“what happens from dating onwards is a dragging-out event, giving us a series of disconnected skits linked to side character romances with no hook pulling you in. It’s not good.”
Apr 18, 2021 • Subscribe
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Review – Horimiya
Horimiya is an anime comprised of 13 episodes that are based around the existing manga of the same name. Created by CloverWorks studio and aired from January –…

Horimiya (Review)
Genres: Slice of Life, Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen What is it about? On the surface, the thought of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura getting along would be the last thing in people’s…

Horimiya (Review)
Genres: Slice of Life, Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen What is it about? On the surface, the thought of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura getting along would be the last thing in people’s…

Horimiya Review
You know, I still can’t believe that Hori is actually a brunette. The manga doesn’t shade or tone her hair at all, so I assumed for so many…

Horimiya | Anime Review
Alright, now that the anime has concluded and all thirteen episodes have aired, it’s now time for me to give me thoughts on the anime as a whole.…
![Featured image for Horimiya [Anime review]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210430/1619795644.11372.35816.png)
![Background image for Horimiya [Anime review]](https://cdn.aniblogtracker.com/live/20210430/1619795644.11372.35816.png)
Horimiya [Anime review]
Seasons: 1 Episodes: 13 Runtime: 23 min/eps Genres: Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen, Slice of Life Horimiya is a high school romance anime following Izumi-san and Kyoko-chan. When at…

Anime Review: Horimiya
Series review for the adorable and memorable Horimiya!

Manga Review: Horimiya
Title: Horimiya Mangaka: US Publisher: Yen Press Status: Ongoing (Complete in Japan, should complete soon in US at 16 volumes) Age Relevance: Middle school and up How Essential Is It?: Must…

Horimiya Anime Review
It’s hard to be a romcom in a post-Kaguya-sama world. Audiences have gone gaga for that series’ arc-based storytelling and high attention to detail, creating a narrow set…

Anime Review 202 Horimiya
Studio Cloverworks has really made a name for themselves in recent years Ever since their debut title Darling in the Franxx collaborated with Studio Trigger the studio…

Horimiya | Episode 1 Review
Episode 1 Thoughts The first episode was an interesting one. For starters, I’d like to say that I enjoyed the OP “”Iro Kousui (色香水)” by You Kamiyama”” it…

Horimiya Review (Spoiler Free)
We’ve reached the “Romance” genre of my genre review collection, and I’ve gone with something pretty well reviewed in Horimiya. I’ve watched a lot of anime that of…

Review | Horimiya – Episodes 1-13
“Everyone has a side of themselves that they don’t want other people to see.” – Kyouko Hori

Horimiya: The Missing Pieces Review
When I first heard there would be more Horimiya in 2023, I was thrilled. However, it didn’t take for me to realize that this wasn’t going to be…

A refreshingly mature high school romcom with some solid substance and intricate characters.

Horimiya is for the most part a pretty typical anime about high school romance between a mismatched couple. The main differentiating highlight is the main couple, Hori and…

Horimiya Volumes 13 and 14 Review
Hori, Miyamura and their friends may be in their final years of high school but don’t think that’s made them more mature. If anything, they’ve only become sillier…

Horimiya | Episode 12 and 13 Review
Episode Twelve and Thirteen Thoughts What I love about the Hori Family, is how much they love Izumi. They literally love him more than Izumi’s actual family and…

Horimiya | Episode 10 and 11 Review
Episode Ten Thoughts Before watching episode ten, I was browsing Twitter a couple weeks back. I think the week the episode actually aired and I saw the cancel…

Horimiya | Episode 8 and 9 Review
episode eight thoughts This is probably just me, but I find that Remi Ayasaki is a little annoying. It’s probably because of her voice, nothing against the voice…

Horimiya Review: They’re All So Pretty
Studio: Cloverworks Director: Masashi Ishihama Streaming on: Funimation Most of my content might lead you to believe I am a brick-headed shonen fanboy who can’t pay attention to…

Horimiya | Episode 4 and 5 Review
Episode Four Thoughts I want to learn more about Miyamura and his past. I think it would be fascinating because his past played a role in the character…

Horimiya | Episode 6 and 7 Review
episode six thoughts What I find extremely entertaining is how poorly Kyouko, her mother and brother treat Kyousuke. It’s like they do not really care about him, as…

Horimiya – 13 (End) and Series Review
Horimiya is a series with a big spread of options, but Ishihama loaded up on too much dry chicken and stale bread and left the carving station and…

Horimiya | Episode 2 and 3 Review
Episode Two Thoughts “Iro Kousui (色香水)” by You Kamiyama, is honestly so smooth. The OP is not hard on the ears and isn’t as energetic as most OPs…

Horimiya – 10
It only hurts more because nobody's in the wrong. Read more
Horimiya – 04
「誰も、誰かが好きなんだ。」 (Dare mo, dareka ga sukina nanda) "Everybody Loves Somebody" It’s amazing how much happens in Horimiya for a series that seems like a slice of life most of the…

Horimiya – 06
You take the bitter with the sweet, I suppose. Read more
Horimiya – 10
「いつか、雪が溶けるまで。」 (Itsuka, yuki ga tokeru made.) "Until the Snow Melts" It only hurts more because nobody’s in the wrong.

Horimiya OVAs
I am loving the anime Horimiya. It’s the epitome of what a romance anime should be! It doesn’t have that awkwardness that many in this genre have, it…
Horimiya – 07
「君がいて、僕がいて。」 (Kimi ga ite, boku ga ite.) "You're Here, I'm Here" Controversial opinion time.

Horimiya – 11
It says something about how inexplicable Neverland is that Horimiya is only the second-most baffling adaptation of the season. Read more
Horimiya – 01
「ほんの、ささいなきっかけで。」 (Hon'no, sasaina kikkake de.) "A Tiny Happenstance" Whew.
Horimiya – 09
「難しいけど、無理じゃない。」 (Muzukashīkedo, muri janai.) "It's Difficult, But Not Impossible" Kinky Hori in all her glory.

Horimiya – 05
An anime doesn't have to reinvent the wheel to be great. It just has to make a really great wheel. Read more

Horimiya – 08
Taking extremely classic romcom tropes and twisting them enough to be intriguing is something Horimiya is exceptionally good at. Read more

Horimiya – 04
It's amazing how much happens in Horimiya for a series that seems like a slice of life most of the time. Read more
Horimiya – 06
「今年の夏は、あついから。」 (Kotoshi no natsu wa, atsuikara.) "It's Hot This Summer" You take the bitter with the sweet, I suppose.

Horimiya – 02
Damn, that was some good shizzle right there. Read more
Horimiya – 05
「それは、言えないこと。」 (Sore wa, ienai koto.) "I Can't Say That" An anime doesn't have to reinvent the wheel to be great. It just has to make a really great wheel.
Horimiya – 12
「これまでも、そしてこれからも」 (Kore Made mo, Soshite Kore Kara mo.) "Hitherto, and Forevermore" 'Tis the season...

Revisiting Horimiya
When Horimiya: Pieces released, I decided to revisit the original season. My original observations still hold. The series offers a heartfelt, nostalgic feeling toward growing up. For those…
Revisiting Horimiya
When Horimiya: Pieces released, I decided to revisit the original season. My original observations still hold. The series offers a heartfelt, nostalgic feeling toward growing up. For those…
Horimiya – 03
「だから、大丈夫。」 (Dakara, daijoubu.) "That's Why It's Okay" You should see the other guy.
Horimiya – 02
「顔は、ひとつだけじゃない。」 (Kao wa, hitotsu dake janai.) "You Wear More Than One Face" Damn, that was some good shizzle right there.
Horimiya – 08
「偽ることで、見えるもの。」 (Itsuwaru koto de, mieru mono.) "The Truth Deception Reveals" Taking extremely classic romcom tropes and twisting them enough to be intriguing is something Horimiya is exceptionally good at.

Horimiya – 03
You should see the other guy. Read more