I'm making this post, for other podcasters... We've been getting a lot of requests for our promos. I was keeping a list on PodcastPromos.com, but it seems that forum was wiped or something... and the post is not there anymore. Anyhow, here's the direct links to our promos we currently have available to the public: 27 sec :: Promo001 25 sec :: Promo002 21 sec :: Promo003 35 sec :: Promo005 41 sec :: Promo006 13 sec :: Promo007 14 sec :: Promo008 26 sec :: Promo009 19 sec :: Promo010 25 sec :: Promo011 Yes... I know Promo004 is missing... there's a reason for that... it was for Adam Curry... it was part II to Promo003. Anyhow... If you use one of our promos, or have in the past, all I ask you to do, is contact us (otaku.generation@gmail.com), and/or comment on this post and let us know. Thanks! Alan C.

otakugeneration's Podcast