Trigun (Toraigan) (1998) So, I took a fair few screenshots and wanted to share some that I didn’t include before… just because, I guess :D Hopefully I don’t accidentally double up…
Mar 21, 2021 • Subscribe
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Trigun (Toraigan)
Trigun (Toraigan) (1998) Welcome to Trigun week! As I did with Nadia here, I’m reviewing Trigun by breaking things up into arcs or at least sections. The plan…

Trigun (Toraigan) – The Wolfwood Arc, Episodes 9-11
Trigun (Toraigan) (1998) Time for the third Trigun post – the Wolfwood Arc. (These middle posts are probably going to be shorter than the first and last in…

Trigun (Toraigan) – The ‘Doubts’ Arc, Episodes 18-23
Trigun (Toraigan) (1998) Post number five for Trigun – this time it’s a span of episodes that I’ve called something simple, just ‘Doubts’ as I reckon it suits…

Trigun (Toraigan) – The Sand Steamer Arc, Episodes 6-8
Trigun (Toraigan) (1998) Welcome back to more Trigun! Second post already, covering the introduction to the Sand Steamer: So, in terms of the shift I mentioned last time,…

Trigun (Toraigan) – The Final Shoot Out Arc, Episodes 24-26
Trigun (Toraigan) (1998) The final shoot-out! While hardly so divisive as the ending to Neon Genesis, there are a fair few disappointed folks out there when it comes…

Trigun (Toraigan) – The Gung-Ho Guns Arc, Episodes 12-17
Trigun (Toraigan) (1998) Fourth in this short series of posts about Trigun – time for the Gung-Ho Guns Arc. Here the series takes a bit of a turn…

Trigun (Toraigan) – The Mysterious Man in Red Arc, Episodes 1-5
Trigun (Toraigan) (1998) Here we go – the first of six posts where I ramble on and on (and on) about one of my favs: Trigun :D The…

Dr. Stone 3 Episode 5 – Gallery Post
I am loving Dr. Stone 2. Actually, I loved the first season also. Basically, I really like this show and I go into a little more detail about…

Dr. Stone 3 Episode 9 – Gallery Post
We are slowly unraveling the secrets of Dr Stone and things are getting very interesting now! I hope you're having fun.

Dr. Stone 3 Episode 11 – Gallery Post
We are slowly unraveling the secrets of Dr Stone and things are getting very interesting now! I hope you're having fun.

Dr. Stone 3 Episode 2 – Gallery Post
I am loving Dr. Stone 2. Actually, I loved the first season also. Basically, I really like this show and I go into a little more detail about…

Dr. Stone 3 Episode 7 – Gallery Post
We are slowly unraveling the secrets of Dr Stone and things are getting very interesting now! I hope you're having fun.

Another great example of late 1990s anime! Beautiful art style, winding storylines that don’t quite fit a single genre (for more reasons than one here), and entertaining characters…

Trigun Stampede 10 (Endgame #Trigun)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 10. Vash & Wolfwood come to July, where Vash confronts Knives. Meryl & Roberto attempt to escape.

Trigun Stampede 08 (Backstory #Trigun)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 08. In the past, we see what happens with Vash after the crash of the fleet onto the planet.

Trigun Stampede 06 (Religious Order #Trigun)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 06. Vash & Wolfwood board a Sand Steamer, only to be attacked by a former childhood friend of Wolfwood.

Trigun Stampede 05 (Failed Promises #Trigun)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 05. A boy Vash failed to save years ago is now an angry cyborg, bent on killing Vash.

Trigun Stampede 02 (Nebraska Mayhem! #Trigun)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 02. The town of Jeneora Rock turn on Vash for the reward, but when the Nebraskas attack, Vash helps them

Trigun Stampede 11 (Memory Flush #Trigun)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 11. Knives connects to Vash and other Plants to wipe Vash's memories and open a gate to the Plants.
Trigun Maximum
A manga about an infamous gunslinger Vash the Stampede who travels across the desert planet Gunsmoke while avoiding bounty hunters. Continue reading →

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | RSSDoc & Shadon saddle up to bring you all a mammoth sixty billion double-dollar-sized helping of podcast about one…

Trigun Stampede
Love and peace! Oh my. Looks like another retro classic has been given a remake. That’s right. Those old enough like yours truly who have watched the original…
Chua Tek Ming~*Anime Power*~ !LiVe FoR AnImE, aNiMe FoR LiFe!
Review: TRIGUN
Let's wrap this month up with a series that's had a recent resurgence, but how does its original source material hold up? TRIGUN ( Toraigan...

Trigun Stampede
Trigun Stampede is currently streaming on Crunchyroll....
Review: TRIGUN
Let's wrap this month up with a series that's had a recent resurgence, but how does its original source material hold up? TRIGUN ( Toraigan...

Trigun Stampede 09 (No Man’s Land #Trigun)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 09. Ship 3 rescues Vash & company. Zazie kidnaps Meryl & Roberto to see which faction to support.

Trigun Stampede 03 (Vash the Impotent! #Trigun)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 03. Vash is impotent as Knives destroys the town, slaughters its people, and takes its Plants.

Same Stage, Different Stories: Trigun/Trigun Stampede
The original Trigun was a little messy but ultimately a very powerful story. And let’s be frank: Who doesn’t like Vash the Stampede? The guy’s a total goofball…

Trigun Stampede 07 (Not of this World! #Trigun)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 07. Vash and Wolfwood have to stop a Sand Steamer from destroying Wolfwood's old orphanage.

Trigun Stampede 12 (The End…For Now #Trigun)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 12. Vash awakens to a final conflict with Nai, saving humanity but destroying a town in the process.
Trigun Stampede – 03
「光よ, 闇を照らせ」 (Hikari yo, Yami o Terase) "Bright Light, Shine Through the Darkness" A Knives Out Mystery.

Trigun: Multiple Bullets
Title: Trigun: Multiple Bullets Genre: Western, Sci-fi, Ronin Writer/Artist: Yasuhiro Nightow, Boichi, Masakazu Ishiguro,…
Trigun Stampede – 07
「WOLFWOOD」 This world is made of Hate & Grief.
Trigun Stampede – 08
[Our Home.] Look at this photograph!
Trigun Stampede – 10
「人間」 (Ningen) "Humanity" Hey Milly, I hear there's a job opening that'd be perfect for you.
Music: Trigun Stampede
By Andrew Osmond. Just days after the news broke that Anime Limited licensed the soundtrack to Makoto Shinkai’s Suzume, the company has announced it also has the soundtrack…
Trigun Stampede – 06
「ワンス・アポン・ア・タイム・イン・ホープランド」 (Wansu Apon a Taimu in Houpurando) "Once Upon a Time in Hopeland" More than a brother and a little less than a wife.
Trigun Stampede – 01
「NOMAN`S LAND」 This world is made of Love & Peace!
Trigun Stampede – 09
[Millions Knives] Don't bring a gun to a Knives fight.
Trigun Stampede – 05
「祝福の子供」 (Shukufuku no Kodomo) "Child of Blessing" Vash never returned when he said he'd grab a carton of milk.
Trigun Stampede – 02
「逃げる男」 (Nigeru Otoko) "The Running Man" “I don't do requests.”
Trigun Stampede – 11
「新世界へ」 (Shinsekai e) "To a New World" Bring on the monster rats.
Trigun Stampede – 04
「HUNGRY!」 He who controls the spice controls the sandworms.

Trigun – Quick Draw
Comedy / Science Fiction Trigun (1998)Quick Draw (Episode 10)Director: Shoji Yabushita Writer: Yōsuke Kuroda If my memory is any good, I think this is the first time we…

Trigun Stampede 04 (The Spice Must Flow! #Trigun #Trigun_Stampede)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 04. A man with a giant cross, Meryl, Roberto, Vash, and a kid get eaten by a giant sand worm.

Trigun Stampede 01 (And Now For Something Completely Different #Trigun)
AstroNerdBoy reviews Trigun Stampede 01. A young reporter named Meryl & her middle-aged senpai Roberto discover an infamous, wanted gunman.
Neon Genesis Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0: Deho Gallery and Tatsuya Kushida’s post-apocalyptic Eden
Let's dive into the staff working under Tatsuya Kushida at Deho Gallery and why their contributions to the final Evangelion were so meaningful.

Trigun Stampede – Episode 4
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to return to the sand-blasted wastes of Trigun Stampede, as our reluctant hero and his companions…
Trigun Stampede – 12 (END)
「HIGH NOON AT JULY」 Vash the Needle Noggin.

Mini Review – Trigun Stampede
My hopes were sky-high for this alternate take on Trigun – especially with Yashiro Nightow on board, and I’m relieved to say that I definitely enjoyed the mix…