My name is Raphiel (ラフィエル) or Raphi (ラフィ) for short. After five years in gacha hell, I have come back home for one goal, to save my community. Now, I hope others join my crusade. To them I’m Raphiel but to the rest of the community I’m someone else. I am something else… If you have yet to get it by now, I won’t be doing any written content for this website. Instead, my focus will be in producing video content for it recording videos, researching topics, writing scripts or editing. Nowadays I don’t really watch much anime as I used to outside of the standout hits like Attack on Titan or Re: Zero and other miscellaneous titles. I’m more of a manga person rather than an anime man. Stuff like Munou na Nana, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint or Shinju no Nectar. In that case, you can expect more content geared to various Japanese otaku subculture in general rather than just anime. But I will try to dedicate some to anime as well!

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