It’s a new month and it’s time to review what I’ve binged on in April. If you don’t know yet, this is a quick list that contains animes that I’ve marathoned within 24 …
May 6, 2016 • Subscribe
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My Anime Binge List: December 2016
Not only has a new month started, but a new year as well! With that said, HAPPY NEW YEARS! I hope everyone is off to a great start…
My Anime Binge List: May 2016
A new month is here and it’s time to list the animes I’ve indulged on in May. To those who are not familiar with my binge lists, it’s…
2016 BL Webcomic Rec List
Whether it’s raining or I’m burning under the summer sun, I will not miss out on this year’s rec list! […]
Binge-Worthy Anime
Feeling bored and looking for anime to watch? Want something short that could be finished in a day? Here are some anime that are absolutely binge-worthy! (you might…
5 Binge-Worthy Anime
Since most of us have been in isolation lockdown mode for a very long time (and many of us have no current end in site), I thought it…
32 Anime Binge Complete! (My largest ever, and never again)
Hello folks! I am alive, I assure you! It’s been a long time since I wrote about anime but I have not slowed down in the slightest. In…
Megalobox, ODDTAXI, ZOMBIE LAND SAGA, Attack on Titan, Fruits Basket
Anime: To Binge or not To Binge? That is the Question!
In general, I’ve always had the opinion that binge watching anime series is a wonderful advancement of the modern streaming world. If you could have all the enjoyment…
COMMENTARY – To Binge or Not to Binge?
Now, you need to understand that I am Old School. Hell, I’m Ancient School. I’m so old, Plato taught me at the Academy himself! I come from a…
My Fall 2024 Anime Watch List
The Beginning Of Selections I haven’t written one of these posts in a while. Mainly because I haven’t stuck with them for my selections. Though this coming season,…
Top 5 Reasons To Binge Anime
In general, I greatly prefer to binge anime then to watch as it airs. That actually goes for all types of media not just anime. So when Karandi…
My Top 10 Anime Characters Discovered in 2016
Belated New Year’s greetings dear readers! Whatever you did to acknowledge another trip around the sun, I hope you enjoyed it! This time last year I cast my…
My Top 5 Picks for 2016 – Anime Titles
Visit the post for more.
The Fuwanovel EVN List: April 2024 Releases
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My Shounen Anime Tier List for 2020
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Creating the Most BASED "My Anime List"
I never had a My Anime List account, and so today I'll try to fill it up for the first time. Come and join me to experience this…
My Top 30 Anime List Is Live!
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April 2021 Manga / Light Novel / Book Releases List
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My Yokohama Bucket List
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Fall 2016 Anime Reflections
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Ninja Girl & Samurai Master, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Super, Flip Flappers
Top Anime of 2016
We’re back again with the end of the year podcasts! First up is the top five anime...
Top Anime of 2016
We’re back again with the end of the year podcasts! First up is the top five anime...
Revisiting My Top 100 Anime List in 2024!
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Annual Thanksgiving Book Binge
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My favourite manga reads in 2016
2016. What a year. It’s been a tough year for many of us and personally, it was a challenging one. I was so busy with the last…
Thanks for your contributions to the 2016 BL Webcomic Rec List!
If you haven’t read the 2016 BL Webcomic Recs, now (or maybe the weekend) is the perfect time to do so! While I’ve had my list for this…
2020 Anime List
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My List of Recommended Manga
Is this a Buzzfeed style post? Oh God, absolutely not. Unless… I think I’ve read enough manga over the last half-decade to be able to compile a list…
Top 5 anime of 2016
The following list only contains series which ended in 2016, thus Sangatsu no Lion and Iron Blooded Orphans are not eligible (split cour series are acceptable). I will…
Winter 2016 Anime Episode 1s
At least it’s more eventful than last season.
Haruchika - Haruta & Chika, Pandora in the Crimson Shell Ghost Urn, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
2016 Anime Year in Review
Anime 2015 was a fairly decent year, but it came off the heels of a garbage year for anime. 2016 seems so much better now. I’d say 2016…
Ace Attorney, Hundred, Phoenix, Sailor Moon Crystal, Flying Witch
Anime Season Overview: Summer 2016
Given how it is too early in the season to write detailed and individual reviews for most of the shows I have chosen to watch, with the exception…
Berserk, Berserk, Taboo Tattoo, 91 Days, Alderamin on the Sky
Top 5 Anime of 2016
We’re back again with the end of the year podcasts! First up is the top five anime of 2016 list. Joining Chris (@gokuffy) and me this time are…
Seasonal Anime Reviews: Fall 2016
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Izetta: The Last Witch, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, Lostorage incited WIXOSS, Occultic;Nine
Zubat’s Top Anime of 2016
This post may be two months late has been in the works for the past two months, and now it’s finally time to share it with you all!…
The Anime Community Ignites My Soul (12 Days of Anime 2016 Day 3)
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Top 5 Anime Series to Binge-watch In Quarantine!
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How Your Lie In April Began To Change Everything (12 Days of Anime 2016 Day 2)
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[ Anime ] 2021 Watch list
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Shonen Anime Tier List!
Hello and welcome back to another video today we will be doing a Shonen anime tier list and I have to say a lot of hot takes in…
My Top 10 Favorite Anime Openings (As of April 2022)
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Ridiculously Random Anime Awards, 2016-17
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Top 5 Anime of Winter 2016
This has been the first season of anime that I’ve actively kept up with. Generally, I pick and choose a few series to watch the first episodes of,…
Binge For All Your Youth Worth!
Are you feeling that annoyance of seeing that S? Bingeing or single sessions of episodes is turning into a stupid debate of what seems the “way” to watch…
Looking back at my Top 21 Anime I Watched in Winter 2016 #TBT
Winter 2016 was such a memorable time for watching anime. While the anime season was lacking, it provided a few standout anime, especially KONOSUBA. In this article, I’ll…
Looking back at my Plans for October 2016 #TBT
One thing I like doing is making plans, especially making plans for what anime to watch next. These were going to be my plans for what anime I…
My FanimeCon 2016 panels according to the web site.
Anime/Manga for Parents - Friday, 4:00 PM, 1 hour - Panels 3Suitable for All AgesParents, aunts, uncles, adult friends, kids who want to improve their parents' knowledge about…