So, to an extent, I was wrong. Shin’s brother got a more detailed address than I was expecting, even if, no, it wasn’t the crux of another transformation. On the other hand, we did in fact get a new movement in the major plot, and it is a hell of a big one. The episodeContinue Reading... Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 5Continue Reading...
May 9, 2021 • Subscribe
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Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 1
So, this season we’ll be taking an episode-by-episode look at 86. Because this choice was kind of last-minute, it’s not really a show I’ve researched or know anything…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 3
I hope you enjoy slow burn drama over any general expectation of action. Frankly, I kind of appreciate the approach… at least when there’s been a second cour…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 2
Plot 101: Introducing some more of our main story. Honestly, one thing I’m enjoying about 86 is how it’s been building up the world. In the first episode,…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 11
The final episode of the cour (special pending) and if you told me this was the absolute final episode of the show and anything related to 86, I…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 6
We spend most of this episode with Spearhead, oddly enough including an extended flashback scene to when the formation was first formed, having a fun cookout together. One…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 4
86 continues to impress with its humanity, but to an extent much of what was had and needed this episode was highly predictable from the last. That’s not…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 7
The pace of 86, at times, makes it difficult to talk about, or at least to start with. At the bare minimum for the week’s episode we saw…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 8
So, this episode is all pretty much ‘gearing up’ for what would seem to be a final confrontation. The Spearhead is down to five, and they’re being sent…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 10
No Lena this week. For much of the episode, not really much talking either. This one is very much on the artistic end, trying to convey an experience…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 9
The time for the great battle against Shin’s brother’s Shepherd form has come. The episode “feels” short, consisting essentially of two extremely powerful scenes rather than a lot…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 16 (S2E5)
For all that the pace of 86 can be deliberate, when crap hits the fan, the show knows how to show it hitting the fan. The Legion deploys…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 15 (S2E4)
There’s an interesting contrast between 86 and another show I’m tracking episode by episode right now, Scarlet Nexus, and it has to do with the pacing. Specifically, both…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 22 (S2E11)
We’re back on the battlefield, here at the end. And it is marvelous. I don’t know if the long pause (for which various reasons have been circulating, the…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 17 (S2E6)
In the Republic, the fighting has become fierce, with Lena managing a forward command post as the Alba citizens scatter in terror. But more than that, we’re concerned…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 19 (S2E8)
After another recap break in the action, we resume 86 with the hunt for the Morpho. Uncharacteristically for this show, the episode is mostly dedicated to the action.…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 20 (S2E9)
Last week, the show was (apparently) preempted by a holiday broadcast, so after a break once again, we’re back with Shin and company talking about their feelings as…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 14 (S2E3)
And here we see Shin rejoining the battle. Not really anyone else; even his fellows are rather scarce this episode, but it’s time for the return of Undertaker…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 21 (S2E10)
Can you believe we’ve got more coming after this? Once again, the show has done a pretty good job of convincing you that everyone is dead and all…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 18 (S2E7)
86 is a show that knows how to move deliberately. This episode was essentially entirely dedicated to buildup and setting the stage, with the actual attack on the…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 12 (S2E1)
If you haven’t watched 86 yet, do yourself a favor and give it a look. The first cour of the show was a well-paced, emotional, dramatic dive into…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 13 (S2E2)
This week, we get an episode entirely devoted to Shin’s side of the world; Lena doesn’t appear at all. And, quite honestly, that was needed in order to…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 23 (S2E12) (End)
A whole episode of clean-up off the battlefield and not one but two of those classic 86 “credits roll partway through the episode” fakeouts sees the show off,…
Seasonal Selection – 86 Episode 23 (S2E12) (End)
A whole episode of clean-up off the battlefield and not one but two of those classic 86 “credits roll partway through the episode” fakeouts sees the show off,…
Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 5
We’re back to standard form this week with a jolly beating of hard realities into Kakeru’s thick head, which oddly enough has things looking up for the show,…

Seasonal Selection – DanDaDan Episode 5
This week, we calm down for a bit before getting into our next major plot. ; or, “Let’s Play Ball.”
Seasonal Selection – Sabikui Bisco Episode 5
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Seasonal Selection – KamiErabi Episode 5
I hope you like flashbacks and still shots thereof.
Seasonal Selection – Hell’s Paradise Episode 5
No, we’re not done with vignettes. That’s because a big chunk of the middle of this episode is meeting, learning the background of, and dealing with an event…

Seasonal Selection – Tasokare Hotel Episode 5
Yanderes check in. They don’t check out.
Seasonal Selection – Scarlet Nexus Episode 5
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Seasonal Selection – Metallic Rouge Episode 5
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Seasonal Selection – Ex-Arm Episode 5
It was bad enough that the animation, slowly improving though it is, should never have made it to the screen. Up until now, that was the worst thing;…
Seasonal Selection – Chainsaw Man Episode 5
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Seasonal Selection – ATRI -My Dear Moments- Episode 5
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Seasonal Selection – The Gene of AI Episode 5
Humanoid acts up A bug, or mental illness? Two cases this week
Seasonal Selection – Shine On! Bakumatsu Bad Boys Episode 5
So, we get an episode focused on our Monk and Doctor this time, allowing them to provide a fairly interesting contrast, all while progressing the main plot. After…
Seasonal Selection – Management of a Novice Alchemist Episode 5
In which we perform alphabet alchemy and transmute bats into hats. This time, Sarasa wants to start making products that will be useful to common villagers. The first…

86 – Episode 5
Well Lena, you’ve done it. You’ve learned the actual names of the 86 serving under you, and have taken one more step towards recognizing them as fully human.…
Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 2
“The one where we actually integrate the main character into the setting” is an important plot beat for a lot of shows, particularly ones in the Urban Fantasy…

Seasonal Selection – DanDaDan Episode 2
Let’s Get Black & White.
Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 11
Because it wouldn’t be a traditional action climax without a big twist and a moment when it looks like all hope is lost… here’s all those things I…

Seasonal Selection – DanDaDan Episode 7
Feeling sorry for the murder ghost.
Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 7
So, after the big turn of last episode, it’s time for downtime! Actually, I think it is kind of the correct time for this… or at least, a…

Seasonal Selection – DanDaDan Episode 11
Hey, this is just a thought, but maybe the show’s not going out on its highest note.
Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 8
So, for those who wanted a darker and more serious episode out of Shikizakura, we have this one And, compared to the bits earlier in the show that…
Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 9
So, I misread things last week – the smooth talker from Black Team wasn’t the big monster; he was in the scene already. In the first couple of…
Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 4
What the hell? So, in this 3D CGI Anime about people fighting demons by using power suits that may also be demons, we have this episode, fully 2D…

Seasonal Selection – DanDaDan Episode 1
Let’s get freaky.
Seasonal Selection – Shikizakura Episode 3
I won’t say that Shikizakura exactly did well, but it did display a basic understanding of the facts I was talking about last week. To its limited credit,…

Seasonal Selection – DanDaDan Episode 9
The episode title spoils the twist?