But what is kind…

Ossan Idol! – Manga First Impression
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Manga First Impression – Hell’s Paradise
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ZOM 100 – Manga First Impression
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Manga First Impression: Bone Collection
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Blank Canvas – Manga First Impression
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Manga First Impression: Sakamoto Days
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ZOM 100 – Manga First Impression
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No. 5 – Manga First Impression
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First Impression: Undead Unluck (Manga)
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Eniale & Dewiela – Manga First Impression
Eniale & Dewiela is a fun if flawed new manga. Here are my thoughts after volume 1.

Suiyou Kyoudai – Manga First Impression
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Dear Noman – Manga First Impression
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Manga First Impression: Me & Roboco
The latest manga series from Shonen Jump is Me & Roboco (Boku to Roboco) by mangaka Shuhei Miyazaki, previouslyknown for the 4-koma The Promised Neverland spinoff, Oyakusoku no…

Penguin & House – Manga First Impression
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Manga First Impression: Ayakashi Triangle
Ayakashi Triangle is a new Shonen Jump manga series from Kentaro Yabuki, who is best known for Black Cat and serving as the artist for To Love Ru.…

Manga First Impression: Blue Box
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Mieruko-Chan – Manga First Impression
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Inside Mari – Manga First Impression
Inside Mari is the latest manga by Shuzo Oshimi author of Flowers of Evil and Happiness. An intriguing body swap story with a strong start.

Dai Dark – Manga First Impression
Dai Dark is the latest manga from the author of Dorohedoro. And as you can imagine, it's fairly unique. Let me tell you what I thought.

Manga First Impression – Blue Period
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Manga Pulse 426: Domestic Candy
A double dip special coming right up. Oh, I’m sorry. We’re all out of Neapolitan right now. Have a couple of manga scoops instead. Tim has Domestic Na Kanojo. Natsuo is…

Not Your Idol – Manga First Impression
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Manga First Impression: Time Paradox Ghostwriter
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The Voynich Hotel – Manga First Impression
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Manga First Impression – The Apothecary Diaries
The-Apothecary-Diaries is an interesting mix of classical medical drama, mystery and romance in the imperial palace.
Manga First Impression: Ghost Reaper Girl
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Manga First Impression: i tell c
i tell c is a new manga series from Kazusa Inaoka. The header of this Shonen Jump series says that it’s a “…unique take on the crime-suspense genre,” and…

Love and Heart – Manga First Impression
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Manga First Impression – After Work Duet
You guys know my habits by now. The Japanese title reminded me so much of film, Shall We Dance?, and having the focus being on older non-professional dancers…

Superwomen in Love – Manga First Impression
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First Impression – Mashle: Magic & Muscle (Manga)
Mashle: Magic and Muscle is a new Shonen Jump series by Hajime Komoto that dropped this past weekend. The story begins by introducing us into a world of…

Manga First Impression: The Elusive Samurai
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Manga First Impression – Delicious in Dungeon
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Manga Talk: Candy & Cigarettes volume 1
I really enjoyed Candy & Cigarettes volume 1 Published by Seven Seas Story & art by Tomonori Inoue — Support this podcast:

Manga First Impression: Nine Dragons’ Ball Parade
Tamao Azukida loves baseball more than anything else in life. He studies it and understands the sport better than anyone. However, he’s not the physically strongest person in…