A decent fight sceneSome needless complicationsNo impact at heart So, today’s episode of Ex-Arm had two major lines: Akira versus Beta and Alma versus Soma. Second one first. Alma’s battle with Soma’s super form is by far the most competently executed fight scene in the entire show so far. Compared to the fight between AlmaContinue Reading... Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 10Continue Reading...
Mar 16, 2021 • Subscribe
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Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 11
The animationIt burns! My eyes, it burns them!Please, take it away! Welcome to the Climax Episode! Not a lot happens, so it can be summarized very quickly: Beta…
Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 6
Haiku summation: Animation gets better, The writing gets worse. Live reaction audio and details after the cut. So, this time we start with Skeletor creating his spheres of…
Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 8
Uninvested fightsCyberspace looks like garbageSurprise villain why?! Ex-Arm once again screws up in ways I wouldn’t even have expected. Pretty much the whole episode is just a brawl…
Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 7
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Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 2
Reaction of the episode (Paraphrased): “Blink. Blink. BLINK! Blink already, you soulless Barbie Doll!” So, for this episode, we’ve decided to record live reactions. Fair warning, it’s mostly…
Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 3
Like last week, we’ve got a live reaction video for you, after the cut. The short version is that there’s more competence shown than previously, but it’s still…
Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 9
Speeches everywhereFriendship, revenge, blah, blah, blahPacing is a lie. This episode is mostly focused on getting Alma back. The fight in the tunnel is as badly choreographed as…
Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 5
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Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 12
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Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 4
Look, I get it. If you’re going to steal visual designs, Neon Genesis Evangelion is probably a good choice. It’s got some good designs. But if you’re going…

This was bad. Poorly conceived, poorly executed, and ugly. I never criticize a real effort to try something new and different, to try to move the world of…

Ex-Arm – Episode 1
Ex-Arm is everything that can probably go wrong making an anime, beating out even Kemono Friends and Gibiate in production values.

Episode 141 - EX-ARM
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Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 10
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Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 10
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Ex-Arm – 01 (First Impressions) – NOPE
Nope. Nope Nope Nope. NOPE.

Why is Ex-Arm so Horrible?
…Aside from “because it just is”, that is.

Winter 2021 New Anime – EX-ARM
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Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 2
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Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 3
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Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 2
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Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 6
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Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 8
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Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 9
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Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 4
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Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 4
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Seasonal Selection – DanDaDan Episode 1
Let’s get freaky.
Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 3
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Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 5
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