Gangs, drugs, underground life, immigration issues, shady deals, single mothers trying to stay afloat, and many more. For a title like Ikebukuro West Gate Park (shortened as IWGP), surely it’…
Dec 6, 2020 • Subscribe
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Ikebukuro West Gate Park
The ingredients for a simple but effective crime thriller are here, which may make wonder why you have heard so little about it. The reasoning becomes apparent: despite…
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 01
「北口スモークタワー」 (Kitaguchi sumoukutawaa) "North Exit Smoke Tower" I’d like to think there was something to this franchise that made it such a hit.
First Impressions – Ikebukuro West Gate Park
I'd like to think there was something to this franchise that made it such a hit. Read more
First Impression: Ikebukuro West Gate Park
Ikebukuro is a thriving commercial and entertainment district northwest of downtown Tokyo. But beneath the rich veneer lies a seedy underbelly of gangs and drugs. Makoto Majima, despite…
First Look: Ikebukuro West Gate Park
Ikebukuro: where you will apparently never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. In this violent and crime-ridden district, where yazkuza and youth street gangs rule…
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – Episode 1
It’s not a terrible premiere, but it felt like the series was more interested in throwing us into the chaotic world of Ikebukuro without establishing why we should…
First Impression: Ikebukuro West Gate Park
Ikebukuro is a thriving commercial and entertainment district northwest of downtown Tokyo. But beneath the rich veneer lies a seedy underbelly of gangs and drugs. Makoto Majima, despite…
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 09 – Trouble in Paradise
There is a lot to sift through this week, but I’ll give IWGP this: there’s no other current show that makes people sitting at tables and talking quite so…

Ikebukuro West Gate Park – Sweet Summer Child
Ikebukuro West Gate Park looks like it might be fun to visit but I don't think I would want to live there.
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 08 – Soft Landings
The stinger for this week is only a few moments long: a toddler playing with a toy plane falls off a balcony and lands in a bush. He’s…
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 03 – Chasing Views
Like myself, Majima Makoto is the age where he missed out on the big YouTube content creation boom, and marvels how people can make so much money off…
Anime Taste Testing: Ikebukuro West Gate Park
A PSA on Japan’s stance against drugs. Remember kids, weed is evil!
Anime Taste Testing: Ikebukuro West Gate Park
A PSA on Japan’s stance against drugs. Remember kids, weed is evil!
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – Denshi no Hoshi by Ishida Ira
Once again, I was looking for something interesting on Funamation’s streaming site and came across a new anime called Ikebukuro West Gate Park. I found at least one…
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 06 – Knights and Shadows
Ikebukuro is a town of balance, and that balance ensures peace. But one otherwise ordinary night, a group from the G-Boys Hiroto Faction are pulled from their van…

Anime Series Like IWGP: Ikebukuro West Gate Park
Ikebukuro is a haven for violent gangs, and also the home to Makoto Majima. In order to protect his friends, Makoto mediates different disputes. However, when things go…
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens, Heaven's Memo Pad, Ikebukuro West Gate Park, Maji, No Guns Life
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 07 – Mars (Enterprises) Attacks!
“Everyone’s so worried about me…What am I, a little boy?” I doubt the people warning Makoto are doing so because they think he’s a kid, but because there is…
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 05 – The Golden Land
IWGP has done a great job mixing up Majima Makoto’s cases-of-the-week thus far, underlining how valuable someone with his skills and relationships can be to a diverse array…
Why You Should Watch Ikebukuro West Gate Park
We have been blessed with many great anime series this Fall 2020 season. With new thrillers such as Talentless Nana, fresh Shounen series like Studio Mappa’s beautifully animated…
When They Cry, Higurashi: When They Cry - GOU, Ikebukuro West Gate Park, JUJUTSU KAISEN, Talentless Nana
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 12 (Fin) – The Troublesome Troubleshooter
With Takashi out of commssion the G-Boys are rudderless and eager for revenge, and Kyouichi isn’t above acquiring guns from the yakuza in order to gain the advantage…

Ikebukuro West Gate Park: The Tokyo Revengers I Wanted?
Greetings, fabulous people of the Internet! Hanime on Anime here, and welcome to another brand new review. And, believe it or not, today’s show has been on my…
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 04 – Knowing the Whole Story
Last week was a half-baked and tedious exploration of the online content culture featuring an unlikable YouTuber. But that was just one episode of a show that is…
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 11 – Nightmare on Sunshine Street
If I haven’t already, I’ll go on record now: Thus far I’ve always enjoyed the IWGP stories that aren’t directly related to the G-Boy/Red Angel dispute, like when…
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 10 – Moving Past the Hate
You have heard that it was said, “Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you…
The current anime season is coming to an end so this post might count as a recap, as well as my observations and general thoughts on the show.…
Weekly Digest 10/29/20 – Noblesse, Ikebukuro West Gate Park
I enjoy it when a series takes the time to make characters distinct, even when they're satellite to the main story. Read more
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 02 – New Kids on the ‘Bukuro
It was just the G-Boys in Ikebukuro, until one night at the Global Ring a young lad with fiery red hair and angel wing tattoos captivated a crowd…
Weekly Digest 10/22/20 – Noblesse, Ikebukuro West Gate Park
Apart from fans of the source material ripping it, it seems as if almost no one is talking about Noblesse. Read more
Ikebukuro West Gate Park – 01 (First Impressions) – Just a Simple Fruit Vendor
In an Ikebukuro full of rival gangs like the G-Boys, Majima Makoto is a neutral mediator to whom anyone can come with a problem to solve. Thus he…
Second Impressions Digest – Ikebukuro West Gate Park, Noblesse, Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko
Not the order I would have expected to rank these going in. Read more
Gate, Ikebukuro West Gate Park, By the Grace of the Gods, Noblesse
Fall 2020 First Impressions: Golden Kamuy S3, Ikebukuro West Gate Park, Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
Golden Kamuy S3 Short Synopsis: Golden Kamuy resumes as Sugimoto sets out for Sakhalin in search of Asripa. Along the way they will hunt criminals, fight large mammals…
Gate, Golden Kamuy, Ikebukuro West Gate Park, Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

East Meets West #8: Konosuba .vs. South Park
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Staying in a Lodge Surrounded by Wild Deer in Nara Park
A mob of wild deer come to greet me as I exit my lodge. Continuing on from my expedition to two of Nara’s most aesthetic temples, I next…

Manhwa Review | The Pain in My Neck by Face Park
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Gate 7 (Volume 1) by CLAMP
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A Magical Girl Retires, by Park Seolyeon
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East Meets West #2: Steins;Gate .vs. Back To The Future
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Getting Seduced by a Brain Eating Parasite – Parasite in Love Playthrough
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Getting Scared Shitless by Boards of Canada
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Episode 557, "Hanzo Getting Hit By Football"
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Episode 557, "Hanzo Getting Hit By Football"
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Episode 557, "Hanzo Getting Hit By Football"
On this week's episode of The One Piece Podcast we have hosts Zach, Ed, Steve and Alex with special guests Daniel Dockery (Editor & Writer for Crunchyroll and…
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Park Chanwook: Park Chanwook’s shorts
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★★★★ Have you ever wondered what would happen if those hordes of evildoers in isekai worlds, with their swords and arrows and armor and forced evil laughter, were…

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We’re Getting More Otome Games!! Olympia Soiree, Dairoku: Ayakashimori, and Variable Barricade coming to the West in 2021
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Why Is Ikebukuro Disliked?
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Steins;Gate: A Lesson in Disappointment
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GUNJO, by Nakamura Ching Getting a Movie on Netflix!
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